< romiṇaḥ 4 >

1 asmākaṁ pūrvvapuruṣa ibrāhīm kāyikakriyayā kiṁ labdhavān etadadhi kiṁ vadiṣyāmaḥ?
What then shall we say concerning Abraham the patriarch, that by the flesh he obtained?
2 sa yadi nijakriyābhyaḥ sapuṇyo bhavet tarhi tasyātmaślāghāṁ karttuṁ panthā bhavediti satyaṁ, kintvīśvarasya samīpe nahi|
But if Abraham was justified by works, he had ground of glorying; yet not before God.
3 śāstre kiṁ likhati? ibrāhīm īśvare viśvasanāt sa viśvāsastasmai puṇyārthaṁ gaṇito babhūva|
For what saith the scripture? That Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
4 karmmakāriṇo yad vetanaṁ tad anugrahasya phalaṁ nahi kintu tenopārjitaṁ mantavyam|
But to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as a debt to him.
5 kintu yaḥ pāpinaṁ sapuṇyīkaroti tasmin viśvāsinaḥ karmmahīnasya janasya yo viśvāsaḥ sa puṇyārthaṁ gaṇyo bhavati|
Whereas, to him that worketh not, but only believeth in him that justifieth sinners, his faith is accounted to him for righteousness.
6 aparaṁ yaṁ kriyāhīnam īśvaraḥ sapuṇyīkaroti tasya dhanyavādaṁ dāyūd varṇayāmāsa, yathā,
As David also speaketh of the blessedness of the man, to whom God reckoneth righteousness without works,
7 sa dhanyo'ghāni mṛṣṭāni yasyāgāṁsyāvṛtāni ca|
saying: Blessed are they, whose iniquity is forgiven, and whose sins are covered up:
8 sa ca dhanyaḥ pareśena pāpaṁ yasya na gaṇyate|
and, Blessed is the man, to whom God will not reckon his sin.
9 eṣa dhanyavādastvakchedinam atvakchedinaṁ vā kaṁ prati bhavati? ibrāhīmo viśvāsaḥ puṇyārthaṁ gaṇita iti vayaṁ vadāmaḥ|
This blessedness, therefore, is it on the circumcision? or on the uncircumcision? For we say, that Abraham's faith was reckoned to him for righteousness.
10 sa viśvāsastasya tvakcheditvāvasthāyāṁ kim atvakcheditvāvasthāyāṁ kasmin samaye puṇyamiva gaṇitaḥ? tvakcheditvāvasthāyāṁ nahi kintvatvakcheditvāvasthāyāṁ|
How then was it reckoned to him? In circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
11 aparañca sa yat sarvveṣām atvakchedināṁ viśvāsinām ādipuruṣo bhavet, te ca puṇyavattvena gaṇyeran;
For he received circumcision, as the sign and the seal of the righteousness of his faith while in uncircumcision: that he might become the father of all them of the uncircumcision who believe; and that it might be reckoned to them also for righteousness:
12 ye ca lokāḥ kevalaṁ chinnatvaco na santo 'smatpūrvvapuruṣa ibrāhīm achinnatvak san yena viśvāsamārgeṇa gatavān tenaiva tasya pādacihnena gacchanti teṣāṁ tvakchedināmapyādipuruṣo bhavet tadartham atvakchedino mānavasya viśvāsāt puṇyam utpadyata iti pramāṇasvarūpaṁ tvakchedacihnaṁ sa prāpnot|
and the father of the circumcision; not to them only who are of the circumcision, but to them also who fulfill the steps of the faith of our father Abraham in his uncircumcision.
13 ibrāhīm jagato'dhikārī bhaviṣyati yaiṣā pratijñā taṁ tasya vaṁśañca prati pūrvvam akriyata sā vyavasthāmūlikā nahi kintu viśvāsajanyapuṇyamūlikā|
For the promise to Abraham and to his seed, that he should become the heir of the world, was not by the law, but by the righteousness of his faith.
14 yato vyavasthāvalambino yadyadhikāriṇo bhavanti tarhi viśvāso viphalo jāyate sā pratijñāpi luptaiva|
For if they who are of the law were heirs, faith would be made void, and the promise of no force.
15 adhikantu vyavasthā kopaṁ janayati yato 'vidyamānāyāṁ vyavasthāyām ājñālaṅghanaṁ na sambhavati|
For the law is a worker of wrath; because where no law is, there is no transgression of law.
16 ataeva sā pratijñā yad anugrahasya phalaṁ bhavet tadarthaṁ viśvāsamūlikā yatastathātve tadvaṁśasamudāyaṁ prati arthato ye vyavasthayā tadvaṁśasambhavāḥ kevalaṁ tān prati nahi kintu ya ibrāhīmīyaviśvāsena tatsambhavāstānapi prati sā pratijñā sthāsnurbhavati|
Wherefore, it is by the faith which is by grace, that we are justified: so that the promise may be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but also to that which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all:
17 yo nirjīvān sajīvān avidyamānāni vastūni ca vidyamānāni karoti ibrāhīmo viśvāsabhūmestasyeśvarasya sākṣāt so'smākaṁ sarvveṣām ādipuruṣa āste, yathā likhitaṁ vidyate, ahaṁ tvāṁ bahujātīnām ādipuruṣaṁ kṛtvā niyuktavān|
as it is written: " I have constituted thee a father to a multitude of nations;" namely before God, in whom thou hast believed; who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which are not, as if they were.
18 tvadīyastādṛśo vaṁśo janiṣyate yadidaṁ vākyaṁ pratiśrutaṁ tadanusārād ibrāhīm bahudeśīyalokānām ādipuruṣo yad bhavati tadarthaṁ so'napekṣitavyamapyapekṣamāṇo viśvāsaṁ kṛtavān|
And without hope, he confided in the hope of becoming the father of a multitude of nations; (as it is written: So will thy seed be.)
19 aparañca kṣīṇaviśvāso na bhūtvā śatavatsaravayaskatvāt svaśarīrasya jarāṁ sārānāmnaḥ svabhāryyāyā rajonivṛttiñca tṛṇāya na mene|
And he was not sickly in his faith, while contemplating his inert body, (for he was a hundred years old, ) and the inert womb of Sarah.
20 aparam aviśvāsād īśvarasya pratijñāvacane kamapi saṁśayaṁ na cakāra;
And he did not hesitate at the promise of God, as one lacking faith; but he was strong in faith, and gave glory to God;
21 kintvīśvareṇa yat pratiśrutaṁ tat sādhayituṁ śakyata iti niścitaṁ vijñāya dṛḍhaviśvāsaḥ san īśvarasya mahimānaṁ prakāśayāñcakāra|
and felt assured, that what God had promised to him, he was able to fulfill.
22 iti hetostasya sa viśvāsastadīyapuṇyamiva gaṇayāñcakre|
And therefore it was accounted to him for righteousness.
23 puṇyamivāgaṇyata tat kevalasya tasya nimittaṁ likhitaṁ nahi, asmākaṁ nimittamapi,
And not for his sake alone, was it written, that his faith was accounted for righteousness;
24 yato'smākaṁ pāpanāśārthaṁ samarpito'smākaṁ puṇyaprāptyarthañcotthāpito'bhavat yo'smākaṁ prabhu ryīśustasyotthāpayitarīśvare
but for our sakes also; because it is to be accounted so to us, who believe in him that raised our Lord Jesus Messiah from the dead;
25 yadi vayaṁ viśvasāmastarhyasmākamapi saeva viśvāsaḥ puṇyamiva gaṇayiṣyate|
who was delivered up, on account of our sins; and arose, that he might justify us.

< romiṇaḥ 4 >