< Psalms 31 >
1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme of David. In thee, O Lord, haue I put my trust: let mee neuer be confounded: deliuer me in thy righteousnesse.
Vate, oh Gospod, polagam svoje trdno upanje; naj ne bom nikoli osramočen, osvobodi me v svoji pravičnosti.
2 Bowe downe thine eare to me: make haste to deliuer mee: be vnto me a stronge rocke, and an house of defence to saue me.
Nagni k meni svoje uho, naglo me osvobodi. Bodi moja čvrsta skala, za hišo obrambe, da me rešiš.
3 For thou art my rocke and my fortresse: therefore for thy Names sake direct mee and guide me.
Kajti ti si moja skala in moja trdnjava, zato me vôdi zaradi svojega imena in me usmerjaj.
4 Drawe mee out of the nette, that they haue layde priuilie for mee: for thou art my strength.
Potegni me iz mreže, ki so jo na skrivnem položili zame, kajti ti si moja moč.
5 Into thine hand I commend my spirit: for thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of trueth.
V tvojo roko izročam svojega duha. Odkupil si me, oh Gospod, Bog resnice.
6 I haue hated them that giue them selues to deceitfull vanities: for I trust in the Lord.
Sovražil sem tiste, ki se ozirajo za lažnivimi ničevostmi, toda jaz zaupam v Gospoda.
7 I wil be glad and reioyce in thy mercie: for thou hast seene my trouble: thou hast knowen my soule in aduersities,
Vesel bom in se radoval v tvojem usmiljenju, kajti preudaril si mojo težavo, v stiskah si spoznal mojo dušo
8 And thou hast not shut me vp in the hand of the enemie, but hast set my feete at large.
in me nisi zaprl v roko mojega sovražnika. Moja stopala si postavil na velik prostor.
9 Haue mercie vpon mee, O Lord: for I am in trouble: mine eye, my soule and my bellie are consumed with griefe.
Usmili se me, oh Gospod, kajti v stiski sem. Moje oko je použito z žalostjo, da, moja duša in moj trebuh.
10 For my life is wasted with heauinesse, and my yeeres with mourning: my strength faileth for my paine, and my bones are consumed.
Kajti moje življenje je iztrošeno z žalostjo in moja leta z vzdihovanjem. Moja moč slabi zaradi moje krivičnosti in moje kosti so použite.
11 I was a reproch among all mine enemies, but specially among my neighbours: and a feare to mine acquaintance, who seeing me in the streete, fled from me.
Bil sem graja med vsemi svojimi sovražniki, toda še posebej med svojimi bližnjimi in strah svojim znancem. Tisti, ki so me videli zunaj, so pobegnili pred menoj.
12 I am forgotten, as a dead man out of minde: I am like a broken vessell.
Pozabljen sem, kakor je mrtev človek hitro pozabljen iz uma. Podoben sem razbiti posodi.
13 For I haue heard the rayling of great men: feare was on euery side, while they conspired together against mee, and consulted to take my life.
Kajti slišal sem obrekovanje mnogih. Strah je bil na vsaki strani. Medtem ko so se skupaj posvetovali zoper mene, so snovali, da vzamejo moje življenje.
14 But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God.
Toda jaz sem zaupal vate, oh Gospod. Rekel sem: »Ti si moj Bog.«
15 My times are in thine hande: deliuer mee from the hande of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me.
Moji časi so v tvoji roki. Osvobodi me pred roko mojih sovražnikov in pred tistimi, ki me preganjajo.
16 Make thy face to shine vpon thy seruant, and saue me through thy mercie.
Stôri, da tvoj obraz zasije nad tvojim služabnikom. Reši me zaradi svojega usmiljenja.
17 Let me not be confounded, O Lord: for I haue called vpon thee: let the wicked bee put to confusion, and to silence in the graue. (Sheol )
Naj ne bom osramočen, oh Gospod, kajti klical sem k tebi. Naj bodo zlobni osramočeni in naj bodo molče v grobu. (Sheol )
18 Let the lying lips be made dumme, which cruelly, proudly and spitefully speake against the righteous.
Naj bodo utišane lažnive ustnice, ki ponosno in zaničljivo govorijo boleče stvari zoper pravičnega.
19 Howe great is thy goodnesse, which thou hast layde vp for them, that feare thee! and done to them, that trust in thee, euen before the sonnes of men!
O, kako velika je tvoja dobrota, ki si jo prihranil za tiste, ki se te bojijo, ki si jo izvršil tistim, ki zaupajo vate pred človeškimi sinovi!
20 Thou doest hide them priuily in thy presence from the pride of men: thou keepest them secretly in thy Tabernacle from the strife of tongues.
Pred ponosom ljudi jih boš skril v zatišju svoje prisotnosti. Pred prepirom jezikov jih boš skrivaj varoval v paviljonu.
21 Blessed be the Lord: for hee hath shewed his marueilous kindenesse toward me in a strong citie.
Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, kajti pokazal mi je svojo čudovito prijaznost v utrjenem mestu.
22 Though I said in mine haste, I am cast out of thy sight, yet thou heardest the voyce of my prayer, when I cryed vnto thee.
Kajti v svoji naglici sem rekel: »Iztrebljen sem izpred tvojih oči.« Vendar si slišal glas mojih ponižnih prošenj, ko sem klical k tebi.
23 Loue ye the Lord all his Saintes: for the Lord preserueth the faithfull, and rewardeth abundantly the proud doer.
Oh ljubite Gospoda, vsi vi njegovi sveti, kajti Gospod ohranja zveste in obilno nagrajuje tistega, ki ravna ponosno.
24 All ye that trust in the Lord, be strong, and he shall establish your heart.
Bodite odločnega poguma in vaša srca bo okrepil vsem vam, ki upate v Gospoda.