< 1 OPetro 4 >
1 Nantele amwene O Kilisti ayembele nubele, hwikwatizi eshi zijilo zyazili nanshizila. Zyayembele ashilile obele ayepene ne mbibhi.
If then the Messiah hath suffered for you in the flesh, do ye also arm yourselves with the same mind: for every one that is dead in his body, hath ceased from all sins,
2 Omtu ono sagahwedelela nantele olwizyo nenyonyo ezyebele, shasongwelwe Ongolobhe, husiku zyakwe zyazisangeye.
that he may no longer be alive to the lusts of men, while he is in the body, but only to do the pleasure of God.
3 zyazibhalile ziyiye hulenganye embombo zyasaga bhaputa bhahaza abhombe embibhi, nebibhi omweezi, olyavi eshikulukulu eshabha sebhaputa nezwa huzimu zyuzivisya.
For the time that is past was enough, when ye wrought the pleasure of the profane, in dissoluteness, and in ebriety, and in lasciviousness, and in revelling, and in the worship of demons.
4 Bhasebha eje pamhwoyefwa abhombe embombo ne pamo nabho enya bhayanga amabhibhi huli mwe.
And lo, they now wonder, and reproach you, because ye revel not with them in the same former dissoluteness;
5 Bhafumye ebazye hwamwene yalihani alonje bhabhali bhomi na bhafwe.
who must give account to God, who is to judge the living and the dead.
6 Huje endombelo zyaga ngwilwe nabhene bhabhafwye hata nkashile bhali bhalongwilwe alongane nombele gwabho noshi abhatu aje bhawezye akhale alingane no Ngolobhi no mpepo.
For on this account the announcement is made also to the dead, that they may be judged as persons in the flesh, and may live according to God in the spirit.
7 Humalezwo owembombo zyoti uhwenza, nantele mubhanje nenjele zyazili shiza, nantele mubhanje nahatu ahiza hahali neshiputo shenyu.
But the end of all things approacheth: therefore be sober, and be wakeful for prayer.
8 Sazisele anongwa zyoti mubhe nadigane hulugano oolwa Mtuomo alenganeje olugano saluhwaza akwikule amabhibhi agabhanje.
And above all things, have fervent love one towards another; for love covereth a multitude of sins.
9 Lanji opezi hwamtu omo nantele muganje anungunishe.
And be ye compassionate to strangers, without murmuring.
10 Nashi omo owenyo shahambilile eshi paji, itumilinashahwavwane nashi abhemelezi abhiza ashipaji eshinji zyazifumile wene no Ngolobhi.
And let each of you minister to his associates the gift which he hath received from God; as being good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 Nashi omtu nkagavwe ebhanje nashi enguvu zya pehwilwa no Ngolobhi, eshi humbombo zyoti Ongolobhi ayande ahwiozvye ashelele oYesu Kilisti otutumu ne nguvu zili na mwene wila wila. Amina (aiōn )
Whoever will speak, let him speak as the word of God: and whoever will minister, as of the ability that God hath given him: so that in all ye do, God may be glorified, through Jesus the Messiah; to whom belongeth glory, and honor, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
12 Mwaganwi muganjebhazye endengo zyasaga obhalenjele nashi ahatu aeshijenyi hahtumilanga hafumila hulimwi.
My beloved, be not dismayed at the trials that befall you, as if some strange thing had come upon you; for these things are for your probation.
13 Nantele kadili shammanya apate ahwele we humayemba gakilisti. Songwaji shisangwaji nantele owigule owa otutumu wakwe.
But rejoice, that ye participate in the sufferings of the Messiah, that so ye may also rejoice and exult at the revelation of his glory.
14 Nkashememli gwilwe hitawa lwa Kilisti, osailwe hulengane no mpepo awangolobhi akhaka pamwanya palimwe.
And if ye are reproached on account of the name of the Messiah, happy are ye: for the glorious Spirit of God resteth upon you.
15 Nantele agajibhe wawonti yayemba nashi obudi, omwibhayabhomba embimbi nantele ahwibhovye nembombo ezaabhaje.
Only let none of you suffer, as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evil-doer.
16 Nantele nkashele amtu ayemba nashi Okilisti, ganje lole esoni nantele tutumele Ongolobhi hwitawa elyo.
But if he suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on account of this name.
17 Nantele esiku zifishile hulongwe ahwandile mungumba eyaNgolobhi. Nkashele ehwandila hulitii ehwandila hulitii ehaibhawe hwabhala bha sebhahwogopa idombelelo zwa Ngolobhi?
For it is the time when judgment will commence with the house of God: and if it commence with us, what will be the end of those who obey not the gospel of God?
18 Nkashe huwali afwolwa ashilile amamkhame shaibhawele hwantu waswe wilwoliowe mbibhi?”
And if the righteous scarcely liveth, where will the ungodly and the sinner be found!
19 Bhonti bhaghayemba afumilane no Ngolobhi khabhishe omoyo gobho hwa bhombi omwiza ohubhabho mbanje amiza.
Wherefore, let them who suffer according to the pleasure of God, commend their souls to him in well doing, as to a faithful Creator.