< Salomos Ordsprog 15 >
1 Mildt svar døyver harm, men eit kvast ord vekkjer vreide.
A kind reply wards off anger, but hurtful words make people mad.
2 Tunga åt vismenner gjev god kunnskap, men narreskap gøyser or munnen på dårar.
What wise people say makes knowledge attractive, but stupid people talk a lot of nonsense.
3 Allstad hev Herren augo sine, dei ser etter vonde og gode.
The Lord sees everywhere, watching the evil and the good.
4 Linnmælt tunga er livsens tre, men range tunga gjev hjartesår.
Gentle words are a source of life, but telling lies does a lot of damage.
5 Ein uviting vanvyrder far sin’s age, men den som agtar på refsing, vert klok.
Only a foolish son despises his father's instruction, but one who accepts correction is sensible.
6 Rettferdig manns hus eig stor rikdom, men d’er ugreida med ugudleg manns inntekt.
There's plenty of treasure where good people live, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.
7 Vismanns-lippor strår ut kunnskap, men so er ei med dårehjarta.
Wise people share their knowledge, but stupid people don't think like that.
8 Gudløysings offer er ei gruv for Herren, men bøn frå ærlege han likar godt.
The Lord hates the sacrifices of the wicked, but he loves the prayers of the good.
9 Gudløysings veg er ei gruv for Herren, men han elskar den som renner etter rettferd.
The Lord hates the ways of the wicked, but he loves those who do what is right.
10 Hard refsing fær den som gjeng ut av vegen, den som hatar age, skal døy.
If you leave the right path you will be severely disciplined; anyone who hates correction will die.
11 Helheim og avgrunn ligg i dagen for Herren, kor mykje meir då menneskje-hjarto. (Sheol )
Those already dead have no secrets from the Lord—how much more does he know our thoughts! (Sheol )
12 Spottaren likar ikkje at ein lastar honom, til vismenner gjeng han ikkje.
Scoffers don't like to be corrected, so they don't go to the wise for advice.
13 Gladværugt hjarta gjer andlitet ljost, men modet vert brote i hjartesorg.
If you're happy inside, you'll have a cheerful face, but if you're sad, you look crushed.
14 Vitug manns hjarta søkjer kunnskap, men dåremunn fer berre med narreskap.
An insightful mind looks for knowledge, but stupid people feed on foolishness.
15 Alle ein armings dagar er vonde, men den glade i hjarta hev gjestebod alltid.
The life of poor people is hard, but if you stay cheerful, it's a continual feast.
16 Betre er lite med otte for Herren enn eigedom stor med uro attåt.
It's better to respect the Lord and only have a little than to have plenty of money and the trouble that comes with it.
17 Betre ei nista av kål med kjærleik til enn gjødde uksen med hat attåt.
Better a dinner of vegetables where there's love than eating meat with hatred.
18 Brålyndt mann valdar trætta, men den toluge stiller kiv.
Short-tempered people stir up trouble, but those slow to anger calm things down.
19 Vegen for letingen er som eit klungergjerde, men stigen er brøytt for dei ærlege.
The way of lazy people is overgrown with thorns, but the path of the good is an open highway.
20 Ein vis son gjer far sin gleda, men eit dårlegt menneskje vanvyrder mor si.
A wise son makes his father happy, but a stupid man despises his mother.
21 Dårskap er gleda for vitlaus mann, men ein vitug mann gjeng beint fram.
Stupidity makes people with no sense happy, but sensible people do what is right.
22 Råder vert til inkjes utan rådleggjing, men med mange rådgjevarar kjem dei i stand.
Plans fall apart without good advice, but with plenty of advisors they're successful.
23 Mannen gled seg når munnen kann svara, og eit ord i rette tid, kor godt det er!
A good answer makes people happy—it's great to say the right thing at the right moment!
24 Den vituge gjeng livsens veg uppetter, for han vil sleppa burt frå helheimen der nede. (Sheol )
Life's path for the wise leads upwards, so that they can avoid the grave below. (Sheol )
25 Herren riv huset ned for dei ovmodige, men for enkja let han merkesteinen standa.
The Lord pulls down the house of the proud, but he protects the boundaries of the widow's property.
26 Vonde tankar er ei gruv for Herren, men milde ord er reine.
The Lord hates the thoughts of the wicked, but he honors the words of the pure.
27 Den vinnekjære fær sitt hus i ulag, men den som hatar mutor, han skal liva.
People greedy for ill-gotten gains make trouble for their families, but those who hate bribes will live.
28 Rettferdig tenkjer i sitt hjarta korleis han skal svara, men gudlause let vondskap gøysa ut or munnen.
Good people think how best to answer questions, but stupid people say all kinds of evil things.
29 Langt er Herren burte frå dei gudlause, men bøni frå rettferdige han høyrer.
The Lord keeps his distance from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the good.
30 Ljos i augo hjarta gled, tidend god gjev merg i beini.
Bright eyes make you happy, and good news makes you feel good.
31 Det øyra som høyrer på rettleiding til livet, held seg gjerne med vismenn i lag.
If you pay attention to positive advice you'll be one of the wise.
32 Den som vandar age, vanvyrder si sjæl, den som høyrer på rettleiding, vinn seg vit.
If you ignore instruction you have no self-esteem, but if you listen to correction you gain understanding.
33 Otte for Herren er age til visdom, og fyre æra gjeng andmykt.
Respect for the Lord teaches wisdom; humility goes before honor.