< Psalms 32 >

1 A Psalme of David to give instruction. Blessed is he whose wickednes is forgiuen, and whose sinne is couered.
Blagoslovljen je tisti, čigar prestopek je oproščen, čigar greh je pokrit.
2 Blessed is the man, vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie, and in whose spirite there is no guile.
Blagoslovljen je človek, ki mu Gospod ne pripisuje krivičnosti in v čigar duhu ni zvijače.
3 When I helde my tongue, my bones consumed, or when I roared all the day,
Ko sem molčal, so se moje kosti postarale zaradi mojega kričanja ves dan.
4 (For thine hand is heauie vpon me, day and night: and my moysture is turned into ye drought of summer. (Selah)
Kajti dan in noč je bila tvoja roka težka nad menoj. Moja vlažnost je obrnjena v poletno sušo. (Sela)
5 Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee, neither hid I mine iniquitie: for I thought, I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord, and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne. (Selah)
Priznal sem ti svoj greh in svoje krivičnosti nisem prikrival. Rekel sem: »Svoje prestopke bom priznal Gospodu, « in ti odpuščaš krivičnost mojega greha. (Sela)
6 Therefore shall euery one, that is godly, make his prayer vnto thee in a time, when thou mayest be founde: surely in the flood of great waters they shall not come neere him.
Kajti tako bo k tebi molil vsak, kdor je bogaboječ, v času, ko se daješ najti. Zagotovo mu v poplavah velikih vodá oni ne bodo prišli blizu.
7 Thou art my secret place: thou preseruest me from trouble: thou compassest me about with ioyfull deliuerance. (Selah)
Ti si moje skrivališče, ohranil me boš pred stisko, naokoli me boš obdal s pesmimi osvoboditve. (Sela)
8 I will instruct thee, and teache thee in the way that thou shalt goe, and I will guide thee with mine eye.
Poučil te bom in te učil na poti, po kateri boš šel. Usmerjal te bom s svojim očesom.
9 Be ye not like an horse, or like a mule, which vnderstand not: whose mouthes thou doest binde with bit and bridle, least they come neere thee.
Ne bodite kakor konj ali kakor mula, ki nimata razumevanja, čigar gobca se mora držati z žvalo in uzdo, da se ti ne približata.
10 Many sorowes shall come to the wicked: but he, that trusteth in the Lord, mercie shall compasse him.
Mnoge bridkosti bodo zlobnemu, toda kdor zaupa v Gospoda, ga bo obdajalo usmiljenje.
11 Be glad ye righteous, and reioyce in the Lord, and be ioyfull all ye, that are vpright in heart.
Bodite veseli v Gospodu in veselite se, vi pravični. Vzklikajte od veselja vsi vi, ki ste iskreni v srcu.

< Psalms 32 >