< Luka 19 >

1 Yesu akaingia Yeriko, naye alikuwa anapita katikati ya huo mji.
And having entered He was passing through Jericho.
2 Tazama, palikuwa na mtu mmoja mkuu wa watoza ushuru naye alikuwa tajiri, jina lake Zakayo.
And behold a man by name being called Zacchaeus and he himself was a chief tax collector and (he himself *N(k)O*) (was *k*) rich;
3 Yeye alikuwa akijitahidi kumwona Yesu ni mtu wa namna gani. Lakini kutokana na umati mkubwa wa watu hakuweza kwa sababu alikuwa mfupi wa kimo.
And he was seeking to see Jesus who He is and not he was able because of the crowd, because in stature small he was.
4 Kwa hiyo akatangulia mbio mbele ya umati wa watu akapanda juu ya mkuyu ili amwone Yesu, kwa sababu angeipitia njia ile.
And having run (to the *no*) front he went up into a sycamore-fig tree so that he may see Him, for (through *k*) that [way] He was soon to pass.
5 Yesu alipofika pale chini ya huo mkuyu, akatazama juu, akamwambia, “Zakayo, shuka upesi, kwa maana leo nitakuwa mgeni nyumbani kwako!”
And as He came to the place, having looked up Jesus (he saw him and *K*) said to him; Zacchaeus, having hurried do come down; today for in the house of you it behooves Me to stay.
6 Hivyo Zakayo akashuka upesi, akamkaribisha Yesu nyumbani kwake kwa furaha kubwa.
And having hurried he came down and received Him rejoicing.
7 Watu wote walipoona hivyo, wakaanza kunungʼunika wakisema, “Amekwenda kuwa mgeni wa ‘mtu mwenye dhambi.’”
And having seen [it] (all *N(k)O*) were grumbling saying that With a sinful man He has entered to stay.
8 Lakini Zakayo akasimama na kumwambia Bwana, “Tazama, Bwana! Sasa hivi nusu ya mali yangu ninawapa maskini, nami kama nimemdhulumu mtu yeyote kitu chochote, nitamrudishia mara nne ya hicho kiwango.”
Having stood then Zacchaeus said to the Lord; Behold the half my possessions Lord, to the poor I give; and if of anyone anything I have defrauded, I restore [it] fourfold.
9 Ndipo Yesu akamwambia, “Leo, wokovu umeingia nyumbani humu, kwa sababu huyu naye ni mwana wa Abrahamu.
Said then to him Jesus that Today salvation to the house this has come, because also he himself a son of Abraham is;
10 Kwa maana Mwana wa Adamu amekuja kutafuta na kuokoa kile kilichopotea.”
Came for the Son of Man to seek and to save that having been lost.
11 Walipokuwa wanasikiliza haya, Yesu akaendelea kuwaambia mfano, kwa sababu alikuwa anakaribia Yerusalemu na watu walikuwa wakidhani ya kuwa Ufalme wa Mungu ulikuwa unakuja saa iyo hiyo.
When are hearing now they these things having proceeded He spoke a parable because near being to Jerusalem He and thinking they that immediately is about the kingdom of God to appear.
12 Hivyo akawaambia: “Mtu mmoja mwenye cheo kikubwa alisafiri kwenda nchi ya mbali ili akapokee madaraka ya kuwa mfalme, kisha arudi.
He said therefore; A man certain of noble birth proceeded to a country distant to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
13 Hivyo akawaita kumi miongoni mwa watumishi wake, na akawapa kila mmoja fungu la fedha. Akawaambia, ‘Fanyeni biashara na fedha hizi mpaka nitakaporudi.’
Having called then ten servants his own he gave to them ten minas and said to them; (Do trade *NK(o)*) (in that *NO*) (until *k*) I come back.
14 “Lakini raiya wa nchi yake walimchukia wakapeleka ujumbe na kusema, ‘Hatutaki huyu mtu awe mfalme wetu.’
But the citizens of him were hating him and sent a delegation after him saying; Not we are willing [for] this [man] to reign over us.
15 “Hata hivyo alirudi akiwa amekwisha kupokea mamlaka ya ufalme, akawaita wale watumishi wake aliokuwa amewaachia fedha, ili afahamu ni faida kiasi gani kila mmoja wao aliyopata kwa kufanya biashara.
And it came to pass on the returning of him having received the kingdom that he directed to be called to him servants these to whom (he had given *N(k)O*) the money, in order that he may know (who *k*) what (they had gained by trading. *N(k)O*)
16 “Wa kwanza akaja na kusema, ‘Bwana, kutokana na fedha uliyoniachia, nimepata faida mara kumi zaidi.’
Came up then the first saying; lord, the mina of you ten (has produced *N(k)O*) more minas.
17 “Yule bwana akamjibu, ‘Umefanya vizuri mtumishi mwema! Kwa sababu umekuwa mwaminifu katika wajibu mdogo sana, nakupa mamlaka juu ya miji kumi.’
And He said to him; (well done *N(k)O*) good servant! Because in very little faithful you were, do be having authority you are over ten cities.
18 “Wa pili naye akaja. Akasema, ‘Bwana, fedha yako imeleta faida mara tano zaidi.’
And came the second saying; The mina of you, lord, has made five minas.
19 “Bwana wake akajibu, ‘Nakupa mamlaka juu ya miji mitano.’
He said then also to this one; And you yourself over do be five cities.
20 “Kisha akaja yule mtumishi mwingine, akasema, ‘Bwana, hii hapa fedha yako. Niliitunza vizuri kwenye kitambaa.
And (*no*) another came saying; lord, behold the mina of you which I was keeping lying in a piece of cloth;
21 Nilikuogopa, kwa sababu wewe ni mtu mgumu. Unachukua ambapo hukuweka kitu, na unavuna mahali ambapo hukupanda kitu.’
I was afraid for of you, because a man harsh you are; You take up what not you did lay down and you reap what not you did sow.
22 “Bwana wake akamjibu, ‘Nitakuhukumu kwa maneno yako mwenyewe, wewe mtumishi mwovu! Kama ulifahamu kwamba mimi ni mtu mgumu, nichukuaye mahali ambapo sikuweka kitu na kuvuna mahali ambapo sikupanda,
He says (now *k*) to him; Out of the mouth of you I will judge you, evil servant. You knew that I myself a man harsh am taking up what not I did lay down and reaping what not I did sow;
23 kwa nini basi hukuweka fedha zangu kwa watoa riba, ili nitakaporudi nichukue iliyo yangu na riba yake?’
Then because of why not did you give my money to (the *k*) bank, and I myself and I myself having come with interest maybe it collected
24 “Ndipo akawaambia wale waliokuwa wamesimama karibu, ‘Mnyangʼanyeni fungu lake la fedha, mkampe yule mwenye kumi.’
And to those having stood by he said; do take from him the mina and do give [it] to the [one] the ten minas having.
25 “Wakamwambia, ‘Bwana, mbona; tayari anayo mafungu kumi!’
And they said to him; Master, he has ten minas.
26 “Akawajibu, ‘Nawaambia kwamba kila aliye na kitu, ataongezewa. Lakini yule asiye na kitu, hata alicho nacho atanyangʼanywa.
I say (for *ko*) to you that to everyone who is having will be given, from however the [one] not having even that which he has will be taken away (from of him. *ko*)
27 Lakini wale adui zangu ambao hawakutaka mimi niwe mfalme juu yao. Waleteni hapa mkawaue mbele yangu.’”
Furthermore the enemies of mine (these *N(k)O*) those not having been willing [for] me to reign over them do bring here and do slay them before me.
28 Baada ya Yesu kusema haya, alitangulia kupanda kwenda Yerusalemu.
And having said these things He was going on ahead going up to Jerusalem.
29 Naye alipokaribia Bethfage na Bethania kwenye mlima uitwao Mlima wa Mizeituni, aliwatuma wanafunzi wake wawili, akawaambia,
And it came to pass as He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany toward the mount which is being called Olivet He sent two of the disciples (of him *ko*)
30 “Nendeni katika kijiji kilichoko mbele yenu. Na mtakapokuwa mnaingia kijijini, mtamkuta mwana-punda amefungwa hapo, ambaye hajapandwa na mtu bado. Mfungueni, mkamlete hapa.
(speaking; *N(k)O*) do go into the ahead village, in which entering you will find a colt tied on which no [one] ever yet of men has sat; (and *no*) having untied it do bring [it].
31 Kama mtu akiwauliza, ‘Mbona mnamfungua?’ Mwambieni, ‘Bwana anamhitaji.’”
And if anyone you shall ask; Because of why do you untie [it]? thus will you say (to him: *k*) Because the Lord of it need has.’
32 Wale waliotumwa wakaenda, wakakuta kila kitu kama vile Yesu alivyokuwa amewaambia.
Having departed then those sent found [it] even as He had said to them.
33 Walipokuwa wanamfungua yule mwana-punda, wenyewe wakawauliza, “Mbona mnamfungua huyo mwana-punda?”
When are untying then they the colt said the masters of it to them; Why untie you the colt?
34 Wale wanafunzi wakajibu, “Bwana anamhitaji.”
And they said: (that *no*) The Lord of it need has.
35 Wakamleta kwa Yesu, nao baada ya kutandika mavazi yao juu ya huyo mwana-punda, wakampandisha Yesu juu yake.
And they led it to Jesus, and having cast (their *N(k)O*) garments on the colt they put on [it] Jesus.
36 Alipokuwa akienda akiwa amempanda, watu wakatandaza mavazi yao barabarani.
When is going then He they were spreading the garments (of them *NK(o)*) on the road.
37 Alipokaribia mahali yanapoanzia materemko ya Mlima wa Mizeituni, umati wote wa wafuasi wake wakaanza kumsifu Mungu kwa furaha kwa sauti kuu kwa ajili ya matendo yote ya miujiza waliyoyaona. Wakasema:
When is drawing near then he already at the descent of the Mount of Olives began all the multitude of the disciples rejoicing to praise God in a voice loud for (all *NK(o)*) which they had seen [the] mighty works
38 “Amebarikiwa Mfalme ajaye kwa Jina la Bwana!” “Amani mbinguni na utukufu huko juu sana.”
saying: Blessed [is] the coming King in [the] name of [the] Lord; In heaven peace, and glory in [the] highest.
39 Baadhi ya Mafarisayo waliokuwamo miongoni mwa ule umati wa watu wakamwambia, “Mwalimu, waamuru wanafunzi wako wanyamaze.”
And some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him; Teacher, do rebuke the disciples of You.
40 Yesu akawajibu, “Nawaambia ninyi, kama hawa wakinyamaza, mawe yatapiga kelele.”
And answering He said (to them: *ko*) I say to you (that *ko*) if these (will be silent, *N(k)O*) the stones (will cry out. *N(k)O*)
41 Alipokaribia Yerusalemu na kuuona mji, aliulilia,
And as He drew near, having seen the city He wept over (it *N(k)O*)
42 akisema, “Laiti ungalijua hata wewe leo yale ambayo yangeleta amani, lakini sasa yamefichika machoni pako.
saying that If you had known (and indeed *k*) in the day (of you *k*) this even you yourself the [things] for peace (of you; *ko*) Now however they are hidden from eyes of you.
43 Hakika siku zinakujia, ambazo adui zako watakuzingira, nao watakuzunguka pande zote na kukuzuilia ndani.
For will come days upon you that (will cast around *N(k)O*) the enemies of you a barricade you and they will surround you and they will hem in you on every side
44 Watakuponda chini, wewe na watoto walioko ndani ya kuta zako. Nao hawataacha hata jiwe moja juu ya jingine, kwa sababu hukutambua wakati wa kujiliwa kwako.”
and will level to the ground you and the children of you within you and not will leave a stone upon (a stone *N(k)O*) within you, because which not you knew the season of visitation of you.
45 Ndipo akaingia eneo la Hekalu, akaanza kuwafukuza wale waliokuwa wakiuza vitu humo.
And having entered into the temple He began to cast out those selling (in to it *k*) (and buying *K*)
46 Naye akawaambia, “Imeandikwa, ‘Nyumba yangu itakuwa nyumba ya sala,’ lakini ninyi mmeifanya kuwa ‘pango la wanyangʼanyi.’”
saying to them; It has been written: (And *no*) (will be *N(k)O*) the house of Mine a house of prayer’; You yourselves however it made a den of robbers.’
47 Kila siku alikuwa akifundisha Hekaluni. Lakini viongozi wa makuhani, walimu wa sheria na viongozi wa watu walikuwa wakitafuta njia ili kumuua.
And He was teaching every day in the temple; the however chief priests and the scribes were seeking Him to destroy and the foremost of the people,
48 Lakini hawakupata nafasi kwa sababu watu wote walimfuata wakiyasikiliza maneno yake kwa usikivu mwingi.
And not they were finding what they may do; the people for all were hanging on His [words] listening.

< Luka 19 >