< Iyyoob 41 >

1 “Ati hokkoo qurxummiitiin Lewaataan harkiftee baasuu yookaan arraba isaa funyoodhaan hidhuu ni dandeessaa?
“Do you draw leviathan with a hook? And do you let down his tongue with a rope?
2 Funyaan isaa keessa funyoo baasuu yookaan lafee mangaagaa isaa hokkoodhaan uruu ni dandeessaa?
Do you put a reed in his nose? And pierce his jaw with a thorn?
3 Inni akka ati isaaf araaramtuuf guddisee si kadhataa? Afaan nagaatiinis sitti ni dubbataa?
Does he multiply supplications to you? Does he speak tender things to you?
4 Akka ati bara baraan garbicha godhattuuf inni si wajjin kakuu ni galaa?
Does he make a covenant with you? Do you take him for a perpetual servant?
5 Ati akka simbirroota wajjin taphattu isa wajjin ni taphattaa? Yookaan shamarran keetiif isa ni hiitaa?
Do you play with him as a bird? And do you bind him for your girls?
6 Daldaltoonni isa irratti gatii wal dubbatuu? Warra bitee gurguruufis isa ni qooduu?
(Companions feast on him, They divide him among the merchants!)
7 Ati gogaa isaa xiyyaan, yookaan mataa isaa hokkoo ittiin qurxummii qabaniin wawwaraanuu ni dandeessaa?
Do you fill his skin with barbed irons? And his head with fish-spears?
8 Yoo harka keetiin isa tuqxe, walʼaansoo sana ni yaadatta; deebitees waan sana hin gootu!
Place your hand on him, Remember the battle—do not add!
9 Isa moʼanna jedhanii abdachuun soba; ijumaan isa ilaaluunuu nama hollachiisa.
Behold, the hope of him is found a liar, Also, is one not cast down at his appearance?
10 Namni isa dammaqsuuf garaa qabaatu tokko iyyuu hin jiru. Egaa namni na dura dhaabachuu dandaʼu eenyu?
None so fierce that he awakes him, And who [is] he [who] stations himself before Me?
11 Namni waa natti kennatee ani deebisuufii qabu eenyu? Wanni samii jala jiru hundinuu kanuma koo ti.
Who has brought before Me and I repay? Under the whole heavens it [is] Mine.
12 “Ani waaʼee harkaa fi miilla isaa, waaʼee jabinaa fi dhaaba toluu isaa dubbachuu hin dhiisu.
I do not keep silent concerning his parts, And the matter of might, And the grace of his arrangement.
13 Eenyutu uffata inni irraan uffatu irraa baasa? Eenyutu luugama qabatee isatti dhiʼaata?
Who has uncovered the face of his clothing? Who enters within his double bridle?
14 Eenyutu balbala afaan isaa isa ilkaan isaa sodaachisaa sanaan marfame banuu dandaʼa?
Who has opened the doors of his face? Around his teeth [are] terrible.
15 Dugdi isaa gaachanawwan tarree galan, kanneen akka malee walitti maxxanfaman qaba;
A pride—strong ones of shields, Shut up—a close seal.
16 tokkoon tokkoon gaachanawwan sanaa akka qilleensi gidduu isaanii hin baaneef baayʼee walitti maxxanu.
They draw near to one another, And air does not enter between them.
17 Isaan jabeeffamanii walitti qabsiifaman; waan walitti fayyaniif gargar hin baafaman.
They adhere to one another, They stick together and are not separated.
18 Haxxissoon isaa balaqqeessa ifaa baasa; iji isaa immoo akkuma ifa biiftuu reefuu baatuu ti.
His sneezings cause light to shine, And his eyes [are] as the eyelids of the dawn.
19 Afaan isaa keessaa arraba ibiddaatu baʼa; qaanqeenis afaan isaa keessaa ni faffacaʼa.
Flames go out of his mouth, sparks of fire escape.
20 Akkuma aara xuwwee ibidda shambaqqoo irratti dafqu keessaa baʼuu funyaan isaatii aarri ni baʼa.
Smoke goes forth out of his nostrils, As a blown pot and reeds.
21 Hafuurri afaan isaatii baʼu cilee ibiddaa qabsiisa; afaan isaa keessaas arrabni ibiddaa ni baʼa.
His breath sets coals on fire, And a flame goes forth from his mouth.
22 Morma isaa keessa jabinatu jira; sodaachisuunis fuula isaa dura ni utaala.
Strength lodges in his neck, And grief exults before him.
23 Dachaan foon isaa wal qabateera; dachaan sunis walitti fayyeera; hin sochoʼus.
The flakes of his flesh have adhered—Firm on him—it is not moved.
24 Lapheen isaa akka kattaa jabaata; akka dhagaa daakuus jabaa dha.
His heart [is] firm as a stone, Indeed, firm as the lower piece.
25 Yeroo inni ol kaʼutti, jajjaboonni ni sodaatu; yommuu inni lafa sochoosaa dhufutti isaan of irra garagalanii baqatu.
The mighty are afraid at his rising, From his breakings they keep themselves free.
26 Goraadeen itti buʼu illee homaa isa hin godhu; eeboon yookaan xiyyi yookaan ankaaseenis homaa isa hin godhu.
The sword of his overtaker does not stand, Spear, dart, and breastplate.
27 Inni sibiila akka cidiitti, naasii immoo akka muka tortoreetti heda.
He reckons iron as straw, bronze as rotten wood.
28 Xiyyi isa hin baqachiisu; dhagaan furrisaa isaaf akkuma habaqii ti.
The son of the bow does not cause him to flee, Stones of the sling are turned into stubble by him.
29 Bokkuun isaaf akkuma cidii ti; inni mirmirfamuu eebootti ni kolfa.
Darts have been reckoned as stubble, And he laughs at the shaking of a javelin.
30 Garaan isaa jalli akka cabaa okkotee kan qara qabuu ti; akka muka ittiin midhaan dhaʼaniittis dhoqqee baqaqsa.
Sharp points of clay [are] under him, He spreads gold on the mire.
31 Inni tuujuba akka okkotee dafquutti koqsiisa; galaanas akkuma bilqaaxxii dibataa raasa.
He causes the deep to boil as a pot, He makes the sea as a pot of ointment.
32 Inni duuba isaatiin akka karaan ifu ni godha; namni waan tuujubni sun rifeensa adii qabu seʼa.
He causes a path to shine after him, One thinks the deep to be hoary.
33 Uumamni homaa hin sodaanne, kan isaan qixxaatu tokko iyyuu lafa irra hin jiru.
There is not on the earth his like, That is made without terror.
34 Inni warra of tuulu ni tuffata; warra of jaju hunda irratti mootii dha.”
He sees every high thing, He [is] king over all sons of pride.”

< Iyyoob 41 >