< 詩篇 19 >

1 【讚主頌】 達味詩歌,交與樂官。 高天陳述天主的光榮,穹蒼宣揚祂手的化工;
Unto the end. A Psalm of David. The heavens describe the glory of God, and the firmament announces the work of his hands.
2 日與日侃侃而談,夜與夜知識相傳。
Day proclaims the word to day, and night to night imparts knowledge.
3 不是語,也不是言,是聽不到的語言;
There are no speeches or conversations, where their voices are not being heard.
4 它們的聲音傳遍普世,它們的言語達於地極。天主在天為太陽設置了帷帳,
Their sound has gone forth through all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.
5 它活像新郎一樣走出了洞房,又像壯士一樣欣然就道奔放。
He has placed his tabernacle in the sun, and he is like a bridegroom coming out of his bedroom. He has exulted like a giant running along the way;
6 由天這邊出現,往天那邊旋轉,沒有一物可避免它的熱燄。
his departure is from the summit of heaven. And his course reaches all the way to its summit. Neither is there anyone who can hide himself from his heat.
7 上主的法律是完善的,能暢快人靈;上主的約章是忠誠的,能開啟愚蒙;
The law of the Lord is immaculate, converting souls. The testimony of the Lord is faithful, providing wisdom to little ones.
8 上主的規誡是正直的,能悅樂心情;上主的命令是光明的,能燭照眼睛;
The justice of the Lord is right, rejoicing hearts. The precepts of the Lord are brilliant, enlightening the eyes.
9 上主的訓誨是純潔的,它永遠常存;上主的判斷是真實的,它無不公允;
The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for all generations. The judgments of the Lord are true, justified in themselves:
10 比黃金,比極純的黃金更可愛戀;比蜂蜜,比蜂巢的流汁更要甘甜。
desirable beyond gold and many precious stones, and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
11 你僕人雖留心這一切,竭盡全力遵守這一切,
For, indeed, your servant keeps them, and in keeping them, there are many rewards.
12 但誰能認出自已的一切過犯?求你赦免我未覺察到的罪愆。
Who can understand transgression? From my hidden faults, cleanse me, O Lord,
13 更求你使你僕人免於自負,求你不要讓驕傲把我佔有;如此我將成為完人,重大罪惡免污我身。
and from those of others, spare your servant. If they will have no dominion over me, then I will be immaculate, and I will be cleansed from the greatest transgression.
14 上主,我的磐石,我的救主!願我口中的話,我心中的思慮,常在你前蒙受悅納!
And the eloquence of my mouth will be so as to please, along with the meditation of my heart, in your sight, forever, O Lord, my helper and my redeemer.

< 詩篇 19 >