< Kau ʻAposetolo 27 >

1 Pea kuo pau ke mau folau ki ʻItali, naʻa nau tuku ʻa Paula mo e kau pōpula kehe ki [he tokotaha ]ko Suliusi hono hingoa, ko e ʻeikitau ʻi he “Kongakau ʻa ʻAokositusi.”
And when it was determined that we should sail away into Italy, they committed both Paul and certain other prisoners to the centurion, Julius by name, of the band of Augustus.
2 Pea naʻa mau heka ʻi he vaka mei ʻAtalamaito, naʻe te u folau ki he matātahi ʻo ʻEsia; pea naʻa mau fai ia, pea ko homau tokotaha ko ʻAlisitake, ko e Masitōnia mei Tesalonika.
And having embarked on an Adramyttium ship, about to sail to those places along Asia, we set sail; Aristarchus, the Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
3 Pea pongipongi hake ai, naʻa mau tuku taula ʻi Saitoni. Pea naʻe ʻofa ʻa Suliusi kia Paula, ʻo ne tukuange ia ke ʻalu ki ʻuta, ke ne maʻu ʻae ʻofa ʻa hono kāinga.
And on the following day we disembarked at Sidon; and Julius, treating Paul kindly, permitted him having gone to his friends to receive their benefactions.
4 Pea kuo mau fai lā mei ai, pea mau folau mo fakaū ʻi Saipalo, he naʻe tokai ʻae matangi.
And having embarked from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary:
5 Pea kuo mau folau ʻi he tahi ʻo Silisia mo Pamifilia, pea mau aʻu atu ki Maila ʻi Lisia.
and having sailed through the sea which is opposite Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down into Myra of Lycia.
6 Pea ʻilo ai ʻe he ʻeikitau ʻae vaka mei ʻAlekisānitia, naʻe te u folau ki ʻItali; pea naʻa ne fakaheka ai ʻakimautolu.
And there the centurion having found an Alexandrian ship sailing into Italy; transferred us into it.
7 Pea kuo ʻaho lahi mo ʻemau folau siʻi pē, he naʻe tokai ʻae matangi, pea kuo mau feʻunga nai mo Naitusi, pea ne mau folau ʻo fakaū ʻi Keliti, ʻo ofi ki Salamone;
And sailing slowly during many days, and were come with difficulty over against Cnidus, the wind not favoring us, we sailed under Crete, opposite Salmone;
8 Pea naʻe ʻikai mei tō ia, pea naʻa mau lava ki he potu ʻoku ui, Ko e taulanga lelei; ʻaia naʻe ofi ki ai ʻae kolo ko Lesea.
and, with difficulty passing by it, we came into a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was the city Lasea.
9 Pea kuo ʻosi ʻae ngaahi ʻaho lahi, pea kuo hoko ʻo faingataʻa ʻae folau, koeʻuhi kuo hili ʻae ʻaukai, pea valokiʻi ʻe Paula,
And much time passing away, and navigation being already unsafe, because the Fast had already passed by, Paul exhorted them,
10 ‌ʻo ne pehē kiate kinautolu, “ʻAe kau matāpule, ʻoku ou ʻilo ko e folau ni ʻe tuʻutāmaki mo kovi lahi, pea ʻoku ʻikai ki he ʻuta mo e vaka pē, ka ki heʻetau moʻui foki.”
saying to them, Men, I perceive that this voyage is going to be with peril and much loss, not only with the cargo and the ship, but also of our lives.
11 Ka naʻe tui lahi ʻae ʻeikitau ki he toutai mo e ʻeiki vaka, kae ʻikai ki he ngaahi meʻa naʻe leaʻaki ʻe Paula.
But the centurion trusted the pilot and midshipman, rather than the things spoken by Paul.
12 Pea koeʻuhi naʻe ʻikai lelei ʻae taulanga ke nau ʻi ai ʻi he faʻahitaʻu afā, pea pehē ʻe he tokolahi ke fusi taula, ʻo ʻahiʻahi ke nau lava ki Finesi, ke nau ʻi ai ʻi he faʻahitaʻu afā; ko e taulanga ia ʻi Keliti, pea ʻoku ava ia ki he tonga-hihifo mo e lulunga.
And the harbor being unsafe for spending the winter, most of them projected to the council to depart thence, if perchance they might be able, having arrived into Phoenix, to spend the winter there; a harbor of Crete, looking toward the southeast and the northeast.
13 Pea ʻi he angi iiki ʻae matangi tonga, pea nau pehē, kuo nau lavaʻi ia, naʻa nau fusi taula, ʻo folau ʻo ofi ki Keliti.
And the south wind blowing, thinking they could achieve their purpose, lifting up a sail, they went coasting along near Crete.
14 Ka kuo fuofuoloa siʻi pē, pea puke ʻae matangi mālohi, ʻoku ui ko e “ʻUlokitone.”
Not long afterward a typhonic wind, called Euraquilo, set in against her;
15 Pea ʻi he moʻua ai ʻae vaka, mo e ʻikai faʻa fakatauala, naʻa mau hafu ai.
and the ship having been seized, and being unable to resist the wind, having given away to it, we were borne along.
16 Pea ʻi heʻemau folau ʻo fakaū ʻi he motu ʻoku ui ko Kalauta, naʻe faingataʻa ʻaupito ʻemau maʻu mai ʻae vaka fokotuʻu:
And running under a certain island called Clauda, we were scarcely able to get possession of the boat:
17 Pea kuo nau fusi hake ia, pea nau tāliu, ʻo haʻihaʻi ʻae vaka: pea tuku fanā, ko e manavahē naʻa toka [ʻae vaka ]ʻi he ʻoneʻone holo, pea mau hafu pe.
which lifting up they used helps, under-girding the ship; and fearing lest they might fall into Syrtis, lowering the gear, they were thus carried along.
18 Pea ʻi heʻemau mātuʻaki tōmohopo ʻi he afā, ʻo pongipongi ai, naʻa nau tolo;
And we being tossed violently by the storm, they were successively making the casting out,
19 Pea ʻi hono ʻaho tolu, naʻa nau laku ʻaki honau nima ʻae alanga vaka.
and on the third day with their own hands they threw overboard the tackling of the ship;
20 Pea ʻi he ʻikai hā mai ʻae laʻā pe ko e fetuʻu ʻi he ngaahi ʻaho lahi, pea ʻalo ʻae afā, naʻe mole ʻiate kimautolu ʻae ʻamanaki ki he moʻui.
and neither sun nor stars appearing for many days, and there being no small tempest on us, finally all hope of saving us was taken away.
21 Pea kuo fuoloa mo e ʻaukai pē, pea toki tuʻu hake ʻa Paula ʻi honau ʻao, ʻo ne pehē, “ʻAe kau matāpule, naʻe totonu hoʻomou tui mai kiate au, ke ʻoua naʻa fusi taula ʻi Keliti, ke hoko ai ʻae kovi mo e maumau ni.
And there being much fasting, Paul standing in their midst, said, O men, truly it behooved you obeying me, not to depart from Crete, and incur this injury and loss.
22 Ka ko eni, ʻoku ou pehē atu kiate kimoutolu, “ke mou fiemālie: koeʻuhi ʻe ʻikai mate ha taha ʻiate kimoutolu, ka ko e vaka pē.
And now I exhort you to take courage: for there will be no loss of the life of you, except the ship.
23 He naʻe tuʻu ofi mai kiate au ʻi he poōni ha ʻāngelo ʻae ʻOtua, ʻaia ʻoku ʻaʻana au, pea ko ia ʻoku ou tauhi.
For the angel of God, whose I am, and whom indeed I serve, stood by me this night,
24 ‌ʻO ne pehē mai, ‘ʻE Paula, ʻoua naʻa ke manavahē; he te ke aʻu atu koe ki he ʻao ʻo Sisa:
saying, Fear not, Paul; for it behooveth thee to stand before Caesar: and, behold, God has given thee all those sailing along with thee.
25 Ko ia ʻae kau matāpule, ke mou fiemālie: he ʻoku ou tui ki he ʻOtua, ʻe fai ʻo hangē ko e meʻa kuo tala mai.”
Therefore cheer up, O men: for I believe God, that it shall be according to the manner which He has spoken to me.
26 Ka ʻe tūkia ʻakitautolu ʻi ha motu ʻe taha.
But it behooves us to fall upon a certain island.
27 Pea kuo kakato ʻae pō ʻe hongofulu ma fā, pea kuo mau hafu fano ʻi he tahi ʻo ʻAtilia, pea tuʻuapō nai, pea mahalo ʻae kau vaka kuo nau ofi ki ha fonua;
And when it was the fourteenth night, we being borne along in the Adriatic Sea, about the middle of the night the sailors surmised that some country was coming to them.
28 Pea naʻa nau tukutuku, pea ʻilo ko e ofa ʻe uangokumi: pea kuo nau ngaholo siʻi atu, pea toe tukutuku, pea ʻilo ko e ofa ʻe tekumi mā nima.
And having sounded, they found it twenty fathoms; and moving on a short distance, and sounding again, they found it fifteen fathoms;
29 Pea naʻa nau manavahē telia naʻa mau toka ʻi ha hakau, pea nau lī ʻae taula ʻe fā ʻi he taumuli, mo nau fakaʻamu ki he ʻaho.
and fearing lest they may fall out against rough places, casting four anchors from the stern, they were praying that the day should come.
30 Pea naʻe fai ke feholaki ʻae kau kauvaka mei he vaka, he naʻa nau tuku hifo ʻae vaka fokotuʻu ki tahi, ʻo hangē ko haʻanau fie ʻave taula ki he taumuʻa;
And the sailors seeking to escape from the ship, and lowering the boat into the sea, with a pretext as about to cast anchors from the prow,
31 Ka naʻe pehē ʻe Paula ki he ʻeikitau mo e kau tau, “Kapau ʻe ʻikai nofo ʻakinautolu ni ʻi he vaka, ʻe ʻikai te mou moʻui.”
Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, Unless these may remain in the ship, you are not able to be saved.
32 Pea naʻe toki tutuʻu ʻe he kau tau ʻae maea ʻoe vaka fokotuʻu, pea ʻauhia ia.
Then the soldiers cut the ropes away from the boat, and let it fall out.
33 Pea kuo ofi ʻae ʻaho, pea kole ʻa Paula kiate kinautolu kotoa pē ke nau kai, ʻo ne pehē, “Ko hono hongofulu ma fā eni ʻoe ʻaho mo hoʻomou nofo, ʻo taʻefai-hoʻomou-keinanga.
But until the day was about to come, Paul exhorted all to take food, saying, Already this day you remain in a state of solicitude, the fourteenth day, receiving nothing.
34 Pea ko ia ʻoku ou kole kiate kimoutolu ke mou kai; ke mālohi ai homou sino: koeʻuhi ʻe ʻikai tō ʻi he ʻulu ʻo homou tokotaha ha tuʻoni louʻulu ʻe taha.”
Therefore I exhort you to take food: for this is for your safety: for not a hair of your head shall perish.
35 Pea kuo pehē ʻene lea, pea ne toʻo ʻae mā, ʻo fakafetaʻi ki he ʻOtua ʻi he ʻao ʻokinautolu kotoa pē: pea kuo ne pakiʻi ia, pea ne kamata kai.
And having spoken these words, and taken bread, he gave thanks to God in the presence of all, and breaking it, began to eat.
36 Pea naʻa nau toki fiefia kotoa pē, pea kai foki ʻekinautolu.
And all becoming cheerful, themselves also took food.
37 Pea naʻa mau toko uangeau mo e toko fitungofulu ma toko ono ʻi he vaka.
And we were two hundred and seventy-six souls in the ship.
38 Pea hili ʻenau fakamaʻamaʻa ʻae vaka, ʻo tolo ʻae uite ki tahi.
And having been revived by the food, they lightened the ship, casting the wheat over into the sea.
39 Pea ʻi heʻene ʻaho, naʻe ʻikai te nau ʻilo ʻae fonua: ka naʻa nau vakai ki he ava naʻe ai hono fanga, pea naʻa nau holi ʻo kapau ʻe mafai, ke fakaʻoho ai ʻae vaka.
And when it was day, they did not recognize the land: but discovered a certain gulf having a shore, into which they determined, if possible, to thrust out the ship.
40 Pea kuo nau motuhi ʻae ngaahi taula, ʻo tuku pe ʻi tahi, pea veteange ʻae taufoe ʻoe foheʻuli, ʻonau fai ia, ke ʻalu ki ʻuta.
And having knocked off the anchors, they left them in the sea, at the same time loosing the bands of the rudders, and raising up the main sail to the blowing wind, they made for the shore.
41 Pea naʻa nau tō ki he potu ʻoku fetaulaki ai ʻae tahi ʻe ua, ʻonau fakatoka ai ʻae vaka; pea naʻe toka maʻu ʻae taumuʻa, pea ʻikai faʻa ueʻi, ka naʻe maumau hono taumuli ʻe he mālohi ʻoe peau.
And having fallen into a place where two seas met, they broke the ship, and indeed the prow, sticking fast, remained motionless, but the stern was torn off by the violence (of the wind).
42 Pea naʻe fakakaukau ʻae kautau ke tāmateʻi ʻae kau pōpula, telia naʻa kakau ha niʻihi, ʻo hao.
And the counsel of the soldiers was that they should kill the prisoners, lest some one, having outswum them, might escape:
43 Ka naʻe fie fakamoʻui ʻa Paula ʻe he ʻeikitau mei honau loto, ko ia ne ne taʻofi ʻakinautolu; ʻo ne fekau kiate kinautolu ʻoku faʻa kakau ke nau hopo, ʻo muʻomuʻa ki ʻuta:
but the centurion, wishing to save Paul, forbade them from their counsel; and commanded that those who were able to swim, having first thrown themselves overboard, to go to the land;
44 Pea ko hono toe, ko e niʻihi ʻi he laupapa, ko e niʻihi ʻi he ngaahi meʻa ʻoe vaka. Pea fai fai ia pea mau hao kotoa pē ki ʻuta.
and the rest, some on planks, and others on some parts from the ship. And thus it came to pass that all came safe to the land.

< Kau ʻAposetolo 27 >