< Zaburi 147 >

1 Msifuni Yahwe, kwa maana ni vyema kumwimbia sifa Mungu wetu, ni kuzuri, kusifu kwa faa sana.
Praise YAH! For [it is] good to praise our God, For pleasant—lovely [is] praise.
2 Yahwe huijenga tena Yerusalemu, huwakusanya pamoja watu wa Israeli waliotawanyika.
YHWH [is] building Jerusalem, He gathers the driven away of Israel.
3 Huponya mioyo iliyopondeka na kuganga majeraha yao.
Who is giving healing to the broken of heart, And is binding up their griefs.
4 Huzihesabu nyota, naye huzipa majina zote.
Appointing the number of the stars, He gives names to all of them.
5 Ukuu ni wa Bwana wetu na nguvu zake ni za kutisha, ufahamu wake hauwezi kupimika.
Our Lord [is] great, and abundant in power, There is no narration of His understanding.
6 Yahwe huwainua wanyonge, huwashusha chini wenye jeuri.
YHWH is causing the meek to stand, Making the wicked low to the earth.
7 Mwimbieni Yahwe kwa shukurani, mwimbieni sifa Mungu wetu kwa kinubi.
Answer to YHWH with thanksgiving, Sing to our God with a harp.
8 Huzifunika mbingu kwa mawingu na huiandaa mvua kwa ajili ya nchi, akizifanya nyasi kukua juu ya milima.
Who is covering the heavens with clouds, Who is preparing rain for the earth, Who is causing grass to spring up [on] mountains,
9 Huwapa wanyama chakula na wana kunguru waliapo.
Giving to the beast its food, To the young of the ravens that call.
10 Hapati furaha katika nguvu ya farasi, wala haridhii miguu imara ya mwanadamu.
He does not delight in the might of the horse, He is not pleased in the legs of a man.
11 Yahwe huridhia katika wale wanao muheshimu yeye, watumainio katika uaminifu wa agano lake.
YHWH is pleased with those fearing Him, With those waiting for His kindness.
12 Msifuni Yahwe, Yerusalemu, msifuni Mungu wenu, Sayuni.
Glorify, O Jerusalem, YHWH, Praise your God, O Zion.
13 Maana yeye huyakaza mapingo ya malango yako, huwabariki watoto wako kati yako.
For He strengthened the bars of your gates, He has blessed your sons in your midst.
14 Huletamafanikio ndani ya mipaka yako, hukutosheleza kwa ngano bora.
Who is making your border peace, He satisfies you [with] the fat of wheat.
15 Huipeleka amri yake juu ya nchi, amri zake hupiga mbio sana.
Who is sending forth His saying [on] earth, His word runs very speedily.
16 Huifanya theluji kama sufu, huitawanya barafu kama majivu.
Who is giving snow like wool, He scatters hoarfrost as ashes.
17 Hutupa mvua ya mawe kama makombo, ni nani awezaye kuhimili baridi aitumayo?
Casting forth His ice like morsels, Who stands before His cold?
18 Hutuma amri zake na kuziyeyusha, huvumisha upepo wake na hutiririsha maji.
He sends forth His word and melts them, He causes His wind to blow—the waters flow.
19 Hutangaza neno lake kwa Yakobo, amri zake na hukumu zake kwa Israeli.
Declaring His words to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel.
20 Hajafanya hivyo kwa taifa linginelo lolote, na kama ilivyo amri zake, hawazijui. Msifuni Yahwe.
He has not done so to any nation, As for judgments, they have not known them. Praise YAH!

< Zaburi 147 >