< 3 Јованова 1 >

1 Од старешине Гају љубазном, ког ја љубим ва истину.
This letter comes from the elder to Gaius, my dear friend, whom I love in the truth.
2 Љубазни! Молим се Богу да ти у свему буде добро, и да будеш здрав, као што је твојој души добро.
My friend, I pray most of all that you're doing well and are in good physical health, for I know you're doing well spiritually.
3 Обрадовах се врло кад дођоше браћа и посведочише твоју истину, како ти у истини живиш.
I was delighted when some fellow-believers arrived and told me about your commitment to the truth, and how you continue living in the truth.
4 Немам веће радости од ове да чујем моја деца у истини да ходе.
Nothing makes me happier than to hear how my dear friends are following the truth.
5 Љубазни! Верно радиш што чиниш браћи и гостима,
My friend, you show you are trustworthy in what you're doing by looking after the brothers, even those you don't know.
6 Који посведочише твоју љубав пред црквом; и добро ћеш учинити ако их спремиш као што треба пред Богом.
They have spoken well about your love in front of the church. Please be so kind as to send them on their journey in a way that God would appreciate,
7 Јер имена Његовог ради изиђоше не примивши ништа од незнабожаца.
for they are traveling in his name, not accepting anything from non-believers.
8 Ми смо, дакле, дужни примати такве, да будемо помагачи истини.
We ought to support them so we can share together in the truth.
9 Ја писах цркви; али Диотреф, који жели да буде најстарији међу нама, не прима нас.
I did write about this to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves being in charge, refuses to accept our authority.
10 Зато, ако дођем, споменућу његова дела која твори ружећи нас злим речима; и није му то доста, него сам браће не прима, и забрањује онима који би хтели да их примају, и изгони их из цркве.
So if I do visit, I will make it clear what he's been doing. He's been making malicious accusations against us. Not satisfied with doing that, he refuses to welcome any other brothers. He won't let anyone else welcome them either, and throws those who do so out of the church.
11 Љубазни! Не угледај се на зло, него на добро: који добро чини од Бога је, а који зло чини не виде Бога.
My friend, don't imitate what is evil, but what is good. Those who do what's good belong to God; those who do evil don't know God.
12 Димитрију сведочише сви, и сама истина; а и ми сведочимо; и знате да је сведочанство наше истинито.
Everyone speaks well of Demetrius—and the truth does so too! We also speak well of him, and you know we tell the truth.
13 Много имадох да пишем; али нећу мастилом и пером да ти пишем;
I have so much to say to you, but I don't want to do it in writing with pen and ink.
14 Него се надам да ћу те скоро видети; и из уста говорити. Мир ти! Поздрављају те пријатељи. Поздрави пријатеље по имену. Амин.
I hope to see you soon so we can talk face to face. May peace be with you! The friends here send their greetings to you. Please personally greet our friends there by name.

< 3 Јованова 1 >