< Psalms 69 >
1 To him that excelleth upon Shoshannim. A Psalme of David. Save mee, O God: for the waters are entred euen to my soule.
Reši me, oh Bog, kajti vode vstopajo v mojo dušo.
2 I sticke fast in the deepe myre, where no staie is: I am come into deepe waters, and the streames runne ouer me.
Tonem v globoko blato, kjer ni stojišča. Prišel sem v globoke vode, kjer me preplavljajo poplave.
3 I am wearie of crying: my throte is drie: mine eyes faile, whiles I waite for my God.
Naveličan sem svojega joka, moje grlo je suho, moje oči pešajo, ko čakam na svojega Boga.
4 They that hate mee without a cause, are moe then the heares of mine heade: they that would destroy mee, and are mine enemies falsly, are mightie, so that I restored that which I tooke not.
Tistih, ki me sovražijo brez razloga, je več kakor las moje glave. Tisti, ki me hočejo uničiti, so moji krivični sovražniki, mogočni so. Potem sem povrnil to, česar nisem vzel.
5 O God, thou knowest my foolishnesse, and my fautes are not hid from thee.
Oh Bog, ti poznaš mojo nespametnost in moji grehi niso skriti pred teboj.
6 Let not them that trust in thee, O Lord God of hostes, be ashamed for me: let not those that seeke thee, be confounded through mee, O God of Israel.
Naj tisti, ki čakajo nate, oh Gospod Bog nad bojevniki, ne bodo osramočeni zaradi mene. Naj tisti, ki te iščejo, ne bodo zbegani zaradi mene, oh Izraelov Bog.
7 For thy sake haue I suffred reproofe: shame hath couered my face.
Ker zaradi tebe prenašam grajo, je moj obraz pokrila sramota.
8 I am become a stranger vnto my brethren, euen an aliant vnto my mothers sonnes.
Postal sem tujec svojim bratom in neznanec otrokom svoje matere.
9 For the zeale of thine house hath eaten mee, and the rebukes of them that rebuked thee, are fallen vpon me.
Kajti gorečnost za tvojo hišo me je použila in graje teh, ki so te grajali, so padle name.
10 I wept and my soule fasted, but that was to my reproofe.
Ko sem jokal in svojo dušo karal s postom, je bilo to za mojo grajo.
11 I put on a sacke also: and I became a prouerbe vnto them.
Tudi vrečevino sem si naredil za svojo obleko in postal sem jim v pregovor.
12 They that sate in the gate, spake of mee, and the drunkards sang of me.
Tisti, ki sedijo v velikih vratih, govorijo zoper mene in bil sem pesem pijancem.
13 But Lord, I make my praier vnto thee in an acceptable time, euen in the multitude of thy mercie: O God, heare me in the trueth of thy saluation.
Toda, kar se mene tiče, je moja molitev k tebi, oh Gospod, ob sprejemljivem času. Oh Bog, v množici svojih usmiljenj me usliši, v resnici tvoje rešitve duše.
14 Deliuer mee out of the myre, that I sinke not: let me be deliuered from them that hate me, and out of the deepe waters.
Osvobodi me iz blata in ne pusti me utoniti. Naj bom osvobojen pred temi, ki me sovražijo in ven iz velikih vodá.
15 Let not the water flood drowne mee, neither let the deepe swallowe me vp: and let not the pit shut her mouth vpon me.
Naj me ne preplavi voda niti naj me ne požre globina in jama naj ne zapre svojih ust nad menoj.
16 Heare me, O Lord, for thy louing kindnes is good: turne vnto me according to ye multitude of thy tender mercies.
Usliši me, oh Gospod, kajti tvoja ljubeča skrbnost je dobra. Obrni se k meni glede na množino svojih nežnih usmiljenj.
17 And hide not thy face from thy seruant, for I am in trouble: make haste and heare me.
Svojega obraza ne skrij pred svojim služabnikom, kajti v stiski sem. Naglo me usliši.
18 Draw neere vnto my soule and redeeme it: deliuer me because of mine enemies.
Približaj se moji duši in odkupi jo. Osvobodi me zaradi mojih sovražnikov.
19 Thou hast knowen my reproofe and my shame, and my dishonour: all mine aduersaries are before thee.
Spoznal si mojo grajo in mojo sramoto ter mojo nečast. Moji nasprotniki so vsi pred teboj.
20 Rebuke hath broken mine heart, and I am full of heauinesse, and I looked for some to haue pitie on me, but there was none: and for comforters, but I found none.
Graja je zlomila moje srce in poln sem potrtosti. Pričakoval sem kakega, da se usmili, toda ni bilo nobenega; in tolažnikov, toda nisem našel nobenega.
21 For they gaue me gall in my meate, and in my thirst they gaue me vineger to drinke.
Za jed so mi dali tudi žolč in v moji žeji so mi dali piti kis.
22 Let their table be a snare before them, and their prosperitie their ruine.
Njihova miza naj pred njimi postane zanka, in to, kar naj bi bilo za njihovo blaginjo, naj postane past.
23 Let their eyes be blinded that they see not: and make their loynes alway to tremble.
Naj njihove oči otemnijo, da ne vidijo in njihovim ledjem stôri, da se nenehno tresejo.
24 Powre out thine anger vpon them, and let thy wrathfull displeasure take them.
Nanje izlij svoje ogorčenje in naj jih zgrabi tvoja srdita jeza.
25 Let their habitation be voide, and let none dwell in their tents.
Naj bo njihovo prebivališče zapuščeno in naj nihče ne prebiva v njihovih šotorih.
26 For they persecute him, whome thou hast smitten: and they adde vnto the sorrowe of them, whome thou hast wounded.
Kajti preganjajo tistega, ki si ga ti udaril in govorijo v žalost tistih, ki si jih ranil.
27 Laie iniquitie vpon their iniquitie, and let them not come into thy righteousnesse.
Njihovi krivičnosti dodaj krivičnost, in naj ne pridejo v tvojo pravičnost.
28 Let them be put out of the booke of life, neither let them be written with the righteous.
Naj bodo izbrisani iz knjige življenja in ne bodo zapisani s pravičnimi.
29 When I am poore and in heauinesse, thine helpe, O God, shall exalt me.
Toda jaz sem ubog in žalosten. Naj me tvoja rešitev duše, oh Bog, postavi visoko gor.
30 I will praise the Name of God with a song, and magnifie him with thankesgiuing.
S pesmijo bom hvalil Božje ime in ga poveličeval z zahvaljevanjem.
31 This also shall please the Lord better then a yong bullocke, that hath hornes and hoofes.
To bo tudi bolj ugajalo Gospodu kakor vol ali bikec, ki ima roge in kopita.
32 The humble shall see this, and they that seeke God, shalbe glad, and your heart shall liue.
Ponižni bo to videl in bil vesel in vaše srce, ki išče Boga, bo živelo.
33 For the Lord heareth the poore, and despiseth not his prisoners.
Kajti Gospod posluša uboge in ne prezira svojih jetnikov.
34 Let heauen and earth praise him: the seas and all that moueth in them.
Naj ga hvalita nebo in zemlja, morja in vsaka stvar, ki se giblje v njih.
35 For God will saue Zion, and builde the cities of Iudah, that men may dwell there and haue it in possession.
Kajti Bog bo rešil Sion in pozidal Judova mesta, da bodo lahko tam prebivali in to imeli v posesti.
36 The seede also of his seruants shall inherit it: and they that loue his name, shall dwel therein.
Tudi seme njegovih služabnikov bo to podedovalo in tisti, ki ljubijo njegovo ime, bodo prebivali v njih.