< John 1 >

1 In the bigynnyng was the word, and the word was at God, and God was the word.
Pakutatika, kakuli kwabula bintu byonse kwalikuba Liswi, Liswi ili lyalikuba kuli Lesa. Kayi Liswi ili lyalikuba Lesa.
2 This was in the bigynnyng at God.
Liswi ili lyalikuba ne Lesa cindi conse.
3 Alle thingis weren maad bi hym, and withouten hym was maad no thing, that thing that was maad.
Byonse byalabako kupitila mulyendiye, kayi kuliyawa cintu calabako kwabula endiye.
4 In hym was lijf, and the lijf was the liyt of men; and the liyt schyneth in derknessis,
Mulyendiye mwalikuba buyumi, kayi buyumi ubo ebwalikuba cinyina ca mumuni kubantu.
5 and derknessis comprehendiden not it.
Mumuni uwu ulamunikinga mumushinshe, kayi mushinshe nkawalacikonsha kushima mumuni.
6 A man was sent fro God, to whom the name was Joon.
Neco Lesa walatuma muntu naumbi, lina lyakendi walikuba Yohane.
7 This man cam in to witnessyng, that he schulde bere witnessing of the liyt, that alle men schulden bileue bi hym.
Nendi uyu walesa kwinshila bukamboni, nekwambila bantu sha mumuni usa, kwambeti bantu bonse banyumfwe nekushoma.
8 He was not the liyt, but that he schulde bere witnessing of the liyt.
Nteko kwambeti nendi walikuba mumuni, nsombi walesa kuba kamboni wa mumuni.
9 There was a very liyt, which liytneth ech man that cometh in to this world.
Mumuni wancine ncine, weshi kumunikila bantu bonse, walesa pacishi capanshi.
10 He was in the world, and the world was maad bi hym, and the world knew hym not.
Yesu walikuba pacishi capanshi, nomba bantu bapacishi capanshi baliya kumwinshiba, nambi Lesa walalenga bintu byonse kupitila mulyendiye.
11 He cam in to his owne thingis, and hise resseyueden hym not.
Walesa kubantu bamushobo wakendi, nomba bantu bakendi baliya kumutambula.
12 But hou many euer resseyueden hym, he yaf to hem power to be maad the sones of God, to hem that bileueden in his name; the whiche not of bloodis,
Necikabeco nabambi balamutambula nekushoma lina lyakendi, kayi bopelaba walabapa ngofu shakuba bana ba Lesa
13 nether of the wille of fleische, nether of the wille of man, but ben borun of God.
Neco Kuba bana ba Lesa kuliya kufuma mukusemwa kwabo, nambi mu kuyanda kwa mubili, nambi kwanda kwa muntu sobwe, sombi kwalafuma kuli Lesa.
14 And the word was maad man, and dwellyde among vs, and we han seyn the glorie of hym, as the glorie of the `oon bigetun sone of the fadir, ful of grace and of treuthe.
Lino Liswi lyalasanduka muntu, nekwisa kwikala pamo nenjafwe. Walikuba ne nkumbo kayi ne cancine ncine. Kayi twalabona bulemu bwakendi, bulemu mbwalatambula kuBaishi.
15 Joon berith witnessyng of hym, and crieth, and seith, This is, whom Y seide, He that schal come aftir me, is maad bifore me, for he was tofor me;
Yohane walamubela bukamboni. Walikwambila bantu mwangofu kwambeti, “Uyu engondalikwambeti, kuli lesanga panyuma pakame wampita, pakwinga nkantana nsemwa, nendi walikubapo.”
16 and of the plente of hym we alle han takun, and grace for grace.
Weco kupitila munkumbo shakendi shesula twense twalalelekwa mwakupwililila, kulelekwa kwakonkana konkana.
17 For the lawe was youun bi Moises; but grace and treuthe `is maad bi Jhesu Crist.
Lesa walatupa Milawo kupitila muli Mose, nomba inkumbo nekushomeka kwalesa kupitila muli Yesu.
18 No man sai euer God, no but the `oon bigetun sone, that is in the bosum of the fadir, he hath teld out.
kuliya muntu walamubonapo Lesa. Nsombi umo enka Lesa usa, wekala pamo neBaishi, ewalamuyubulula.
19 And this is the witnessyng of Joon, whanne Jewis senten fro Jerusalem prestis and dekenes to hym, that thei schulden axe hym, Who art thou?
Lino ubu ebukamboni mbwalapa Yohane kubamakulene baBayuda baku Yelusalemu balatuma beshimilumbo neba Levi nabambi kuyakwipusha Yohane, balamwipusheti “Njobe bani?”
20 He knoulechide, and denyede not, and he knoulechide, For Y am not Crist.
Nendi walasumina cancine ncine nekubakumbula mwakubula kusoleka, “Ame ntame Mupulushi Walaiwa usa sobwe.”
21 And thei axiden hym, What thanne? Art thou Elie? And he seide, Y am not. Art thou a profete? And he answeride, Nay.
Balamwipusha kayi, “Nomba njobe Eliya?” Neye walambeti, “Sobwe, ntame Eliya.” Nabo balambeti, “Njobe Mushinshimi ngotulapembelelenga usa?” Neye Yohane walakumbuleti, “Sobwe ntame.”
22 Therfor thei seiden to hym, Who art thou? that we yyue an answere to these that senten vs. What seist thou of thi silf?
Lino twambile cancine ncine, kwambeti twenga tubapandulwile cena balatutumu. Omwine ukute kwambeti njobe bani?
23 He seide, Y am a vois of a crier in deseert, Dresse ye the weie of the Lord, as Ysaie, the prophete, seide.
Yohane walabakumbuleti, mbuli mwalambila mushinshimi Yesaya, “Ame njame liswi lya muntu lolobeshenga mucinyika; Lambangeti, lulamikani nshila mwakupita Mwami.”
24 And thei that weren sent, weren of the Fariseis.
Lino basa bantu balatumwa ne Bafalisi,
25 And thei axiden hym, and seiden to hym, What thanne baptisist thou, if thou art not Crist, nether Elie, nether a profete?
balamwipusha Yohane, “Na ntobe Mupulushi Walaiwa usa, nambi Eliya, nambi Mushinshimi ngotulapembelelenga usa, nomba nicani ulabatishinga bantu?”
26 Joon answeride to hem, and seide, Y baptise in watir, but in the myddil of you hath stonde oon, that ye knowen not;
Yohane walabakumbuleti, “Ame ndababatishinga ne menshi nsombi pakati penu apa pali umbi ngomutenshi.
27 he it is, that schal come aftir me, that was maad bifor me, of whom Y am not worthi to louse the thwong of his schoo.
Nendi uyu lesanga panyuma pakame, nkandelela nekuba musha wakendi wela kusungulula ntambo sha nkwabilo shakendi.”
28 These thingis weren don in Bethanye biyende Jordan, where Joon was baptisyng.
Bintu ibi byalenshikila ku Betaniya, kutala lwa kucwe kwa mulonga waYolodani, uko Yohane nkwali kubatisha.
29 Anothir day Joon say Jhesu comynge to hym, and he seide, Lo! the lomb of God; lo! he that doith awei the synnes of the world.
Mumene mene Yohane walabona Yesu kesa kulyendiye, lino walambeti, “Kamubonani Mwana Mbelele wa Lesa, weshikufunya bwipishi bwapacishi capanshi!
30 This is he, that Y seide of, Aftir me is comun a man, which was maad bifor me; for he was rather than Y.
Uyu endiye usa ngondalikwambeti, ‘Panyuma pakame palesanga muntu wampita, pakwinga ame nkantanansemwa nendi walikubako.’
31 And Y knew hym not, but that he be schewid in Israel, therfor Y cam baptisynge in watir.
Nenjame nkandimwinshi, nomba ndalesa akubatisha ne menshi kwambeti Baislaeli bamwishibe.”
32 And Joon bar witnessyng, and seide, That Y saiy the spirit comynge doun as a culuer fro heuene, and dwellide on hym.
Kayi Yohane walamwinshila bukamboni, pakwambeti, “Ndalabona Mushimu Uswepa kauseluka kwilu walikuboneketi nkulimba, walesa kwikala pali endiye.
33 And Y knew hym not; but he that sente me to baptise in watir, seide to me, On whom thou seest the Spirit comynge doun, and dwellynge on hym, this is he, that baptisith in the Hooli Goost.
Ame nkandali kumwinshiba, nsombi Lesa walantuma kwisa akubatisha ne menshi ewanjishibisha kwambeti, ‘Nubone Mushimu Uswepa wesanga kwikala palyendiye, epeloyo eshi kubatisha ne Mushimu Uswepa.’”
34 And Y say, and bar witnessyng, that this is the sone of God.
Ame ndalabibona, kayi ndamwambilingeti, “Epele uyu Emwana waLesa.”
35 Anothir dai Joon stood, and tweyne of hise disciplis;
Mumene mene busuba bwalakonkapo Yohane walikuba pamusena popelapo pamo ne beshikwiya bambi babili.
36 and he biheeld Jhesu walkinge, and seith, Lo! the lomb of God.
Mpwalabona Yesu kapita, walambeti, “Kamubonani Mwana mbelele wa Lesa!”
37 And twei disciplis herden hym spekynge,
Beshikwiya babili basa mpobalanyumfwa maswi alico, balamukonka Yesu.
38 and folewiden Jhesu. And Jhesu turnede, and say hem suynge hym, and seith to hem, What seken ye? And thei seiden to hym, Rabi, that is to seie, Maistir, where dwellist thou?
Yesu mpwalacebuka ne kuboneti balamukonkelenga, walabepusheti, “Nomba mulayandanga cani?” Nabo balambeti, “Tulayandanga kwinshiba mukute kwikala kupeyo, Labi? Bupandulushi bwa Labi nikwambeti, shikwiyisha.”
39 And he seith to hem, Come ye, and se. And thei camen, and sayn where he dwellide; and dwelten with hym that dai. And it was as the tenthe our.
Yesu walakumbuleti “Tiyeni mwenga mukubone.” Nabo balaya nendi. Nomba cindi calikuba mu ma 4 koloko mansailo mpobalayakubona nkwalikwikala, balekala kopeloko ubo busuba.
40 And Andrewe, the brother of Symount Petir, was oon of the tweyne, that herden of Joon, and hadden sued hym.
Umo pali basa babili walanyumfwa maswi a Yohane ne kumukonka Yesu, walikuba Ndileya mukwabo Shimoni Petulo.
41 This foond first his brother Symount, and he seide to him, We han foundun Messias, that is to seie, Crist; and he ledde him to Jhesu.
Mpwalamucana shimoni mukwabo, walamwambileti, “Tulamucana Klistu, Mupulushi Walaiwa.”
42 And Jhesus bihelde hym, and seide, Thou art Symount, the sone of Johanna; thou schalt be clepid Cefas, that is to seie, Petre.
Neco walamumanta ne kuya nendi kuli Yesu. Yesu mpwalamulangishisha walambeti, “Njobe Shimoni, mwanendi Yohane, nomba lino Lina lyakobe nube Kefa.” Bupandulushi bwa maina Kefa ne Petulo, alambangeti libwe.
43 And on the morewe he wolde go out in to Galilee, and he foond Filip; and he seith to hym, Sue thou me.
Mpobwalaca Yesu walayeya shakuya ku Galileya. Walacana Filipo, ne kumwambileti, “Unkonke.”
44 Filip was of Bethsaida, the citee of Andrew and of Petre.
Filipo walikuba waku munshi wa Betsaida, kucomwabo Ndileya ne Petulo.
45 Filip foond Nathanael, and seide to hym, We han foundun Jhesu, the sone of Joseph, of Nazareth, whom Moyses wroot in the lawe and profetis.
Filipo walacana Nataniyele ne kumwambileti, “Tulamucana usa Mose ngwalalemba sha endiye mulibuku lya Milawo, usa bashinshimi ngobalalemba sha endiye. Yesu Mwana waYosefe, waku Nasaleti.”
46 And Nathanael seide to hym, Of Nazareth may sum good thing be?
Nomba Nataniyele walamwipusheti, “Sena kuNasaleti ngakufuma kantu kayina?” Filipo walakumbuleti, “Tiye ulibonene wenka.”
47 Filip seide to hym, Come, and se. Jhesus siy Nathanael comynge to hym, and seide to hym, Lo! verili a man of Israel, in whom is no gile.
Yesu mpwalamubona Nataniyele nkesa, walambeti, “Cakubinga uyu emwana mwine mwine waku Islayele wabula bundengamano.”
48 Nathanael seide to hym, Wherof hast thou knowun me? Jhesus `answerde, and seide to hym, Bifor that Filip clepide thee, whanne thou were vndur the fige tree, Y saiy thee. Nathanael answerde to hym,
Nataniyele walamwipusheti, “Mulanjishibi aconi?” Yesu walakumbuleti, “Pasa mpowanga wekala mwinshi mwacitondo camukuyu, Filipo katana akukuwa, ame ndalakubona.”
49 `and seide, Rabi, thou art the sone of God, thou art kyng of Israel.
Nataniyele walambeti, “Bashikwiyisha, cakubinga njamwe Mwana Lesa, njamwe Mwami wa Islayele.”
50 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hym, For Y seide to thee, Y sawy thee vndur the fige tre, thou bileuest; thou schalt se more than these thingis.
Yesu walamukumbuleti, “Sena ulashomo pakwinga ndakwambilyeti ndalakubona mwinshi mwa citondo camukuyu. Nomba nubone byapita apa.”
51 And he seide to hem, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, ye schulen se heuene opened, and the aungels of God stiynge vp and comynge doun on mannys sone.
Kayi walambeti, “Lino cancine ncine ndakwambilingeti nukabone kwilu kwacaluka, nukabone bangelo ba Lesa nkabatanta kayi kabaseluka kwisa kuli Mwana Muntu.”

< John 1 >