< Marcos 1 >
1 Princípio do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus;
Here is the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2 Como está escrito nos profetas: eis que eu envio o meu anjo ante a tua face, o qual preparará o teu caminho diante de ti.
Just as the prophet Isaiah wrote, “I'm sending my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way.
3 Voz do que clama no deserto: preparai o caminho do Senhor, endireitai as suas veredas.
A voice is calling in the desert, ‘Prepare the Lord's way! Make his paths straight.’”
4 Estava João batizando no deserto, e pregando o batismo do arrependimento, para remissão dos pecados.
John came, baptizing in the desert, announcing a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
5 E toda a província da Judeia e os de Jerusalém iam ter com ele; e todos eram batizados por ele no rio Jordão, confessando os seus pecados.
Everybody from the country of Judea and from Jerusalem went to him. They admitted their sins publicly and were baptized in the Jordan River.
6 E João andava vestido de pelos de camelo, e com um cinto de couro em redor de seus lombos, e comia gafanhotos e mel silvestre.
John wore clothes made of camel hair, with a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.
7 E pregava, dizendo: Após mim vem aquele que é mais forte do que eu, ao qual não sou digno de, encurvando-me, desatar a correia das suas alparcas.
This is what he had to say: “After me someone is coming who is greater than I am. I'm not worthy to bend down and untie his sandals.
8 Eu, em verdade, tenho-vos batizado com água; ele, porém, vos batizará com o Espírito Santo.
I baptized you in water but he will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.”
9 E aconteceu naqueles dias que Jesus, tendo ido de Nazareth, da Galiléia, foi batizado por João, no Jordão.
Then Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan River.
10 E, logo que saiu da água, viu os céus abertos, e o espírito, que como pomba descia sobre ele.
As Jesus came out of the water, he saw the heavens split apart and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him.
11 E ouviu-se uma voz dos céus, que dizia: Tu és o meu Filho amado em quem me comprazo.
A voice from heaven said, “You are my son, the one I love. I am very pleased with you.”
12 E logo o espírito o impeliu para o deserto,
Right after this the Spirit sent him away into the desert
13 E esteve ali no deserto quarenta dias, tentado por Satanás. E estava com as feras, e os anjos o serviam.
where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was with the wild animals, and angels took care of him.
14 E, depois que João foi entregue à prisão, veio Jesus para a Galiléia, pregando o Evangelho do reino de Deus,
Later, after John was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee, announcing God's good news.
15 E dizendo: O tempo está cumprido, e o reino de Deus está próximo. Arrependei-vos, e crede no Evangelho.
“The time predicted has come,” he said. “God's kingdom has arrived! Repent and believe in the good news.”
16 E, andando junto do mar da Galiléia, viu Simão, e André, seu irmão, que lançavam a rede ao mar, porque eram pescadores.
As he was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, Jesus saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they made their living by fishing.
17 E Jesus lhes disse: Vinde após mim, e eu farei que sejais pescadores de homens.
“Come and follow me,” he told them, “and I will have you fishing for people.”
18 E, deixando logo as suas redes, o seguiram.
They left their nets at once and followed him.
19 E, passando dali um pouco mais adiante, viu Thiago, filho de Zebedeo, e João, seu irmão, que estavam no barco concertando as redes,
He went a little farther and saw James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat mending their nets.
20 E logo os chamou. E eles, deixando o seu pai Zebedeo no barco com os jornaleiros, foram após ele.
Immediately he called them to follow him, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired workers, and followed Jesus.
21 E entraram em Cafarnaum, e, logo no sábado, entrando na sinagoga, ensinava.
They left for Capernaum, and on Sabbath Jesus went into the synagogue and taught there.
22 E maravilharam-se da sua doutrina, porque os ensinava como tendo autoridade, e não como os escribas.
The people were amazed at his teaching, for he spoke with authority, unlike the religious teachers.
23 E estava na sinagoga deles um homem com um espírito imundo, e exclamou, dizendo:
Suddenly, right there in the synagogue, a man with an evil spirit started shouting out,
24 Ah! que temos contigo, Jesus nazareno? Vieste destruir-nos? Bem sei quem és: o Santo de Deus.
“Jesus of Nazareth, why are you bothering us? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are! You're God's Holy One!”
25 E repreendeu-o Jesus, dizendo: Cala-te, e sai dele.
Jesus interrupted the evil spirit, telling him, “Be quiet! Come out of him.”
26 Então o espírito imundo, despedaçando-o, e clamando com grande voz, saiu dele.
The evil spirit screamed, threw the man into convulsions, and came out of him.
27 E todos se admiraram, a ponto de perguntarem entre si, dizendo: Que é isto? que nova doutrina é esta? pois até com autoridade ordena aos espíritos imundos, e eles lhe obedecem!
Everyone was amazed at what happened. “What is this?” they asked each other. “What is this new teaching that has such authority? Even evil spirits do what he tells them!”
28 E logo correu a sua fama por toda a província da Galiléia.
News about him spread quickly throughout the whole region of Galilee.
29 E logo, saindo da sinagoga, foram a casa de Simão e de André com Thiago e João.
Then they left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon and Andrew, along with James and John.
30 E a sogra de Simão estava deitada com febre; e logo lhe falaram dela.
Simon's mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever, so they told Jesus about her.
31 Então, chegando-se a ela, tomou-a pela mão, e levantou-a: e logo a febre a deixou, e servia-os.
He went to her, took her by the hand, and helped her up. The fever immediately left her. Then she made them a meal.
32 E, tendo chegado a tarde, quando já se estava pondo o sol, trouxeram-lhe todos os que se achavam enfermos, e os endemoninhados.
After sunset that evening, those who were sick and demon-possessed were brought to Jesus.
33 E toda a cidade se ajuntou à porta.
The whole of the town gathered outside.
34 E curou muitos que se achavam enfermos de diversas enfermidades, e expulsou muitos demônios, porém não deixava falar os demônios, porque o conheciam.
He healed many people who had various diseases, and threw out many demons. He did not permit the demons to speak, for they knew who he was.
35 E, levantando-se de manhã muito cedo, fazendo ainda escuro, saiu, e foi para um lugar deserto, e ali orava.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went alone to a quiet place to pray.
36 E seguiram-no Simão e os que com ele estavam.
Simon and the others went to search for him.
37 E, achando-o, lhe disseram: Todos te buscam.
When they found him, they told him, “Everybody's looking for you.”
38 E ele lhes disse: Vamos às aldeias vizinhas, para que eu ali também pregue; porque para isso vim.
But Jesus replied, “We have to go to the other towns around here so that I can tell them the good news as well—for that's why I came.”
39 E pregava nas sinagogas deles por toda a Galiléia, e expulsava os demônios.
So he went all over Galilee, speaking in the synagogues and expelling demons.
40 E aproximou-se dele um leproso, rogando-lhe, e pondo-se de joelhos diante dele, e dizendo-lhe: Se queres, podes limpar-me.
A leper came to him asking for help. The man kneeled down before Jesus, saying, “Please, if you're willing, you can heal me!”
41 E Jesus, movido de grande compaixão, estendeu a mão, e tocou-o, e disse-lhe: Quero; sê limpo.
With compassion Jesus reached out and touched the man, and said, “I am willing. Be healed!”
42 E, tendo ele dito isto, logo a lepra desapareceu, e ficou limpo.
The leprosy left him immediately, and he was healed.
43 E, ameaçando-o, logo o despediu de si,
Jesus sent him away with a strong warning.
44 E disse-lhe: Olha, não digas nada a ninguém; porém vai, mostra-te ao sacerdote, e oferece pela tua purificação o que Moisés determinou, para lhes servir de testemunho.
“Make sure you don't tell anybody anything about this,” he told him. “Go to the priest and show yourself to him. Give the offering which is required by the law of Moses for such cleansing, so that people will have proof.”
45 Mas, tendo ele saído, começou a apregoar muitas coisas, e a divulgar o que acontecera; de sorte que Jesus já não podia entrar publicamente na cidade, mas conservava-se fora em lugares desertos: e de todas as partes iam ter com ele.
But the healed leper went out and told everyone what had happened. As a result Jesus could not openly go into the cities anymore, but had to stay out in the country where people came to him from everywhere around.