< Kau ʻAposetolo 26 >

1 Pea toki pehē ʻe ʻAkilipa kia Paula, “ʻOku tuku kiate koe ke ke fakamatala maʻau.” Pea toki mafao atu ʻe Paula ʻa hono nima, ʻo ne fakamatala maʻana, [ʻo pehē],
And Agrippa said to Paul, It is permitted to thee to speak for thyself. Then Paul reaching forth his hand, proceeded with his defence:
2 “ʻE tuʻi ko ʻAkilipa, ʻoku ou pehē ʻoku ou monūʻia, ʻi heʻeku fakamatala maʻaku ʻi ho ʻao ʻi he ʻaho ni, ʻae meʻa kotoa pē ʻoku talatalaakiʻi ai au ʻe he kakai Siu:
O king Agrippa, I consider myself happy, being about this day to make my defence before thee concerning all those things of which I am accused by the Jews:
3 Pea ʻāsili pē koeʻuhi ʻoku ke poto ʻi he ngaahi ngāue mo e ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē ʻoku ʻeke ʻi he kakai Siu: ko ia ʻoku ou kole kiate koe, ke ke kātaki pē, ʻo fanongo kiate au.
especially as thou art acquainted with all the customs and questions among the Jews: therefore I pray you to hear me patiently.
4 “ʻOku ʻilo ʻe he kakai Siu kotoa pē ʻae anga ʻo ʻeku moʻui talu ʻeku kei siʻi, ʻi heʻeku nofo talu mei muʻa mo hoku kakai ʻi Selūsalema;
Moreover indeed all the Jews know my life from my youth; being from the beginning in my nation and in Jerusalem,
5 ‌ʻAkinautolu naʻa nau ʻilo au mei he kamataʻanga, ʻokapau te nau fakamoʻoni koeʻuhi naʻaku moʻui ko e Fālesi, ʻo fakatatau ki he faʻahinga ʻoku tokanga lahi taha pe ki heʻetau lotu.
knowing me originally, if they may be willing to testify, that according to the most rigid sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.
6 Pea ʻoku ou tuʻu ni, pea ʻoku fakamaauʻi au, ko e meʻa ʻi he ʻamanaki ki he talaʻofa naʻe fai ʻe he ʻOtua ki he ngaahi tamai:
And now for the hope of the promise which is from God to our fathers, I stand being judged:
7 ‌ʻAia foki ʻoku ʻamanaki ke lavaʻi ʻe hotau faʻahinga ʻe hongofulu ma ua, ʻi heʻenau lotu maʻu ʻi he pō mo e ʻaho. Pea koeʻuhi ko e ʻamanaki pe ko ia, ʻe tuʻi ko ʻAkilipa, kuo talatalaakiʻi au ʻe he kakai Siu.
unto which our twelve tribes constantly worshiping night and day, hope to attain: concerning which hope I am accused by the Jews, O king.
8 Ka ko e hā ʻoku mou pehē ai, ko e meʻa e ʻikai te mou faʻa tui ki ai, ʻae fokotuʻu ʻae mate ʻe he ʻOtua?
Why is it judged by you incredible, if God shall raise the dead?
9 “Ko e moʻoni naʻaku mahalo ʻeau ʻi hoku loto, ʻoku totonu ʻeku fai kehe mo e huafa ʻo Sisu ʻo Nāsaleti ʻae ngaahi meʻa lahi.
Moreover indeed, I thought to myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus the Nazarene:
10 Pea ne u fai foki ia ʻi Selūsalema pea ko e tokolahi ʻoe kakai māʻoniʻoni ne u fakahū ki he fale fakapōpula, ʻi heʻeku maʻu ʻae mālohi mei he kau taulaʻeiki lahi; pea naʻaku kau ki honau tāmateʻi.
which I did also in Jerusalem, and shut up many of the saints in prison; and having received authority from the chief priests, and they being slain, I gave my vote against them;
11 Pea ne u tautea ʻakinautolu ʻo liunga lahi ʻi he falelotu kotoa pē, ʻo fakamālohiʻi ke nau lea kovi, pea naʻaku loto lili fakamanavahē kiate kinautolu, pea [ne u ʻalu ]ki he kolo kehekehe ʻo fakatangaʻi.
and throughout all the synagogues, frequently punishing them, I compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceeding mad against them, I was persecuting them even also unto foreign cities.
12 “Pea ʻi heʻeku ʻalu ki Tamasikusi, kuo u maʻu ʻae mālohi mo e tohi mei he kau taulaʻeiki lahi,
Meanwhile journeying to Damascus with power and authority of the chief priests, I saw on the way, O king,
13 Ne u mamata, ʻe tuʻi, ʻi he hala ʻi he hoʻatāmālie, ki he maama mei he langi, naʻe malama lahi ia ʻi he laʻā, pea naʻe ulo takatakai ia ʻiate au mo kinautolu naʻa mau fononga.
about midday, a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun, shining around me and those traveling with me;
14 “Pea kuo mau tō kotoa pē ki he kelekele, pea u fanongo ki he leʻo, ʻoku pehē mai kiate au, ʻi he lea fakaHepelū, ‘ʻE Saula, ʻe Saula, ko e hā ʻoku ke fakatanga ai au? ʻOku faingataʻa hoʻo ʻakahi ʻae meʻa māsila.’
and we all having fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against goads.
15 Pea ne u pehē, ‘ʻEiki, ko hai koe?’ Pea pehē mai ʻe ia, ‘Ko au Sisu ʻoku ke fakatangaʻi.
And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou art persecuting.
16 Ka ke tuʻu hake ʻi ho vaʻe: he kuo u hā atu kiate koe koeʻuhi ke u fakanofo koe koe faifekau mo e fakamoʻoni ʻoe ngaahi meʻa kuo ke mamata ai, mo e ngaahi meʻa foki te u fakahā kiate koe;
But rise up, and stand upon thy feet: for unto this have I appeared unto thee, to make thee a minister and a martyr both of those things which thou hast seen, and of which I will appear unto thee;
17 Pea te u fakamoʻui koe mei he kakai mo e ngaahi Senitaile, ʻakinautolu ʻoku ou fekau koe ki ai ni,
delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,
18 Ke fakaʻā honau mata, mo fakatafoki ʻakinautolu mei he poʻuli ki he maama, pea mei he mālohi ʻo Sētane ki he ʻOtua, koeʻuhi ke nau maʻu ʻae fakamolemole ʻoe angahala, mo e tofiʻa fakataha mo kinautolu kuo fakamāʻoniʻoniʻi ʻi he tui kiate au.
to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God, in order that they may receive remission of sins, and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
19 Pea talu ai, ʻe tuʻi ko ʻAlikipa, naʻe ʻikai te u talangataʻa ki he meʻa naʻe hā mai mei he langi:
Therefore, O king, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:
20 Ka ne u fuofua fakahā kiate kinautolu ʻi Tamasikusi, pea ʻi Selūsalema, mo e ngaahi potu kotoa pē ʻi Siutea, pea ki he ngaahi Senitaile, ke nau fakatomala pea tafoki ki he ʻOtua, mo fai ʻae ngāue ʻoku taau mo e fakatomala.
but first to those in Damascus, and also in Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judea, and to the Gentiles, I was preaching that they should repent and turn to God, doing things worthy of repentance.
21 Pea koeʻuhi ko e ngaahi meʻa ni, naʻe puke au ʻe he kakai Siu ʻi he falelotu lahi, ʻonau fai ke tāmateʻi au.
On account of these things the Jews, taking me while in the temple, endeavored to kill me.
22 Ka ko e meʻa ʻi heʻeku maʻu ʻae tokoni mei he ʻOtua, ko ia ʻoku ou kei fai ai ʻo hoko ki he ʻaho ni, ʻo fakamoʻoni ki he iiki mo e lalahi, ʻo ʻikai ha meʻa kehe ka ko ia ʻe he kau palōfita mo Mōsese ʻe hoko mai:
Then having received help from God, I have stood unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said were about to come to pass:
23 Koeʻuhi ʻe mamahi ʻa Kalaisi, pea ko e ʻuluaki ia ʻi he toetuʻu mei he mate, pea ʻe fakahā ʻe ia ʻae maama ki he kakai, mo e ngaahi Senitaile.
how that Christ must suffer, how being the first from the resurrection of the dead, he is to proclaim light both to the people, and the Gentiles.
24 Pe fakamatala pehē pe ʻe ia, mo e kalanga mai ʻa Fesito, ʻo pehē, “ʻE Paula, kuo ke faha; kuo fakafaha koe ʻe he poto lahi.”
And he making his defence to these things, Festus says with a loud voice, O Paul, thou art beside thyself; many writings turned thee into insanity.
25 Ka naʻe pehē ʻe ia, “ʻE ʻeiki ko Fesito, ʻoku ʻikai te u faha; ka ʻoku ou fakahā atu ʻae lea ʻoe moʻoni mo e poto.
But Paul says, I am not a maniac, most noble Festus; but I speak forth the words of truth and soberness.
26 He ʻoku ʻiloʻi ʻae ngaahi meʻa ni ʻe he tuʻi, ʻoku ou fakamatala ni ʻi hono ʻao: he ʻoku ou ʻilo pau ʻoku ʻikai lilo kiate ia ha meʻa ʻi he ngaahi meʻa ni; he naʻe ʻikai fai ʻae meʻa ni ʻi ha tuliki.
For the king, to whom I also speak boldly, knows concerning these things: for I am persuaded that nothing of these things is hidden; for this has not been done in a corner.
27 ‌ʻE tuʻi ko ʻAkilipa, ʻoku ke tui ki he kau palōfita? ʻOku ou ʻilo ʻoku ke tui.”
O king Agrippa, dost thou believe the prophets? I know that thou believest them.
28 Pea pehē ʻe ʻAkilipa kia Paula, Kuo ke meimei fakahehemaʻi au ke u hoko ko e Kalisitiane.
And Agrippa said to Paul, With little persuasion thou dost persuade thyself to make me a Christian.
29 Pea pehē ʻe Paula, “ʻAmusiaange ʻeau ki he ʻOtua, kuo ʻikai ko koe pe, ka ko kinautolu kotoa pē foki ʻoku fanongo kiate au ʻi he ʻaho ni, kuo mou meimei tatau, mo mātuʻaki tatau pē mo au, ka ko e ngaahi haʻi ni pe.”
And Paul said, I would to God, that both in little and in much, not only you, but also all of those hearing me this day, were such as I am, except these bonds.
30 Pea kuo pehē ʻene lea, pea tuʻu hake ʻae tuʻi, mo e pule, mo Pelenaisi, mo kinautolu naʻa nau nonofo:
And the king, and the governor, and Bernice, and those sitting with them, arose up:
31 Pea kuo nau afe siʻi mei ai, pea nau alea, ʻo pehē, “Kuo ʻikai fai ʻe he tangata ni ha meʻa ʻoku ngali mo e mate, pe ko e haʻisia.”
and having gone away, they were talking to one another, saying, that This man is doing nothing worthy of death or of bonds.
32 Pea toki pehē ʻe ʻAkilipa kia Fesito, “Ka ne taʻeʻoua ʻene pehē ke fakamaau ia ʻia Sisa, pehē, kuo lelei ke tukuange ʻae tangata ni.”
But Agrippa said to Festus, This man was able to have been released, if he had not appealed to Caesar.

< Kau ʻAposetolo 26 >