< Ezekieli 1 >

1 Katika mwaka wa thelathini, mwezi wa nne, na siku ya tano ya mwezi, ikawa kuhusu kwamba nilikuwa nikiishi miongoni mwa wafungwa karibu na Kebari Kanali. Mbingu zilifunguka, na kuona maono ya Mungu.
And it was - in thirty year in the fourth [month] on [day] five of the month and I [was] in among the exile[s] at [the] river of Kebar they were opened the heavens and I saw visions of God.
2 Katika siku ya tano katika mwezi huo-ilikuwa mwaka wa tano wa utumwani wa Mfalme Yehoyakini-
On [day] five of the month it [was] the year fifth of [the] exile of the king Jehoiachin.
3 Neno la Yahwe likamjia Ezekieli mwana wa Buzi kuhani, katika nchi ya Wakaldayo karibu na Keberi Kanali, na mkono wa Yahwe ulikuwa juu yake hapo.
Expressly it came [the] word of Yahweh to Ezekiel [the] son of Buzi the priest in [the] land of [the] Chaldeans at [the] river of Kebar and it was on him there [the] hand of Yahweh.
4 Kisha nikaona, kulikuwa na upepo wa dhoruba unakuja kutoka kaskazini; wingu kubwa pamoja na moto wa nuru ndani yake na kung'aa ukizunguka ndani yake, na moto ulikuwa na rangi ya kaharabu ndani ya hilo wingu.
And I saw and there! a wind of storm [was] coming from the north a cloud great and fire flashing and brightness [belonged] to it all around and [was] from [the] middle of it like [the] appearance of shining substance from [the] middle of the fire.
5 Katikati kulikuwa na viumbe vinne vinavyofanana. Mwonekano wao ulikuwa hivi: walikuwa wanamfanano wa mtu,
And [was] from [the] middle of it a likeness of four living creatures and this [was] appearance their a likeness of a human [belonged] to them.
6 lakini walikuwa na sura nne kila mmoja, na kila mmoja alikuwa na mabawa manne.
And four faces [belonged] to one and four wings [belonged] to one of them.
7 Miguu yao ilikuwa imenyooka, lakini nyayo za miguu yao zilikuwa kama kwato za ndama zilizokuwa zinang'aa kama shaba iliyosuguliwa.
And feet their [was] a foot straight and [the] sole of feet their [was] like [the] sole of [the] foot of a calf and [they were] gleaming like [the] appearance of bronze burnished.
8 Bado walikuwa na mikono ya binadamu chini ya mabawa yao chini kwenye pande zote nne. Kwa wote wanne, nyuso zao na mabawa vilikuwa hivi:
(And [the] hands of *Q(K)*) a human [were] under wings their on [the] four sides their and faces their and wings their [belonged] to [the] four of them.
9 mabawa yao yalikuwa yameungana na kiumbe kingine, na hawakurudi walipokuwa wameenda; badala yake, kila mmoja alienda mbele.
[were] touching Each sister its wings their not they turned when moved they each to [the] side of face its they moved.
10 Mfanano wa nyuso zao ulikuwa kama uso wa mwanadamu. Wanne hao walikuwa na uso wa simba kwa upande wa kuume. Hao wanne pia walikuwa na uso wa tai.
And [the] likeness of faces their [was the] face of a human and [the] face of a lion to the right [side] [belonged] to [the] four of them and [the] face of an ox from the left [side] [belonged] to [the] four of them and [the] face of an eagle [belonged] to [the] four of them.
11 Nyuso zao zilikuwa hivyo, na mabawa yao yalikuwa yametawanyika juu, hivyo basi kila kiumbe kilikuwa na jozi ya za mabawa yaliyokuwa yameshikamana na bawa la kiumbe kingine, na pia jozi za mabawa yaliyokuwa yamefunika miili yao.
And faces their and wings their [were] spread out from to above each two [wings] [were] touching each and two [wings] [were] covering bodies their.
12 Kila mmoja alienda mbele, hivyo basi popote Roho alipowaelekeza kwanda, walienda bila kurudi.
And each to [the] side of face its they moved to where it was there the spirit [about] to go they moved not they turned when moved they.
13 Kama kwa mfanano wa hao viumbe hai, mwonekano wao ulikuwa ni kama kuchoma kaa la moto, kama mwonekano wa nuru; mng'ao wa moto pia ulihama karibu na miongoni mwa viumbe, na kulikuwa na nuru za radi.
And [the] likeness of the living creatures appearance their [was] like coals of fire burning like [the] appearance of torches it [was] moving about between the living creatures and brightness [belonged] to the fire and from the fire [was] coming out lightning.
14 Hao viumbe hai vilikuwa vikihama mbio mbele na nyuma, na walikuwa na mwonekano wa radi!
And the living creatures they were running and they were returning like [the] appearance of lightning.
15 Kisha nikawatazama wale viumbe hai; kulikuwa na gurudumu moja juu ya aridhi kando ya vile viumbe hai.
And I saw the living creatures and there! a wheel one [was] on the ground beside the living creatures for [the] four faces its.
16 Huu ndio ulikuwa mwonekano na umbo wa hizo gurudumu: kila gurudumu lilikuwa kama zabarajadi, na manne hayo yalikuwa na mfano mmoja; mwonekano wao na umbo vilikuwa kama gurudumu lililoungana na jingine.
[the] appearance of The wheels and construction their [was] like [the] appearance of chrysolite and a likeness one [belonged] to [the] four of them and appearance their and construction their [was] just as it was the wheel in [the] middle of the wheel.
17 Wakati yale magurudumu yalipokuwa yakitembea, yalienda bila kurudi kwenye mwelekeo wowote viumbe vilipokuwa vimeelekea.
On [the] four sides their when moved they they moved not they turned when moved they.
18 Kama kwa upande kingo, walikuwa warefu na wakutisha, kwa upande kingo kulikuwa na macho yamezunguka kote.
And rims their and height [belonged] to them and fear [belonged] to them and rims their [were] full of eyes all around to [the] four of them.
19 Popote vile viumbe hai vilipokuwa vikielekea, yale magurudumu yalielekea karibu nao. Wakati vile viumbe hai vilipoinuka kutoka kwenye nchi, na yale magurudumu yaliinuka pia.
And when moved the living creatures they moved the wheels beside them and when were lifted up the living creatures from on the ground they were lifted up the wheels.
20 Popote Roho alipokwenda, walikwenda, na yale magurudumu yaliinuka karibu nao, roho wa kiumbe hai ilikuwa magurudumu.
To where it was there the spirit [about] to go they moved there towards the spirit to go and the wheels they were lifted up close by them for [the] spirit of the living creature [was] in the wheels.
21 Popote vile viumbe vilipoelekea, magurudumu pia yalielekea huko; na wakati wale viumbe viliposimama hata hivyo, magurudumu yalisimama bado; wakati viumbe viliposimama kutoka kwenye nchi, magurudumu yalisimama karibu nao, kwa sababu yule roho wa wale viumbe alikuwa kwenye magurudumu.
When moved they they moved and when stood still they they stood still and when were lifted up they from on the ground they were lifted up the wheels close by them for [the] spirit of the living creature [was] in the wheels.
22 Juu ya vichwa vya wale viumbe hai kulikuwa na mfanano wa anga la kutanuka; ilikuwa inang'aa kama mfano wa barafu juu ya vichwa vyao.
And a likeness [was] above [the] heads of the living creature an expanse like [the] appearance of frost awesome spread out above heads their from to above.
23 Chini ya anga, kila mabawa ya kiumbe kimoja yalinyooshwa mbele na kugusana kila mabawa na kiumbe kimoja. Pia kila kiumbe hai kilikuwa na jozi moja kwa ajili ya kujifunika vyenyewe; kila kimoja kilikuwa na jozi moja kwa ajili ya kujifunika mwili wake mwenyewe.
And under the expanse wings their [were] straight each to sister its [belonged] to each two [wings] covering them [belonged] to each two [wings] covering them bodies their.
24 Kisha nikasikia sauti ya mabawa yao. Kama mlio wa maji mengi. Kama sauti ya mwenye enzi popote walipoelekea. Kama sauti ya jeshi. Popote pale waliposimama, walishusha mabawa yao.
And I heard [the] sound of wings their like [the] sound of waters many like [the] sound of [the] Almighty when moved they [the] sound of a rainstorm like [the] sound of an army when stood still they they let drop wings their.
25 Sauti ikaja kutoka juu ya anga juu ya vichwa vyao popote waliposimama na kushusha mabawa yao.
And it came a sound above the expanse which [was] above head their when stood still they they let drop wings their.
26 Juu ya anga juu ya vichwa vyao kulikuwa na mfanao wa kiti cha enzi ambacho kilikuwa na mwonekano wa jiwe la samawati, na juu mfano wa kiti cha enzi kilifanana kama mwonekano wa mwanadamu.
And [was] from above the expanse which [was] above head their like [the] appearance of a stone of sapphire [the] likeness of a throne and [was] on [the] likeness of the throne a likeness like [the] appearance of a human on it from to above.
27 Nikaona umbo lenye mwonekano wa chuma chenye kung'aa pamoja na moto ndani yake kutoka kwenye mwonekano wa juu ya nyonga zake juu; Nikaona kutoka kwenye mwonekano wa nyonga zake upande wa chini mwonekano wa moto na mng'ao umezunguka kote.
And I saw - like [the] appearance of a shining substance like [the] appearance of fire within to it [was] all around from [the] appearance of hips his and upwards and from [the] appearance of hips his and downwards I saw like [the] appearance of fire and brightness of him [was] all around.
28 Kama mwonekano wa upinde wa mvua kwenye mawingu katika siku ya mvua ulikuwa na mwonekano wa taa iliyowaka imeizunguka. ulikuwa na mwonekano unaofanana na utukufu wa Yahwe. Wakati nilipouona, nilihisi kwenye uso wangu, na nikasikia sauti ikiongea.
Like [the] appearance of rainbow which it is in the cloud[s] on [the] day of rain so [the] appearance of the brightness all around that [was] [the] appearance of [the] likeness of [the] glory of Yahweh and I saw [it] and I fell on face my and I heard a voice speaking.

< Ezekieli 1 >