< Jobho 16 >

1 Ipapo Jobho akapindura akati:
Job replied,
2 “Ndakanzwa zvinhu zvakawanda sezvizvi; mose muri vanyaradzi pasina!
“I've heard all this before. You are comforters who just cause trouble!
3 Ko, kutaura kwenyu kwamadzokorora kwenguva refu hakuperiwo here? Chii chinokurwadzai kuti murambe muchiita nharo?
Will your windy speeches never cease? What's bothering you that you have to answer me?
4 Neniwo ndaigona kutaura semi, dai imi manga muri pachinzvimbo changu; ndaigona kutaura mashoko okukupikisai uye ndigokudzungudzirai musoro wangu.
I could talk like you do if you were in my place, stringing words together to criticize you, ridiculing you with a toss of my head.
5 Asi muromo wangu waizokukurudzirai: kunyaradza kunobva pamuromo wangu kwaizokuvigirai zororo.
I could build you up by my mouth speaking words; the movement of my lips would ease your pain.
6 “Asi kana ndikataura, kurwadziwa kwangu hakuperi; uye kana ndikanyarara, iko hakubvi.
For me, if I speak it doesn't ease my pain, and if I don't speak the pain is still there.
7 Zvirokwazvo, imi Mwari, mandipedza simba; maparadza imba yangu yose.
God, you have worn me out. You have destroyed my whole family.
8 Makandisunga ini, uye chava chapupu; kuondoroka kunondiwira uye kunopupurira zvinondirwisa.
You have made me shrivel up, which is a witness against me; my thin body testifies against me.
9 Mwari anondirova uye anondibvambura mukutsamwa kwake, uye anondirumanyira meno ake; mudzivisi wangu anondidzvokorera meso ake anobaya.
He has torn me apart in his anger; in his hostility he has gnashed his teeth at me; my enemy pierces me with his fierce look.
10 Vanhu vanoshamisa miromo yavo kuti vandiseke; vanondirova padama pakundimhura kwavo, uye vanobatana pamwe chete kuzondirwisa.
People stare at me with their mouths wide open, they slap me on my cheeks to mock me, they crowd around me to attack me.
11 Mwari akandidzorera mumaoko avanhu vakaipa, uye akandikanda mumaoko avakashata.
God has handed me over to evil people; he has thrown me into their hands.
12 Zvose zvakanga zvakanaka hazvo kwandiri, asi iye akandivhuna; akandibata napahuro akandipwanya-pwanya. Akandivavarira;
I was living in peace and he smashed me to pieces. He grabbed me by the neck and dashed me to pieces. He set me up as his target.
13 vapfuri vake vemiseve vakandikomba. Anobaya itsvo dzangu asina tsitsi, uye anodururira nduru yangu pasi.
His archers surround me. His arrows pierce my kidneys without mercy. He pours out my gall on the ground.
14 Nguva nenguva anondirwisa; anondidzingirira somurwi.
Like a wall he breaks me down, breach upon breach, rushing at me like a warrior.
15 “Ndakasona nguo dzamasaga kuti ndifukidze ganda rangu, uye ndaviga huma yangu muguruva.
I have sown sackcloth to cover my skin; my strength lies broken in the dust.
16 Chiso changu chatsvuka nokuchema, rima guru rakomberedza meso angu;
My face is red from crying and dark shadows surround my eyes,
17 asi zvazvo maoko angu haana kuita chisimba, uye munyengetero wangu wakachena.
although I have done nothing wrong and my prayer is pure.
18 “Iwe nyika, rega kufukidza ropa rangu; kuchema kwangu ngakurege kuwana zororo!
Earth, do not cover up my blood. May my cry find no place to hide.
19 Kunyange iko zvino chapupu changu chiri kudenga; murevereri wangu ari kumusoro.
Look, right now my witness is in heaven; the one who speaks for me is on high.
20 Murevereri wangu ndiye shamwari yangu, meso angu paanodurura misodzi kuna Mwari;
My friends scorn me, but my eyes pour out tears to God.
21 anomira pachinzvimbo chomunhu achikumbira kuna Mwari, somunhu anokumbirira shamwari yake.
I want my witness to speak for me with God as someone does for their friend.
22 “Makore mashoma bedzi asara, ndisati ndaenda parwendo rusingadzokwi.
For in a few short years I shall go down that road from which I shall not return.

< Jobho 16 >