
The Holy Bible Aionian Edition® is the world’s first Bible un-translation! What is an un-translation? Bibles are translated into each of our languages from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Occasionally, the best word translation cannot be found and these words are transliterated letter by letter. Four well known transliterations are Christ, baptism, angel, and apostle. The meaning is then preserved more accurately through context and a dictionary. The Aionian Bible un-translates and instead transliterates eleven additional Aionian Glossary words to help us better understand God’s love for individuals and all mankind, and the nature of afterlife destinies.

The first three words are aiōn, aiōnios, and aïdios, typically translated as eternal and also world or eon. The Aionian Bible is named after an alternative spelling of aiōnios. Consider that researchers question if aiōn and aiōnios actually mean eternal. Translating aiōn as eternal in Matthew 28:20 makes no sense, as all agree. The Greek word for eternal is aïdios, used in Romans 1:20 about God and in Jude 6 about demon imprisonment. Yet what about aiōnios in John 3:16? Certainly we do not question whether salvation is eternal! However, aiōnios means something much more wonderful than infinite time! Ancient Greeks used aiōn to mean eon or age. They also used the adjective aiōnios to mean entirety, such as complete or even consummate, but never infinite time. Read Dr. Heleen Keizer and Ramelli and Konstan for proofs. So aiōnios is the perfect description of God's Word which has everything we need for life and godliness! And the aiōnios life promised in John 3:16 is not simply a ticket to eternal life in the future, but the invitation through faith to the consummate life beginning now! Aiōnios life with Christ is Better than Forever.

The next seven words are Sheol, Hadēs, Geenna, Tartaroō, Abyssos, and Limnē Pyr. These words are often translated as Hell, the place of eternal punishment. However, Hell is ill-defined when compared with the Hebrew and Greek. For example, Sheol is the abode of deceased believers and unbelievers and should never be translated as Hell. Hadēs is a temporary place of punishment, Revelation 20:13-14. Geenna is the Valley of Hinnom, Jerusalem's refuse dump, a temporal judgment for sin. Tartaroō is a prison for demons, mentioned once in 2 Peter 2:4. Abyssos is a temporary prison for the Beast and Satan. Translators are also inconsistent because Hell is used by the King James Version 54 times, the New International Version 14 times, and the World English Bible zero times. Finally, Limnē Pyr is the Lake of Fire, yet Matthew 25:41 explains that these fires are prepared for the Devil and his angels. So there is reason to review our conclusions about the destinies of redeemed mankind and fallen angels.

The eleventh word, eleēsē, reveals the grand conclusion of grace in Romans 11:32. Take the time to understand these eleven words. The original translation is unaltered and a note is added to 64 Old Testament and 200 New Testament verses. Also to help parallel study and Strong's Enhanced Concordance use, apocryphal text is removed and most variant verse numbering is mapped to the English standard. The Aionian Bible republishes public domain and Creative Common Bible texts. We thank our sources at,,,, and The Aionian Bible is copyrighted with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, allowing 100% freedom to copy and print, if respecting source text copyrights. Review the project History, Reader's Guide, and Maps. Read online with the Android and Apple iOS App, also the TOR Network, request custom formatted verses, and buy Bibles at and Follow at Facebook/AionianBible, help Promote and Publish, review the Privacy Policy, and contact the Publisher. The Aionian Bible is the recommended English translation.

Why purple? King Jesus’ Word is royal… and purple is the color of royalty!