< Mapisarema 90 >
1 Munyengetero waMozisi munhu waMwari. Jehovha, imi makava ugaro hwedu kuzvizvarwa zvose.
BOOK FOURTH: “A prayer of Moses the man of God.” Lord, a place of refuge hast thou been unto us in all generations.
2 Makomo asati azvarwa uye musati mabudisa nyika nepasi rose, kubva pakusingaperi kusvikira pakusingaperi muri Mwari.
Before yet the mountains were brought forth, or thou hadst ever produced the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
3 Munodzosera vanhu kuguruva zvakare, muchiti, “Dzokerai kuguruva, imi vanakomana vavanhu.”
Thou turnest man to contrition, and sayest, Return ye children of men.
4 Nokuti pamberi penyu makore chiuru akangofanana nezuva richangopfuura, kana senguva yokurinda usiku.
For a thousand years are in thy eyes but as the yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
5 Munokukura vanhu pakuvata kworufu; vakaita sebundo idzva ramangwanani,
Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning [they grow] like the grass which changeth.
6 kunyange richimera riri idzva mangwanani, nenguva yamadekwana rinenge raoma uye rasvava.
In the morning it blossometh, and is changed: in the evening it is mowed off, and withereth.
7 Tapera nokutsamwa kwenyu uye tinovhundutswa nehasha dzenyu.
For [thus] are we consumed by thy anger, and by thy fury are we terrified.
8 Makaisa zvakaipa zvedu pamberi penyu, makaisa zvivi zvedu zvakavanzika muchiedza chokuvapo kwenyu.
Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our concealed sins before the light of thy countenance.
9 Mazuva edu ose anopfuura napasi pehasha dzenyu; tinopedza makore edu nokuchema.
For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we consume our years like a word that is spoken.
10 Uwandu hwamazuva edu hunosvika makore makumi manomwe, kana makumi masere, kana tiine simba; kunyange zvakadaro uwandu hwawo hunongova nhamo nokusuwa, nokuti anokurumidza kupfuura, uye isu tobhururuka toenda.
The days of our years in this life are seventy years; and if by uncommon vigor they be eighty, yet is their greatness trouble and mishap; for it soon hasteneth off, and we fly away.
11 Ndianiko anoziva simba rokutsamwa kwenyu? Nokuti hasha dzenyu dzakakura sokutyiwa kwakakufanirai imi.
Who knoweth the strength of thy anger, and thy wrath which is like the fear of thee?
12 Tidzidzisei kuverenga mazuva edu zvakanaka, kuti tiwane mwoyo wouchenjeri.
Let us then know how to number our days, that we may obtain a heart endowed with wisdom.
13 Dzokai, imi Jehovha! Zvichadaro kusvikira riniko? Ivai netsitsi pamusoro pavaranda venyu.
Return, O Lord, how long yet? and bethink thee concerning thy servants.
14 Tigutsei mangwanani norudo rwenyu rusingaperi, kuti tigoimba nomufaro tigofara mazuva edu ose.
O satisfy us in the morning with thy kindness, that we may be glad and rejoice throughout all our days.
15 Tifadzei zvinoenzana namazuva amakatitambudza, samakore mazhinji atakaona nhamo.
Cause us to rejoice as many days as those wherein thou hast afflicted us, the years wherein we have seen unhappiness.
16 Mabasa enyu ngaaratidzwe kuvaranda venyu, nokubwinya kwenyu kuvana vavo.
Let thy act be visible on thy servants, and thy majesty over their children.
17 Nyasha dzaIshe Mwari wedu ngadzive pamusoro pedu; tisimbisirei mabasa amaoko edu, hongu, simbisai basa ramaoko edu.
And may the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and the work of our hands do thou firmly establish upon us: yea, the work of our hands—firmly establish thou it.