< Luke 11 >

1 And it was don, whanne he was preiynge in a place, as he ceesside, oon of hise disciplis seide to hym, Lord, teche vs to preye, as Joon tauyte hise disciplis.
Nabumbi busuba Yesu walikapaila kumusena umo. Mpwalapwisha, umo weshikwiya wakendi wamwambileti, “Mwami, kamutwiyishani kupaila mbuli Yohane ncalaisha beshikwiya bakendi.”
2 And he seide to hem, Whanne ye preien, seie ye, Fadir, halewid be thi name. Thi kyngdom come to.
Yesu walabambileti, “Pakupaila kamwambangeti, “Ta, lilemekwe lina lyenu lyaswepa, Bwami bwenu bwise.
3 Yyue `to vs to dai oure ech daies breed.
Mutupenga byakulya bilayandikinga lelo, kayi ne masuba onse.
4 And foryyue to vs oure synnes, as we foryyuen to ech man that owith to vs. And lede vs not in to temptacioun.
Mutulekelele bwipishi bwetu mbuli ncotukute kulekelela bantu beshikutwipishila, Kamutatutwala mumasunko.”
5 And he seide to hem, Who of you schal haue a freend, and schal go to hym at mydnyyt, and schal seie to hym, Freend, leene to me thre looues;
Lino walabambileti, Nomba na umbi popele pano uya kung'anda yamunendi pakati pamashiku nekwambeti, Mwana, kombwelekako shinkwa utatu,
6 for my freend cometh to me fro the weie, and Y haue not what Y schal sette bifor hym.
pakwinga ndapolelwa mwensu uli pabulwendo. Lino ndiya cakumupa kwambeti alye!
7 And he with ynforth answere and seie, Nyle thou be heuy to me; the dore is now schit, and my children ben with me in bed; Y may not rise, and yyue to thee.
Lino munobe akumbwila mukati eti, utanshupa! Kucishinga tulacalako kendi kayi ame nebana bakame tulono kendi. Nkandelela kupunduka kwambeti nkupe shinkwa.
8 And if he schal dwelle stil knockynge, Y seie to you, thouy he schal not rise, and yyue to him, for that that he is his freend, netheles for his contynuel axyng he schal ryse, and yyue to hym, as many as he hath nede to.
Ndamwambilingeti, nakapunduke nekumupa, kwakubula kwambeti nimunendi nsombi pakwinga lakakatili kumusenga. Nakamupe byonse mbyabula.
9 And Y seie to you, axe ye, and it schal be youun to you; seke ye, and ye schulen fynde; knocke ye, and it schal be openyd to you.
Weco ndamwambilinga, kamusengani nimukapewe, kamulangolani nimukacane kayi kamukonkoshani nibakamucalilwe.
10 For ech that axith, takith, and he that sekith, fyndith; and to a man that knockith, it schal be openyd.
“Pakwinga uyo weshi kusenga ukute kupewa, ne uyo weshi kulangola ukute kucana neye weshi kukonkosha nibakamucalwile.
11 Therfor who of you axith his fadir breed, whether he schal yyue hym a stoon? or if he axith fisch, whether he schal yyue hym a serpent for the fisch?
lino niyani mushali pakati penu, na mwanendi umusenga inswi, sena ngomupa injoka?
12 or if he axe an eye, whether he schal a reche hym a scorpioun?
Nambi amusenga liyi, sena ngomupa kapilili?
13 Therfor if ye, whanne ye ben yuel, kunnen yyue good yiftis to youre children, hou myche more youre fadir of heuene schal yyue a good spirit to men that axith him.
Nomba amwe, mobantu baipa, mukute kupa bana benu byaina, nomba bata ba kwilu ngabalilweconi kupa Mushimu Uswepa kuli abo balamusengenga?”
14 And Jhesus was castynge out a feend, and he was doumbe. And whanne he hadde cast out the feend, the doumbe man spak; and the puple wondride.
Yesu walikafunya mushimu waipa walikukanisha muntuyo kwamba. Mushimu uyo mpowalafumamo, muntuyo walatatika kwamba. Neco bantu bonse balikubapo balakankamana.
15 And sum of hem seiden, In Belsabub, prince of deuelis, he castith out deuelis.
Nsombi bambi balambeti, “Ukute kufunya mishimu yaipa pakwinga Belezebulu emwami wa mishimu yaipa, eukute kumupa ngofu.”
16 And othir temptinge axiden of hym a tokene fro heuene.
Cindi copeleco bambi balelesha kusunka Yesu eti ababoneshe cikankamanisho ceshi cifuma kwilu.
17 And as he saiy the thouytis of hem, he seide to hem, Euery rewme departid ayens it silf, schal be desolat, and an hous schal falle on an hous.
Nsombi Yesu walenshiba miyeyo yabo, Lino walabambileti, “Bulelo bonse bwabukilana ne kutatika kulwana, bulelo ubo bukute kumwaika. Na bantu ba mukowa umo babukilana, mukowa uwo ngomwaika.
18 And if Sathanas be departid ayens hym silf, hou schal his rewme stonde? For ye seien, that Y caste out feendis in Belsabub.
Nomba na bwami bwa Satana bubukilana, nomba bwami ubo ngabuyuma econi? Amwe mulambangeti, nkute kupulisha mishimu yaipa ne ngofu sha Belezebulu.
19 And if Y in Belsabub caste out fendis, in whom casten out youre sones? Therfor thei schulen be youre domesmen.
Lino na ame ndapulishinga mishimu yaipa mbuli ncobalenshinga beshikwiya benu, nomba ame ngamung'ambeconi eti ndapulishinga mishimu yaipa ne ngofu sha Belezebulu, nomba beshikwiya benu balapulishinga mishimu yaipa nengofu shabani? Palico beshikwiya benu nibakamulesheti mwalubila.
20 But if Y caste out fendis in the fyngir of God, thanne the rewme of God is comun among you.
Nsombi na ame nkute kupulisha mishimu yaipa mungofu sha Lesa, ekwambeti Bwami bwa Lesa buli pakati penu.”
21 Whanne a strong armed man kepith his hous, alle thingis that he weldith ben in pees.
Na muntu wangofu kalangilila ng'anda yakendi ne byensho, buboni bwakendi nkabwela kwibwapo.
22 But if a stronger than he come vpon hym, and ouercome hym, he schal take awei al his armere, in which he tristide, and schal dele abrood his robries.
Nsombi umbi wapitapo ngofu na lesa, nekumukoma, ukute kumanta bibya byakendi byonse mbyacinkilamo ne kuyabanya buboni mbwalebila bantu.
23 He that is not with me, is ayens me; and he that gederith not togidir with me, scaterith abrood.
“Muntu uliyense labulunga kwikatishana nenjame nimulwani wakame, uyo labulunga kunyamfwa kubunganisha mbelele, nendi niweshi kupalanganya.”
24 Whanne an vnclene spirit goith out of a man, he wandrith bi drie placis, and sekith reste; and he fyndynge not, seith, Y schal turne ayen in to myn hous, fro whannes Y cam out.
“Na mushimu waipa ulafumu mumuntu, ukute kuya mumalundu a kuyandaula kwakupumwinina. Nakulabulu kucanika, ukute kwambeti, nimbwelele mung'anda yakame mondalafuma.
25 And whanne he cometh, he fyndith it clansid with besyms, and fayre arayed.
Lino na ulabwelele ukute kucana ng'anda iyo yaswepa cena.
26 Thanne he goith, and takith with hym seuene othere spirits worse than hym silf, and thei entren, and dwellen there. And the laste thingis of that man ben maad worse than the formere.
Lino ukute kuletelapo imbi isanu ne ibili yapitapo pali nayo, kwambeti bengile nekwikala mumuntu uyo. Neco bwikalo bwamuntu uyo bukute kwipa kupita bwakutanguna.”
27 And it was don, whanne he hadde seid these thingis, a womman of the cumpanye reride hir vois, and seide to hym, Blessid be the wombe that bare thee, and blessid be the tetis that thou hast soken.
Yesu mpwalapwisha kwambeco mutukashi umbi mulikoto walolobesheti, walelekwa mutukashi walakusema nekukuyamwisha.
28 And he seide, But yhe blessid be thei, that heren the word of God, and kepen it.
Lino Yesu walakumbuleti, “bakute colwe abo balanyumfunga Maswi a Lesa ne kwinsa ncalambanga!”
29 And whanne the puple runnen togidere, he bigan to seie, This generacioun is a weiward generacioun; it sekith a token, and a tokene schal not be youun to it, but the tokene of Jonas, the profete.
Bantu mpobalikuya kufula, Yesu walatatika kwambeti, “Bantu bacino cindi baipa, bakute kuyanda kubona cingashilo cishikufuma kwilu, lino nteshibakacibonepo cingashilo ico, nsombi ca mushinshimi Yona.
30 For as Jonas was a tokene to men of Nynyue, so mannus sone schal be to this generacioun.
Mbuli Yona ncalikuba cingashilo ku Ninive, neye Mwana Muntu nakabe cingashilo capewa kubantu ba cino cindi.
31 The queen of the south schal rise in doom with men of this generacioun, and schal condempne hem; for sche cam fro the endis of the erthe, for to here the wisdom of Salomon, and lo! here is a gretter than Salomon.
Pabusuba bwakubeteka mwami mutukashi wa kumbonshi kwa cishi ca Sheba nakamutoteke pakwinga walafuma kwakuma cishi kwisa akunyumfwa mano a Solomoni. Kamubonani pano mpwali wapita Solomoni
32 Men of Nynyue schulen rise in doom with this generacioun, and schulen condempne it; for thei diden penaunce in the prechyng of Jonas, and lo! here is a gretter than Jonas.
Pabusuba bwakubetekwa, bantu baku Ninive nibakapunduke pamo ne bantu bamusemano uwu, nibakabatoteke. Pakwinga balo balasanduka kufuma kubwipishi, mpwalabakambaukila Yona. Lino mpwali pano wapita Yona.”
33 No man tendith a lanterne, and puttith in hidils, nether vndur a buyschel, but on a candilstike, that thei that goen in, se liyt.
“Kuliya muntu wela kumunika lampi ne kwisoleka nambi kwifwekelela ne nongo, nsombi ukute kwibika pelu kwambeti imunikile bonse balengilinga mung'anda.
34 The lanterne of thi bodi is thin iye; if thin iye be symple, al thi bodi schal be liyti; but if it be weyward, al thi bodi schal be derkful.
Menso enu emumuni wa mubili wenu. Na menso enu ali cena. Ne mubili wonse ukute kuba mu mumuni. Nsombi na menso enu abula kuba cena, mubili wonse ukute kuba mumunshinshe.
35 Therfor se thou, lest the liyt that is in thee, be derknessis.
Lino kamucenjelani kwambeti mumuni uli muli njamwe utaba mushinshe.
36 Therfor if al thi bodi be briyt, and haue no part of derknessis, it schal be al briyt, and as a lanterne of briytnesse it schal yyue liyt to thee.
Neco na mubili wonse kauli mumuni kwakubula mushinshe, mubili wonse ukutekuba mumuni mbuli lampi lilakumunikilinga.”
37 And whanne he spak, a Farisee preiede him, that he schulde ete with hym. And he entride, and sat to the meete.
Yesu mpwalapwisha kwamba, Mufalisi walamukuwa eti alye nendiye. Neco Yesu walaya mung'anda nekwikala kwambeti kulya.
38 And the Farisee bigan to seie, gessynge with ynne hym silf, whi he was not waschen bifor mete.
Mufalisi uyo walakankamana mpwalaboneti Yesu latatiki kulya katana asamba kumakasa kwelena ne myambo yabo.
39 And the Lord seide to hym, Now ye Farisees clensen that that is with outenforth of the cuppe and the plater; but that thing that is with ynne of you, is ful of raueyn and wickidnesse.
Popelapo Mwami Yesu walamwambileti, “Lino amwe Bafalisi mukute kusuka kunsa kwambale nenkomeshi, nsombi mumyoyo yenu mwesula kulisuna ne nebukapondo.
40 Foolis, whether he that made that that is withoutenforth, made not also that that is with ynne?
Amwe mobantu baluya! Sena Lesa walalenga byakunsa ntendiye walalenga ne byamukati?
41 Netheles that that is ouer plus, yyue ye almes, and lo! alle thingis ben cleene to you.
Pakupa bapenga, mubapenga bintu ibyo bili mukati munkomeshi ne mumbale, Lino byonse bintu byenu nibikabe byaswepa.”
42 But wo to you, Farisees, that tithen mynte, and rue, and ech eerbe, and leeuen doom and the charite of God. For it bihofte to do these thingis, and not leeue tho.
“Mapensho, kuli amwe Bafalisi! Pakwinga mulabikilinga mano kwambeti mupe Lesa ca likumi pa tuntu tungana tungangana tweshikulengesha kwambeti buchisa bununkile cena. Nsombi nkamukute kwinshila bantu bintu byalulama nambi kusuna Lesa. Pakwinga bintu ibi mwelela kubinsa, kwakubula kusula nabimbi ibyo.”
43 Wo to you, Farisees, that louen the firste chaieris in synagogis, and salutaciouns in chepyng.
“Mapensho nakabe pali njamwe Bafalisi! Pakwinga mukute kusala bipuna byabulemu mumanda akupaililamo, ne kusuna kupewa mitende yabulemu mumisena yakulishilamo.”
44 Wo to you, that ben as sepulcris, that ben not seyn, and men walkynge aboue witen not.
“Mapensho nakabe pali njamwe bafalisi, pakwinga mulyeti manda ataboneke ngobakute kulyatapo cakubula kwinshiba.”
45 But oon of the wise men of the lawe answeride, and seide to hym, Maystir, thou seiynge these thingis, also to vs doist dispit.
Lino shikwiyisha Milawo umbi walakumbuleti, “Amwe mobeshikwiyisha pakwambeco nenjafwe mulatusampulunga.”
46 And he seide, Also wo to you, wise men of lawe, for ye chargen men with birthuns which thei moun not bere, and ye you silf with youre o fyngur touchen not the heuynessis.
Yesu walambeti mapensho kuli abo beshikwiyisha Milawo pakwinga mukute kupa bantu mikuli yalema, nsombi amwe mobene nkamukumyuko nambi pang'ana.
47 Wo to you, that bilden toumbis of profetis; and youre fadris slowen hem.
Mapensho nakbe pali njamwe, pakwinga mukute kwibaka byumbwe byaina byabashinshimi, kakuli bamashali benu ebalashina bashinshimi.
48 Treuli ye witnessen, that ye consenten to the werkis of youre fadris; for thei slowen hem, but ye bilden her sepulcris.
Lino ekwambeti ico calensa bamashali benu cilaleshengeti mukute kucisuminisha kwambeti balo balashina bashinshimi amwe mwalebaka byumbwe.
49 Therfor the wisdom of God seide, Y schal sende to hem profetis and apostlis, and of hem thei schulen sle and pursue,
Weco Lesa mu mano akendi walambeti, ninkabatume bashinshimi ne batumwa, Lino nabambi pakati pabo nibakabashine kayi nabambi nibakabapenshewe.
50 that the blood of alle prophetis, that was sched fro the making of the world, be souyt of this generacioun;
Nomba bantu bacino cindi nibakapewe mulandu wa bashinshimi bonse balashinwa kufuma kumatatikilo a cishi capanshi,
51 fro the blood of the iust Abel to the blood of Zacharie, that was slayn bitwixe the auter and the hous. So Y seie to you, it schal be souyt of this generacioun.
Kutatikila kukushinwa kwa Abelo kushikila kukushinwa kwa Sakaliya, uyo walashinwa pakati pa cipaililo kayi ne Musena Uswepa wa Ng'anda yakendi Lesa. Ndamwambilingeti bantu ba musemano uwu nibakapewe mulandu palibi byonse.
52 Wo to you, wise men of the lawe, for ye han takun awei the keye of kunnyng; and ye yow silf entriden not, and ye han forbeden hem that entriden.
“Malele kuli abo beshikwiyisha milawo! Mwalamanta maki akucalwila bantu bamano. Amwe mobene muliya kwingila, mwalakanisha abo balikuyanda kwingila.”
53 And whanne he seide these thingis to hem, the Farisees and wise men of lawe bigunnen greuousli to ayenstonde, and stoppe his mouth of many thingis,
Yesu mpwalafuma mung'anda umo, beshikwiyisha Milawo kayi ne Bafalisi balatatika kumutongokila ne kumwipusha mipusho ingi yapusana pusana.
54 aspiynge hym, and sekynge to take sum thing of his mouth, to accuse hym.
Balikuyanda kumucaninapo mulandu mumyambo yakendi.

< Luke 11 >