< Mapisarema 9 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba namaimbiro o“Kufa kwoMwanakomana.” Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndichakurumbidzai, imi Jehovha, nomwoyo wangu wose; ndichataura pamusoro pezvishamiso zvenyu zvose.
To the Chief Musician. On "Muthlabben." A Melody of David. I will praise Yahweh with all my heart, I will recount all thy wonderful doings:
2 Ndichafara nokufarisisa mamuri; ndichaimbira zita renyu nziyo dzokurumbidza, imi Wokumusoro-soro.
I will rejoice and exult in thee, I will praise in song, thy Name, O most High.
3 Vavengi vangu vanodzokera shure; vanogumburwa uye vanoparara pamberi penyu.
When mine enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished from before thee;
4 Nokuti makatsigira kodzero yangu nenyaya yangu; makagara pachigaro chenyu choushe, muchitonga zvakarurama kwazvo.
For thou hast executed my right and my cause, Thou hast sat on the throne, judging righteously:
5 Makatuka ndudzi mukaparadza vakaipa; makadzima zita ravo nokusingaperi.
Thou hast rebuked the nations, Thou hast destroyed the lawless one, Their name, hast thou wiped out, to times age-abiding and beyond.
6 Kuparadzwa kusina magumo kwakakunda muvengi, makadzura maguta avo; kunyange chiyeuchidzo chavo chakaparara.
O enemy! complete are the desolations, evermore, —even cities, hast thou uprooted, The memory of, them, hath perished.
7 Jehovha anotonga nokusingaperi; akasimbisa chigaro chake choushe kuti atonge.
But, Yahweh, unto times age-abiding, will sit, Ready for judgment, is his throne;
8 Achatonga nyika nokururama; achatonga marudzi nokururamisira.
And, he, will judge the world in righteousness, He will minister judgment to peoples, in uprightness.
9 Jehovha ndiye nhare yavakamanikidzwa, nhare yakasimba panguva yokutambudzika.
Thus be Yahweh a refuge for the crushed one, a refuge for times of destitution:
10 Vanoziva zita renyu vachavimba nemi, nokuti imi, Jehovha hamuna kumbosiya avo vanokutsvakai.
Thus let them who know thy Name, put confidence in thee, that thou hast not forsaken the searchers for thee, O Yahweh.
11 Imbirai Jehovha nziyo dzokurumbidza, iye agere pachigaro choushe muZioni; paridzai zvaakaita pakati pendudzi.
Sing ye praise to Yahweh, who is seated in Zion, Tell among the peoples his doings.
12 Nokuti iye anotsiva ropa anorangarira; haashayiri hanya kuchema kwavanotambudzwa.
When he was making inquisition for blood, of them, had he remembrance, he forgat not the outcry of the oppressed.
13 Haiwa Jehovha, onai kuti vavengi vangu vanonditambudza sei! Ndinzwirei ngoni mundisimudze pamasuo orufu,
Show me favour, O Yahweh! Behold my humiliation due to them who hate me, Lift me on high out of the gates of death;
14 kuti ndiparidze kurumbidzwa kwenyu mumasuo oMwanasikana weZioni, uye ndigofara muruponeso rwenyu.
That I may recount all thy praises, In the gates of the daughter of Zion, may exult in thy salvation.
15 Ndudzi dzakawira mugomba radzakachera; tsoka dzavo dzakabatwa nemimbure yavakaviga.
The nations, have sunk, in the pit they had made, In the net which they had hidden, is caught their own foot.
16 Jehovha anozivikanwa nokururamisira kwake; vakaipa vakateyiwa namabasa amaoko avo. Higayoni. Sera
To be known is Yahweh, by the sentence he hath executed, By the doing of his own hands, is he about to strike down the lawless one. [Resounding music. (Selah)
17 Vakaipa vanodzokera kuguva, idzo ndudzi dzose dzinokanganwa Mwari. (Sheol h7585)
The lawless, shall return, to hades, all nations forgetful of God. (Sheol h7585)
18 Asi vanoshayiwa havangagari vachikanganwikwa, uye tariro yavanotambudzwa haingaparari.
For, not always, shall the needy, be forgotten, —[nor, ] the hope of the oppressed, perish for ever.
19 Simukai, Jehovha, munhu ngaarege kukunda; ndudzi ngadzitongwe pamberi penyu.
Rise! Yahweh! let man not prevail, let the nations be judged before thee.
20 Varovei nokutyisa, imi Jehovha; ndudzi ngadzizive kuti vanongova vanhu zvavo. Sera
Appoint, O Yahweh, a terror for them, —Let the nations know [that] they are men. (Selah)

< Mapisarema 9 >