< Mika 1 >

1 Awurade de saa nsɛm yi brɛɛ Moresetni Mika ɛberɛ a na Yotam, Ahas ne Hesekia di adeɛ wɔ Yuda no. Anisoadehunu a ɔhunuiɛ fa Samaria ne Yerusalem ho.
The word of the Lord, that came vnto Micah the Morashite in the dayes of Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah Kings of Iudah, which he sawe concerning Samaria, and Ierusalem.
2 Monyɛ aso, mo nnipa nyinaa, montie, asase ne mo a mote so nyinaa. Otumfoɔ Awurade redi adanseɛ atia mo, ɔkasa firi nʼasɔredan kronkron no mu.
Heare, al ye people: hearke thou, O earth, and all that therein is, and let the Lord God be witnes against you, euen ye Lord from his holy Teple.
3 Monhwɛ! Awurade firi nʼatenaeɛ reba; ɔresiane na ɔnante asase sorɔnsorɔmmea so.
For beholde, the Lord commeth out of his place, and will come downe, and tread vpon the hie places of the earth.
4 Mmepɔ nane wɔ nʼase, mmɔnhwa mu paepae te sɛ ama a aka ogya, te sɛ nsuo a ɛsiane ɔherɛ so firi kokoɔ so.
And the mountaines shall melt vnder him (so shall the valleys cleaue) as waxe before the fire, and as the waters that are powred downewarde.
5 Yei nyinaa yɛ Yakob nnebɔne, ne bɔne ahodoɔ a ɛwɔ Israel efie enti. Yakob nnebɔne ne sɛn? Ɛnyɛ Samaria anaa? Na ɛhe ne Yuda sorɔnsorɔmmea? Ɛnyɛ Yerusalem anaa?
For the wickednes of Iaakob is all this, and for the sinnes of the house of Israel: what is the wickednes of Iaakob? Is not Samaria? and which are the hie places of Iudah? Is not Ierusalem?
6 “Enti mɛyɛ Samaria kuro no mmubuiɛ sie, baabi a wɔbɛyɛ bobe turo. Mehwie nʼaboɔ agu bɔnhwa mu ama ne fapem ho ada hɔ.
Therefore I wil make Samaria as an heape of the fielde, and for the planting of a vineyard, and I will cause the stones thereof to tumble downe into the valley, and I will discouer the foundations thereof.
7 Wɔbɛbubu nʼahoni nyinaa mu asinasini; wɔde ogya bɛhyɛ nʼasɔredan mu ayɛyɛdeɛ nyinaa. Mɛsɛe ne nsɛsodeɛ nyinaa. Esiane sɛ nʼakyɛdeɛ a waboa ano no nyinaa ɔnya firii adwamanfoɔ akatua mu no enti wɔde bɛma adwamanfoɔ.”
And all the grauen images thereof shalbe broken, and all the giftes thereof shalbe burnt with the fire, and all the idoles thereof will I destroy: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall returne to the wages of an harlot.
8 Yeinom enti mɛsu atwa agyaadwoɔ; mede adagya bɛnante na mennhyɛ mpaboa. Mɛpɔ so sɛ odompo na masu sɛ ɔpatuo.
Therefore I will mourne and howle: I wil goe without clothes, and naked: I will make lamentation like the dragons, and mourning as the ostriches.
9 Nʼapirakuro no wuo ayɛ den; abɛduru Yuda. Abɛduru me nkurɔfoɔ ɛpono ano mpo aduru Yerusalem ankasa.
For her plagues are grieuous: for it is come into Iudah: the enemie is come vnto the gate of my people, vnto Ierusalem.
10 Monnka no wɔ Gat monnsu koraa Mo a mowɔ Bet-Leafra deɛ monyantam mfuturo mu.
Declare ye it not at Gath, neither weepe ye: for the house of Aphrah roule thy selfe in the dust.
11 Monsene nkɔ adagya ne aniwuo mu, mo a mote Safir. Wɔn a wɔte Saanan ntumi mpue Bet-Esel wɔ awerɛhoɔ mu; ɛfiri sɛ, wo hɔ na ɔnya ne banbɔ.
Thou that dwellest at Shaphir, go together naked with shame: she that dwelleth at Zaanan, shall not come forth in ye mourning of Beth-ezel: the enemie shall receiue of you for his standing.
12 Wɔn a wɔte Marot de ɔyea nukanuka wɔ mu de twɛn mmoa, ɛfiri sɛ amanehunu a ɛfiri Awurade hɔ aba abɛduru Yerusalem ɛpono ano.
For the inhabitant of Maroth wayted for good, but euill came from the Lord vnto the gate of Ierusalem.
13 Mo a mote Lakis, monsiesie nteaseɛnam no. Mo ne bɔne farebae ma Ɔbabaa Sion, na modii Israel anim kɔɔ bɔne mu.
O thou inhabitant of Lachish, binde the charet to the beastes of price: she is the beginning of the sinne to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee.
14 Enti mode ntetemu akyɛdeɛ bɛma Moreset-Gat, Aksib kuro bɛdaadaa Israel ahemfo.
Therefore shalt thou giue presents to Moresheth Gath: the houses of Achzib shalbe as a lye to the Kings of Israel.
15 Mede nkonimdifoɔ bɛtoa mo mo a mote Maresa. Deɛ ɔyɛ Israel onimuonyamfoɔ no bɛba Adulam.
Yet will I bring an heire vnto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah, he shall come vnto Adullam, the glorie of Israel.
16 Monyi mo tirinwi mfa nni awerɛhoɔ, wɔ mma a mo ani gye wɔn ho no ho; mommɔ tikwa te sɛ ɔpete, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔbɛfa wɔn afiri mo nkyɛn akɔ nnommumfa mu.
Make thee balde: and shaue thee for thy delicate children: enlarge thy baldenesse as the eagle, for they are gone into captiuity from thee.

< Mika 1 >