< Luke 10 >

1 And aftir these thingis the Lord Jhesu ordeynede also othir seuenti and tweyn, and sente hem bi tweyn and tweyn bifor his face in to euery citee and place, whidir he was to come.
Panyuma pakendi Mwami Yesu walasala bambi batuloba makumi asanu ne abili ne bantu babili ne kubatuma nanshi kuntangu kuya muminshi ne misena yonse nkwalikuyanda kuyako.
2 And he seide to hem, There is myche ripe corn, and fewe werke men; therfor preie ye the lord of the ripe corn, that he sende werke men in to his ripe corn.
Kufumapo walabambileti, “Kutebula kulafulu, lino beshikutebula balacepe. Lino sengani kuli mwine libala kwambeti atume bambi basebenshi beshikutebula.”
3 Go ye, lo! Y sende you as lambren among wolues.
Kamuyani, nomba ndamutumunga mbuli bana bambelele pakati pabaumpe.
4 Therfor nyle ye bere a sachel, nethir scrippe, nethir schoon, and greete ye no man bi the weie.
Mutamanta mpotomona ya mali, cola nambi nkwabilo. Mutataya cindi ca kupana mutende ne bantu munshila.
5 In to what hous that ye entren, first seie ye, Pees to this hous.
Mung'anda muli monse momulengili mutangune kwambeti, Mube lumuno mung'anda muno.
6 And if a sone of pees be there, youre pees schal reste on hym; but if noon, it schal turne ayen to you.
Na mung'anda umo muli muntu layandanga lumuno, lumuno ulo nilukabe kuli endiye. Nsombi na muliya muntu wa mushoboyo, ekwambeti lumuno nilukabwelele kuli njamwe.
7 And dwelle ye in the same hous, etynge and drynkynge tho thingis that ben at hem; for a werk man is worthi his hire. Nyle ye passe from hous in to hous.
Mwakekala mung'anda yopeleyo kayi mukalye ne kunwa byonse byoti bakamupe pakwinga musebenshi uliwonse ukute kutambula malipilo akendi. Mutafumanga nkomulashikili nekuya kumanda ambi.
8 And in to what euer citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you, ete ye tho thingis that ben set to you;
Mwashika mumushi mweshi bakamutambule mukalye byonse mbyeti bakamupe.
9 and heele ye the sijke men that ben in that citee. And seie ye to hem, The kyngdom of God schal neiye in to you.
Mukasengule bantu balwashi mumunshi umo kayi nekubambila bantu eti, Bwami bwa Lesa bulesa pepi nenjamwe.
10 In to what citee ye entren, and thei resseyuen you not, go ye out in to the streetis of it,
Mwakashika mumunshi umbi bantu bakabule kumutambula, kamuyani munshila sha mumunshi uyo nekwambeti,
11 and seie ye, We wipen of ayens you the poudir that cleued to vs of youre citee; netheles wite ye this thing, that the rewme of God schal come nyy.
nambi lusuko lwamuminshi iyi lulamatila kumyendo yetu nikulupampa nekwambeti lube kamboni. Lino inshibani kwambeti Bwami bwalesa Lesa buli pepi!
12 Y seie to you, that to Sodom it schal be esiere than to that citee in that dai.
Ndamwambilinga cakubingeti pabusuba bwakubeteka, minshi iyo nikabe ne mulandu kupita munshi wa Sodomu!
13 Wo to thee, Corosayn; wo to thee, Bethsaida; for if in Tyre and Sidon the vertues hadden be don, whiche han be don in you, sum tyme thei wolden haue sete in heyre and asches, and haue don penaunce.
“Ukute malele, obe Kolasini ne Betisaida! Pakwinga kuli incito yangofu yalenshika muli amwe, ne yalenshika kuminshi ya Tulo ne Sidoni, bantu bakusa, ne balasanduka kendi kuleka bwipishi nekufwala masaka kayi nekulinanika milota, kubonesheti balatembenuku kuleka bwipishi.
14 Netheles to Tire and Sidon it schal be esiere in the doom than to you.
Ndamwambilinga cakubingeti pabusuba bwakubeteka Lesa nakamupeni mulandu unene kupita baku Tulo ne Sidoni.
15 And thou, Cafarnaum, art enhaunsid `til to heuene; thou schalt be drenchid `til in to helle. (Hadēs g86)
Nenjobe Kapelenawo, sena ulayeyengeti nibakakunyamune mpaka kwilu? Sobwe, nibakakuwale panshi pabusena bwa bafu!” (Hadēs g86)
16 He that herith you, herith me; and he that dispisith you, dispisith me; and he that dispisith me, dispisith hym that sente me.
Yesu walambila beshikwiya bakendi eti. “Uyo lanyumfwili amwe ekwambeti lanyumfwili ame, uyo weshi kukana ame lakana ne Bata balantuma.”
17 And the two and seuenti disciplis turneden ayen with ioye, and seiden, Lord, also deuelis ben suget to vs in thi name.
Bantu bali makumi asanu ne abili ne bantu babili balabwelako kabalibakondwa balambeti, “Mwami, Lino ne mishimu yaipa ilatunyumfwilinga twayambila mulina lyenu.”
18 And he seide to hem, Y saiy Sathnas fallynge doun fro heuene, as leit.
Yesu walabakumbuleti, “Ndamubona Satana nkalaka kwilu eti kubyasha kwamfula.
19 And lo! Y haue youun to you power to trede on serpentis, and on scorpyouns, and on al the vertu of the enemy, and nothing schal anoye you.
Lino kamunyufwani! Ndamupanga ngofu shakulyata injoka ne tupilili kayi ne kukoma ngofu shonse sha mulwani. Kuliya ceti cikamulinge.
20 Netheles nyle ye ioye on this thing, that spiritis ben suget to you; but ioye ye, that youre names ben writun in heuenes.
Nsombi mutakondwa kwambeti mishimu yaipa yamunyumfwilanga, nomba kondwani pakwinga mena enu alembwa kwilu.”
21 In thilk our he gladide in the Hooli Goost, and seide, Y knouleche to thee, fadir, Lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wise men and prudent, and hast schewid hem to smale children. Yhe, fadir, for so it pleside bifor thee.
Pacindico Yesu walakondwa mu Mushimu Uswepa. Lino walambeti, “Ndalumbu Ta, amwe mwine kwilu ne cishi ca panshi pakwinga mulayubululu kubantu babula kwiya bintu mbyomwalasoleka kubantu ba mano ne baiya. Cakubinga Ta, mwalayanda kwinsa kwelana nekuyanda kwenu.
22 Alle thingis ben youun to me of my fadir, and no man woot, who is the sone, but the fadir; and who is the fadir, but the sone, and to whom the sone wole schewe.
“Ba Ta balabika bintu byonse mumakasa akame. Kuliya muntu winshi mwana, nsombi ba Ta bonka. Kayi kuliya muntu winshi ba Ta, nsombi Mwana enka kayi ne abo Mwana mbwalasaleti abayubulwile.”
23 And he turnede to hise disciplis, and seide, Blessid ben the iyen, that seen tho thingis that ye seen.
Popelapo walalanga kuli beshikwiya bakendi nekubambila kulubasu eti, “Bakute colwe abo balabononga bintu ibi mbyomulabononga.
24 For Y seie to you, that many prophetis and kyngis wolden haue seie tho thingis, that ye seen, and thei sayn not; and here tho thingis, that ye heren, and thei herden not.
Ndamwambilingeti banshinshimi ne bami bangi bali kuyandishisha kubona mbyomulabononga, nomba baliya kubibonapo. Ni cakubinga bali kuyandishisha kunyumfwa bintu mbyomulayumfunga, nomba baliya kubinyumfwa.”
25 And lo! a wise man of the lawe ros vp, temptynge hym, and seiynge, Maister, what thing schal Y do to haue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
Popelapo kwalesa shikwiyisha Milawo kwambeti asunkwe Yesu ne kumwipusheti, “Amwe beshikwiyisha, nicani ncendela kwinsa kwambeti nkatambule buyumi butapu?” (aiōnios g166)
26 And he seide to hym, What is writun in the lawe? hou redist thou?
Yesu walamwipusheti, “Nomba mu Milawo mwalembwa cani? nomba mukute kubelengamo cani?”
27 He answeride, and seide, Thou schalt loue thi Lord God of al thin herte, and of al thi soule, and of alle thi strengthis, and of al thi mynde; and thi neiybore as thi silf.
Shikwiyisha Milawo walakumbuleti, “Suna Mwami Lesa wakobe ne moyo wakobe wonse, ne buyumi bwakobe bonse, nengofu shakobe shonse kayi ne miyeyo yakobe yonse, ‘Kayi kosuna munobe mbuli ncolisuni omwine.’”
28 And Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast answerid riytli; do this thing, and thou schalt lyue.
Yesu wamwambileti, “Ulakumbulu cena, uye winseco, nukabe ne buyumi butapu.”
29 But he willynge to iustifie hym silf, seide to Jhesu, And who is my neiybore?
Lino shikwiyisha pakuyanda kulibonesheti walulama, walepusha Yesu eti, “Nomba muname niyani?”
30 And Jhesu biheld, and seide, A man cam doun fro Jerusalem in to Jerico, and fel among theues, and thei robbiden hym, and woundiden hym, and wente awei, and leften the man half alyue.
Yesu walakumbuleti, “Kwalikuba muntu ku Yelusalemu walikuya ku Yeliko. Mpwalikuya munshila, walakumanya kapondo balamwikata, balamufulula ne kumuma, nekumushiya nkali wawisuka.
31 And it bifel, that a prest cam doun the same weie, and passide forth, whanne he hadde seyn hym.
Lino shimilumbo walikapita munshila yopeleyo, mpwalabona muntu uyo walomwa, walapitila kumbali.
32 Also a dekene, whanne he was bisidis the place, and saiy him, passide forth.
Neye Mulevi walikapita munshila yopeleyo, mpwalashika palikuba muntu walomwa walamubona nomba neye walapitila kumbali.
33 But a Samaritan, goynge the weie, cam bisidis hym; and he siy hym, and hadde reuthe on hym;
Nsombi Musamaliya walikuba pabulwendo munshila yopeleyo mpwalamubona muntuyo walanyumfwa inkumbo.
34 and cam to hym, and boond togidir hise woundis, and helde in oyle and wynne; and leide hym on his beest, and ledde in to an ostrie, and dide the cure of hym.
Walaya mpwalikuba wona waletila mafuta ne waini pabilonda byakendi nekusungapo bikwisa. Mpwalapwisha kwinseco walamumanta pambongolo yakendi ne kumutwala kung'anda ya bensu uko nkwalamubamba cena.
35 And another dai he brouyte forth twey pans, and yaf to the ostiler, and seide, Haue the cure of hym; and what euer thou schalt yyue ouer, Y schal yelde to thee, whanne Y come ayen.
Bushiku bwalakonkapo mu Samaliya uyo walapa mali mwine ng'anda ya bensu nekumwambileti, ‘Mumusunge cena, na mukasebensenshe mali naambi ninkese nkalipile ndakabwelanga.’”
36 Who of these thre, semeth to thee, was neiybore to hym, that fel among theues?
Lino Yesu pakupwisha walepusha shikwiyisha milawo eti, “Lino mumuyeyo wakobe, niyani pabantu batatu aba welela kuba munendi wamuntu walomwa ne kapondo?”
37 And he seide, He that dide merci in to hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, and do thou on lijk maner.
Shikwiyisha milawo walakumbuleti, “Uyo walamunyumfwila inkumbo.” Lino Yesu walamwambileti, “koya lino winse mbuli copeleco.”
38 And it was don, while thei wenten, he entride in to a castel; and a womman, Martha bi name, resseyuede hym in to hir hous.
Lino Yesu nebeshikwiya bakendi mpobalikuba mulwendo lwabo, balashika mumunshi mwali kwikala Malita. Mutukashi uyo walabatambula ne makasa abili mung'anda yakendi.
39 And to this was a sistir, Marie bi name, which also sat bisidis the feet of the Lord, and herde his word.
Malita walikuba ne mukwabo Maliya uyo walikuba wekala panshi pepi ne Yesu kakutika kwiyisha kwakendi.
40 But Martha bisiede aboute the ofte seruyce. And sche stood, and seide, Lord, takist thou no kepe, that my sistir hath left me aloone to serue? therfor seie thou to hir, that sche helpe me.
Lino pacindico Malita incito yalamufulila walaya kuli Yesu nekwambeti, “Mwami sena nkamubweni kwambeti kanike wakame landekelenga incito yonse? Kamumwambilani ese anyafwe.”
41 And the Lord answerde, and seide to hir, Martha, Martha, thou art bysi, and art troublid aboute ful many thingis;
Mwami Yesu walamukumbuleti, “Malita obe! wasukamanga nekupeshewa pa bintu bingi,
42 but o thing is necessarie. Marie hath chosun the best part, which schal not be takun awei fro hir.
nsombi kuli cintu cimo cisuniki, Maliya lasala cintu caina kayi kuliyeti akamulamunepo.”

< Luke 10 >