< Joshua 14 >

1 Zvino idzi ndidzo nzvimbo dzakagamuchirwa navana vaIsraeri senhaka munyika yeKenani, dzavakagoverwa nomuprista Ereazari, naJoshua mwanakomana waNuni, navakuru vedzimba dzamadzibaba amarudzi avana vaIsraeri.
And these [are] they of the sons of Israel who inherited in the land of Canaan, whom Eleazar the priest, and Joshua son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the sons of Israel, caused to inherit;
2 Nhaka yavo yakagoverwa nemijenya kumarudzi mapfumbamwe nehafu yamarudzi, sezvakanga zvaraiyirwa naJehovha kuna Mozisi.
their inheritance [is] by lot, as YHWH commanded by the hand of Moses, for the nine tribes and the half-tribe;
3 Mozisi akanga apa marudzi maviri ane hafu nhaka yawo kumabvazuva kweJorodhani; asi vaRevhi haana kuvapa nhaka pakati pavo,
for Moses has given the inheritance of two of the tribes, and of half of the tribe, beyond the Jordan, and he has not given an inheritance to the Levites in their midst;
4 nokuti vana vaJosefa vakanga vava marudzi maviri, rwaManase norwaEfuremu. VaRevhi havana kuwana mugove wenyika asi maguta okugara, namafuro amakwai avo nemombe dzavo.
for the sons of Joseph have been two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim, and they have not given a portion to the Levites in the land, except cities to dwell in, and their outskirts for their livestock, and for their possessions;
5 Naizvozvo vana vaIsraeri vakakamura-kamura nyika, sezvazvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.
as YHWH commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel have done, and they apportion the land.
6 Zvino vanhu veJudha vakaenda kuna Joshua paGirigari, uye Karebhu, mwanakomana waJefune muKenizi, akati kwaari, “Imi munoziva zvakataurwa naJehovha kuna Mozisi munhu waMwari, pamusoro pangu nemi, paKadheshi Bharinea.
And the sons of Judah come near to Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenezzite says to him, “You have known the word that YHWH has spoken to Moses, the man of God, concerning me and concerning you in Kadesh-Barnea:
7 Ndakanga ndava namakore makumi mana pandakatumwa naMozisi muranda waJehovha, paKadheshi Bharinea kundosora nyika, uye ndakadzoka neshoko kwaari sezvandakafunga ini,
I [was] a son of forty years in Moses, servant of YHWH, sending me from Kadesh-Barnea, to spy out the land, and I bring him back word as with my heart;
8 asi hama dzangu dzakanga dzakwidza neni dzakaodza mwoyo yavanhu, nokutya. Kunyange zvakadaro ini ndakatevera Jehovha Mwari wangu nomwoyo wose.
and my brothers who have gone up with me have caused the heart of the people to melt, and I have been fully after my God YHWH;
9 Saka pazuva iro Mozisi akapika kwandiri akati, ‘Nyika yose yauchafamba pairi netsoka dzako, ichava nhaka yako, navana vako nokusingaperi, nokuti wakatevera Jehovha Mwari wangu nomwoyo wako wose.’
and Moses swears in that day, saying, Nevertheless—the land on which your foot has trodden, it is to you for an inheritance, and to your sons—for all time, for you have been fully after my God YHWH.
10 “Zvino ipapo, sokuvimbiswa kwakaitwa naJehovha, akandiraramisa kwamakore makumi mana namashanu, kubva panguva yaakataura izvi kuna Mozisi, vaIsraeri pavaidzungaira murenje. Naizvozvo nhasi ndiri pano, ndava namakore makumi masere namashanu!
And now, behold, YHWH has kept me alive, as He has spoken, these forty-five years, since YHWH spoke this word to Moses when Israel went in the wilderness; and now, behold, I [am] a son of eighty-five years today;
11 Ndichakangosimba nanhasi sezvandakanga ndakaita musi wandakatumwa naMozisi; ndichine simba guru rokuti ndinokwanisa kuenda kundorwa sezvandakanga ndakaita kare.
yet today I [am] strong as in the day of Moses’ sending me; as my power [was] then, so [is] my power now, for battle, and to go out, and to come in.
12 Zvino chindipa nyika iyo yamakomo, yandakavimbiswa naJehovha musi iwoyo. Iwe pachako wakanzwa kare kuti vaAnaki vakanga varipo uye kuti maguta avo akanga ari makuru uye akakomberedzwa, asi Jehovha achindibatsira, ndichavadzinga sezvaakataura.”
And now, give this hill-country to me, of which YHWH spoke in that day, for you heard in that day, for Anakim [are] there, and great, fortified cities; if [it] so be [that] YHWH [is] with me, then I have dispossessed them, as YHWH has spoken.”
13 Ipapo Joshua akaropafadza Karebhu, mwanakomana waJefune akamupa Hebhuroni senhaka yake.
And Joshua blesses him, and gives Hebron to Caleb son of Jephunneh for an inheritance,
14 Naizvozvo Hebhuroni yakava nhaka yaKarebhu mwanakomana waJefune muKenizi kubvira ipapo, nokuti akatevera Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, nomwoyo wake wose.
therefore Hebron has been to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenezzite for an inheritance to this day, because that he was fully after YHWH, God of Israel;
15 (Hebhuroni yaimbonzi Kiriati Abha ichibva pana Abha akanga ano mukurumbira pakati pavaAnaki vose.) Ipapo nyika yakazorora pakurwa hondo.
and the name of Hebron [was] formerly Kirjath-Arba (the man [was] the greatest among the Anakim); and the land has rest from war.

< Joshua 14 >