< Matendo 21 >
1 Wakati tulipokua tumeachana nao, na tunasafiri baharini, tukafika moja kwa moja kwenye mji wa Kosi, na kesho yake tukafika mji wa Rodo, na kutoka huko tukafika mji wa Patara.
And it chaunsed that assone as we had launched forth and were departed from them we came with a strayght course vnto Choon and the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes and from thence vnto Patara.
2 Tulipopata meli inayovuka kwenda Foinike, tulipanda tukasafiri.
And we founde a shippe redy to sayle vnto Phenices and went a borde and set forthe.
3 Tulipofika mbele ya kisiwa cha Kipro, tukaiacha upande wa kushoto, tukasafiri hadi Siria, tukaweka nanga katika mji wa Tiro, kwa sababu huko ndiko meli ilikuwa ipakuliwe shehena yake.
Then appered vnto vs Cyprus and we lefte it on the lefte honde and sayled vnto Syria and came vnto Tyre. For there the shyppe vnladed her burthen.
4 Baada ya kuwaona wanafunzi, tukakaa huko siku saba. Wanafunzi hawa wakamwambia Paulo kupitia kwa Roho kwamba yeye asikanyage Yerusalemu.
And when we had founde brethren we taryed there. vii. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe ye sprete that he shuld not goo vp to Ierusalem.
5 Hata tulipotimiza siku zile, sisi tukaondoka tukaenda zetu. Wote pamoja, na wanawake zao na watoto wao, walitusindikiza katika njia zetu hadi tulipotoka nje ya mji. Kisha tukapiga magoti pwani, tukaomba, tukaagana kila mmoja.
And when the dayes were ended we departed and went oure wayes and they all brought vs on oure waye wt their wyves and chyldren tyll we were come out of the cyte. And we kneled doune in the shore and prayde.
6 Tukapanda meli, huku nao wakarudi nyumbani kwao tena.
And when we had taken oure leave one of another we toke shyppe and they returned home agayne.
7 Hata tulipomaliza safari yetu kutoka Tiro, tukafika Tolemai. Pale tulisalimia ndugu, na kukakaa nao kwa siku moja.
When we had full ended the course fro Tyre we aryved at Ptolomaida and saluted the brethren and abode with the one daye.
8 Kesho yake tuliondoka tukaenda Kaisaria. Sisi tukaingia nyumbani mwa Filipo, mhubiri wa injili, aliyekuwa mmoja wa wale saba, nasi tukakaa pamoja naye.
The nexte daye we that were of Pauls copany departed and came vnto Cesarea. And we entred into the housse of Philip ye Evagelist which was one of the seve deacones and abode with him.
9 Mtu huyu alikuwa na mabinti wanne mabikira ambao walitabiri.
The same man had fower doughters virges which dyd prophesy.
10 Baada ya kukaa huko kwa siku kadhaa, akashuka kutoka Uyahudi nabii mmoja aitwaye Agabo.
And as we taried there a good many dayes there came a certayne prophete from Iurie named Agabus.
11 Yeye alikuja kwetu na akautwaa mkanda wa Paulo. kwa huo alijifunga miguu na mikono yake mwenyewe na kusema, “Roho Mtakatifu asema hivi,” “Wayahudi wa Yerusalemu watamfunga mtu anayemiliki mkanda huu, nao watamkabidhi mikononi mwa watu wa mataifa.”
When he was come vnto vs he toke Pauls gerdell and bounde his hondes and fete and sayde: thus saith the holy goost: so shall ye Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man yt oweth this gerdell and shall delyver him into the hondes of the gentyls.
12 Tuliposikia mambo hayo, sisi na watu waliokuwa wakiishi mahali pale tulimsihi Paulo asipande kwende Yerusalemu.
When we hearde this both we and other of the same place besought him that he wolde not goo vp to Ierusalem.
13 Ndipo Paulo alijibu, “Mnafanya nini, mnalia na kunivunja moyo wangu? Kwa maana niko tayari, siyo tu kufungwa, lakini pia kufia huko Yerusalemu kwa ajili ya jina la Bwana Yesu.”
Then Paul answered and sayde: what do ye wepynge and breakinge myne hert? I am redy not to be bound only but also to dye at Ierusalem for ye name of ye Lorde Iesu.
14 Kwa vile Paulo hakutaka kushawishiwa, tuliacha na kusema, “Basi mapenzi ya Bwana yafanyike.”
When we coulde not turne his mynde we ceased sayinge: the will of ye Lorde be fulfilled.
15 Baada ya siku hizi, tulichukua mifuko yetu na tukapanda Yerusalemu.
After those dayes we made oure selfes redy and went vp to Ierusalem.
16 Baadhi ya wanafunzi kutoka Kaisaria pia walifuatana nasi. Wakamleta mtu mmoja aitwaye Mnasoni, mtu wa Kipro, mwanafunzi wa zamani, ambaye tulikaa naye.
There went with vs also certayne of his disciples of Cesarea and brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus an olde disciple with whom we shuld lodge.
17 Tulipofika Yerusalemu, ndugu walitukaribisha kwa furaha.
And when we were come to Ierusalem the brethren receaved vs gladly.
18 Kesho yake Paulo alienda pamoja nasi kwa Yakobo, na wazee wote walikuwepo.
And on the morowe Paul wet in with vs vnto Iames. And all the elders came to geder.
19 Baada ya kuwasalimu, aliwapa taarifa moja baada ya nyingine ya mambo ambayo Mungu aliyotenda miongoni mwa mataifa kwa kupitia huduma yake.
And when he had saluted them he tolde by order all thinges that God had wrought amoge the getyls by his ministracion.
20 Wakati waliposikia hayo, wakamsifu Mungu, na wakamwambia, “Unaona, ndugu, kuna maelfu wangapi wameamini miongoni mwa Wayahudi. Wao wote wana nia ya kushika sheria.
And when they hearde it they glorified the Lorde and sayde vnto him: thou seist brother how many thousande Iewes ther are which beleve and they are all zelous over ye lawe.
21 Wameambiwa kuhusu wewe, kwamba unafundisha Wayahudi wanaoishi kati ya mataifa kuachana na Musa, na kwamba unawaambia wasiwatahiri watoto wao, na wasifuate desturi za zamani.
And they are informed of the that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amoge the gentyls to forsake Moses and sayst that they ought not to circumcise their chyldren nether to live after the customes.
22 Tunapaswa tufanye nini? Bila shaka watasikia kwamba wewe umekuja.
What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come togeder. For they shall heare that thou arte come.
23 Hivyo fanya kile sisi tunachokuambia sasa: tunao watu wanne ambao wameweka nadhiri.
Do therfore this that we saye to the. We have. iiii. men which have a vowe on them.
24 Wachukue watu hawa na ujitakase mwenyewe pamoja nao, na uwalipie gharama zao, ili waweze kunyoa vichwa vyao. Hivyo kila mmoja apate kujua kwamba mambo waliyoambiwa kuhusu wewe ni ya uongo. Watajifunza kwamba wewe pia unafuata sheria.
Them take and purifye thy selfe with them and do cost on them that they maye shave their heeddes and all shall knowe yt tho thinges which they have hearde concerninge the are nothinge: but that thou thy selfe also walkest and kepest the lawe.
25 Lakini kwa habari za mataifa ambao wamekuwa waumini, tuliandika na kutoa maagizo kwamba wanapaswa kujiepusha na vitu vilivyotolewa dhabihu kwa sanamu, na damu, kutokana na kile kilichonyongwa, na wajiepushe na uasherati.”
For as touchinge the gentyls which beleve we have written and concluded yt they observe no soche thinges: but that they kepe them selves from thinges offred to ydoles from bloud fro strangled and fro fornicacion.
26 Ndipo, Paulo aliwatwaa wanaume, na siku ya pili, akajitakasa mwenyewe pamoja nao, akaingia Hekaluni, kutangaza kipindi cha siku za kujitakasa, hadi sadaka itolewa kwa ajili ya kila mmoja wao.
Then the nexte daye Paul toke the men and purified him selfe with them and entred into the teple declaringe that he observed the dayes of ye purificacio vntyll that an offeringe shuld be offred for every one of them.
27 Siku hizo saba zilipokaribia kumalizika, baadhi ya Wayahudi kutoka Asia wakamuona Paulo Hekaluni, na makutano wakakasirika, na wakamnyoshea mikono.
And as the seven dayes shuld have bene ended ye Iewes which were of Asia when they sawe him in the teple they moved all the people and layde hondes on him
28 Walikuwa wanapiga kelele, “Watu wa Israeli, tusaidieni. Huyu ni yule mtu anayewafundisha watu kila mahali mambo ambayo ni kinyume na watu, sheria, na mahali hapa. Pia amewaleta Wayunani katika Hekalu na kupanajisi mahali hapa patakatifu.”
cryinge: men of Israel helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men every where agaynst the people and the lawe and this place. Moreover also he hath brought Grekes into the teple and hath polluted this holy place.
29 Kwa kuwa mwanzoni walikuwa wamemwona Trofimo Muefeso akiwa pamoja naye mjini, nao walidhani kwamba Paulo alimleta hekaluni.
For they sawe one Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the cyte. Him they supposed Paul had brought into the teple.
30 Mji wote ulikuwa na taharuki, na watu wakakimbia pamoja na kumkamata Paulo. Wakamtoa nje ya Hekalu, na milango mara ikafungwa.
And all the cyte was moved and the people swarmed to geder. And they toke Paul and drue him out of the teple and forthwith the dores were shut to.
31 Walipokuwa wakijaribu kumuua, habari zilimfikia mkuu wa jeshi la walinzi kuwa Yerusalemu yote ilikuwa imejaa ghasia.
As they went about to kyll him tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers that all Ierusalem was moved.
32 Mara hiyo akawachukua askari na jemadari akaukimbilia umati. Wakati Watu walipomwona mkuu wa jeshi na askari, wakaacha kumpiga Paulo.
Which immediatly toke soudiers and vndercaptaynes and ranne doune vnto them. When they sawe ye vpper captayne and the soudiers they lefte smytinge of Paul.
33 Kisha mkuu wa jeshi alimkaribia na akamshika Paulo, na akaamuru afungwe minyororo miwili. Akamuuliza yeye ni nani na amefanya nini.
Then the captayne came neare and toke him and comaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes and demaunded what he was and what he had done.
34 Baadhi ya watu kwenye umati walikuwa wanapayuka kitu hiki na wengine kingine. Kwa kuwa jemadari hakuweza kuwaambia chochote kwa sababu ya zile kelele, akaamuru Paulo aletwe ndani ya ngome.
And one cryed this another that amoge the people. And whe he coulde not knowe the certayntie for ye rage he comaunded him to be caryed into the castle.
35 Basi alipofika kwenye ngazi, akachukuliwa na askari kwa sababu ya ghasia za umati.
And whe he came vnto a grece it fortuned that he was borne of the soudiers of the violence of the people.
36 Maana umati wa watu walimfuata na waliendelea kupiga kelele, “Mwondoeni huyu!”
For the multitude of the people folowed after cryinge: awaye wt him.
37 Paulo alipokuwa analetwa ndani ya ngome, alimwambia mkuu wa jeshi, “Naweza kukwambia kitu?” Yule mkuu wa jeshi akasema, “Je unaongea Kiyunani?
And as Paul shuld have bene caryed into the castle he sayde vnto the hye Captayne: maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: canst thou speake Greke?
38 Je, wewe si yule Mmisri ambaye awali aliongoza uasi na alichukua magaidi elfu nne nyikani?”
Arte not thou that Egypcian which before these dayes made an vproure and ledde out into the wildernes. iiii. thousande men that were mortherers?
39 Paulo akasema, “Mimi ni Myahudi, kutoka mji wa Tarso ya Kilikia. Mimi ni raia wa mji maarufu. Nawaomba, mniruhusu nizungumze na watu.”
But Paul sayde: I am a ma which am a Iewe of Tharsus a cite in Cicill a Citesyn of no vyle cite I beseche ye soffre me to speake vnto ye people.
40 Wakati jemadari alipompa ruhusa, Paulo akasimama penye ngazi na akatoa ishara kwa watu kwa mkono wake. Wakati kulipokuwa na ukimya sana, akaongea nao kwa Kihebrania. Akasema,
When he had geve him licece Paul stode on ye steppes and beckned with the honde vuto the people and ther was made a greate silence. And he spake vnto the in ye Ebrue tonge sayinge: