< 2 thiṣalanīkinaḥ 1 >

1 paulaḥ silvānastīmathiyaścetināmāno vayam asmadīyatātam īśvaraṁ prabhuṁ yīśukhrīṣṭañcāśritāṁ thiṣalanīkināṁ samitiṁ prati patraṁ likhāmaḥ|
Paul and Silvanus and Timotheus to the assembly of Thessalonians in God our Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
2 asmākaṁ tāta īśvaraḥ prabhu ryīśukhrīṣṭaśca yuṣmāsvanugrahaṁ śāntiñca kriyāstāṁ|
Grace to you, and peace from God our Father, and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
3 he bhrātaraḥ, yuṣmākaṁ kṛte sarvvadā yathāyogyam īśvarasya dhanyavādo 'smābhiḥ karttavyaḥ, yato heto ryuṣmākaṁ viśvāsa uttarottaraṁ varddhate parasparam ekaikasya prema ca bahuphalaṁ bhavati|
We ought to thank God always for you, brethren, even as it is meet, because your faith increases exceedingly, and the love of each one of you all towards one another abounds;
4 tasmād yuṣmābhi ryāvanta upadravakleśāḥ sahyante teṣu yad dheryyaṁ yaśca viśvāsaḥ prakāśyate tatkāraṇād vayam īśvarīyasamitiṣu yuṣmābhiḥ ślāghāmahe|
so that we ourselves make our boast in you in the assemblies of God for your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations, which ye are sustaining;
5 tacceśvarasya nyāyavicārasya pramāṇaṁ bhavati yato yūyaṁ yasya kṛte duḥkhaṁ sahadhvaṁ tasyeśvarīyarājyasya yogyā bhavatha|
a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, to the end that ye should be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for the sake of which ye also suffer;
6 yataḥ svakīyasvargadūtānāṁ balaiḥ sahitasya prabho ryīśoḥ svargād āgamanakāle yuṣmākaṁ kleśakebhyaḥ kleśena phaladānaṁ sārddhamasmābhiśca
if at least [it is a] righteous thing with God to render tribulation to those that trouble you,
7 kliśyamānebhyo yuṣmabhyaṁ śāntidānam īśvareṇa nyāyyaṁ bhotsyate;
and to you that are troubled repose with us, at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven, with [the] angels of his power,
8 tadānīm īśvarānabhijñebhyo 'smatprabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya susaṁvādāgrāhakebhyaśca lokebhyo jājvalyamānena vahninā samucitaṁ phalaṁ yīśunā dāsyate;
in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who know not God, and those who do not obey the glad tidings of our Lord Jesus Christ;
9 te ca prabho rvadanāt parākramayuktavibhavācca sadātanavināśarūpaṁ daṇḍaṁ lapsyante, (aiōnios g166)
who shall pay the penalty [of] everlasting destruction from [the] presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his might, (aiōnios g166)
10 kintu tasmin dine svakīyapavitralokeṣu virājituṁ yuṣmān aparāṁśca sarvvān viśvāsilokān vismāpayituñca sa āgamiṣyati yato 'smākaṁ pramāṇe yuṣmābhi rviśvāso'kāri|
when he shall have come to be glorified in his saints, and wondered at in all that have believed, (for our testimony to you has been believed, ) in that day.
11 ato'smākam īśvaro yuṣmān tasyāhvānasya yogyān karotu saujanyasya śubhaphalaṁ viśvāsasya guṇañca parākrameṇa sādhayatviti prārthanāsmābhiḥ sarvvadā yuṣmannimittaṁ kriyate,
To which end we also pray always for you, that our God may count you worthy of the calling, and fulfil all [the] good pleasure of [his] goodness and [the] work of faith with power,
12 yatastathā satyasmākam īśvarasya prabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya cānugrahād asmatprabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya nāmno gauravaṁ yuṣmāsu yuṣmākamapi gauravaṁ tasmin prakāśiṣyate|
so that the name of our Lord Jesus [Christ] may be glorified in you and ye in him, according to the grace of our God, and of [the] Lord Jesus Christ.

< 2 thiṣalanīkinaḥ 1 >