< Nnwom 131 >

1 Ɔsoroforɔ dwom. Dawid deɛ. Ao Awurade, ahomasoɔ nni mʼakoma mu, na mʼani ntraa ntɔn; memma nsɛm akɛseɛ nha me anaa nsɛm a ɛyɛ nwanwa dodo ma me.
“A psalm of the steps, or the goings up. Of David.” O LORD! my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty; I employ not myself on great things, or things too wonderful for me!
2 Na mmom, mama me kra anya abotɔyam te sɛ akɔkoaa a ɔda ne maame so renum no, te sɛ akɔkoaa a ɔtua nufoɔ ano no, saa ara na me kra ayɛ wɔ me mu.
Yea, I have stilled and quieted my soul As a weaned child upon his mother; My soul within me is like a weaned child.
3 Ao Israel, ma wʼani nna Awurade so, seesei ne daa nyinaa.
O Israel! trust in the LORD, Henceforth even for ever!

< Nnwom 131 >