< Psalmi 4 >

1 Poslušaj me, kadar kličem, oh Bog moje pravičnosti. Osvobodil si me, ko sem bil v stiski, usmili se me in usliši mojo molitev.
“For the leader of the music; to be accompanied with stringed instruments. A psalm of David.” Hear me, when I call, O God of my righteousness! Thou hast helped me, when I was in trouble, —Have pity upon me, and hear my prayer!
2 Oh vi človeški sinovi, doklej boste mojo slavo spreminjali v sramoto? Kako dolgo boste ljubili prazne reči in iskali laž? (Sela)
How long, O men! will ye dishonor my dignity? How long will ye love vanity, and seek disappointment? (Pause)
3 Toda vedite, da je Gospod zase oddvojil tistega, ki je bogaboječ. Gospod bo slišal, kadar kličem k njemu.
Know ye that the LORD hath exalted one that is devoted to him; The LORD will hear, when I call upon him.
4 Stoj v strahospoštovanju in ne greši. Na svoji postelji se posvetuj s svojim lastnim srcem in miruj. (Sela)
Stand in awe, and sin no more; Commune with your hearts upon your beds, and desist! (Pause)
5 Daruj klavne daritve pravičnosti in svoje trdno upanje položi v Gospoda.
Offer sacrifices of righteousness, And put your trust in the LORD!
6 Mnogi so, ki pravijo: »Kdo nam bo pokazal karkoli dobrega?« Gospod, dvigni nad nami svetlobo svojega obličja.
There are many who say, Who will show us any good? LORD, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us!
7 V moje srce si položil veselje, več kot v času, ko je naraslo njihovo žito in njihovo vino.
Thou puttest gladness into my heart, Greater than theirs, when their corn and wine are abundant.
8 V miru se bom ulegel in spal. Kajti samo ti, Gospod, mi daješ prebivati na varnem.
I will lay me down in peace, and sleep: For thou alone, O LORD! makest me dwell in safety.

< Psalmi 4 >