< मर्कूस 13 >
1 जसै येशू मन्दिरबाट जाँदै हुनुहुन्थ्यो, उहाँका चेलाहरूमध्ये एक जनाले भन्यो, “गुरुज्यू, हेर्नुहोस् त कति राम्रा ढुङ्गाहरू र भवनहरू!”
And as He was going out of the temple, one of his disciples saith to Him, Master, behold what fine stones are here, and what stately buildings!
2 उहाँले तिनलाई भन्नुभयो, “के तिमी यी भव्य भवनहरू देख्छौ? यिनीहरू नभत्काइएर एउटामाथि अर्को ढुङ्गा रहने एउटा पनि हुनेछैन ।”
And Jesus answering said unto him, Thou seest these grand buildings: but there shall not be left one stone upon another, which shall not be thrown down.
3 जब उहाँ मन्दिरको सामुन्ने पर्ने जैतूनको डाँडामा बस्नुभयो, पत्रुस, याकूब, यूहन्ना र अन्द्रियासले उहाँलाई गुप्तमा सोधे,
And as He was sitting on the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked Him privately,
4 “हामीलाई भन्नुहोस्, कि यी कुराहरू कहिले हुनेछन्? यी सबै कुरा हुन लाग्दा कस्ता-कस्ता चिन्हहरू हुनेछन्?”
saying, Tell us when these things shall be, and what shall be the sign when all these things are to be accomplished.
5 येशूले तिनीहरूलाई भन्न सुरु गर्नुभयो, “होसियार रहो, कसैले पनि तिमीहरूलाई नबहकाओस् ।”
But Jesus answered them and said, Beware least any one deceive you:
6 मेरो नाउँमा धेरै जना आउनेछन् र भन्नेछन् ‘म उही हुँ’ र तिनीहरूले धेरैलाई भड्काउनेछन् ।
for many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ, and shall deceive many.
7 जब तिमीहरूले युद्ध र युद्धको हल्ला सुन्नेछौ, चिन्ता नगर; यी कुराहरू हुनैपर्छ, तर अन्त्य अझै आइसकेको हुँदैन ।
And when ye hear of wars, and rumors of wars, be not troubled; for such things must happen; but the end will not be yet.
8 किनभने जातिको विरुद्धमा जाति र राज्यको विरुद्धमा राज्य खडा हुनेछ । धेरै ठाउँमा भूकम्प र अनिकालहरू हुनेछन् । यी प्रसव-वेदनाको सुरुवात हुन् ।
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and famines and troubles: these will be the beginnings of sorrows.
9 आफूलाई सचेत राख । तिनीहरूले तिमीहरूलाई परिषद्हरूको हातमा सुम्पिनेछन्, र सभाघरहरूमा तिमीहरू पिटिनेछौ । मेरा साक्षीको रूपमा तिमीहरू शासक र राजा दुवैका सामु मेरा खातिर खडा हुनेछौ ।
But look to yourselves; for they will deliver you up to councils, and synagogues: and ye shall be scourged, and set before governors and kings on my account, for a testimony against them.
10 तर सबै जातिलाई पहिले सुसमाचार प्रचार गरिनुपर्छ ।
And the gospel must first be published to all nations.
11 जब उनीहरूले तिमीहरूलाई गिरफ्तार गर्छन् र सुम्पन्छन्, तिमीहरूले के बोल्ने भनी चिन्ता नगर । किनभने त्यो समय तिमीहरूले के बोल्नुपर्ने हो, सो तिमीहरूलाई दिइनेछ; त्यस बेला बोल्ने तिमीहरू होइनौ, तर पवित्र आत्मा हुनुहुनेछ ।
But when they shall lead you to deliver you up, be not anxiously careful beforehand what ye shall speak, neither premeditate: but whatever shall be suggested to you at that very time, this speak: for it is not you that speak, but the holy Spirit.
12 दाजुले भाइलाई र बुबाले आफ्नो छोरोलाई मृत्यको लागि सुम्पिनेछन् । छोराछोरीहरू आफ्ना बुबा-आमाको विरुद्धमा खडा हुनेछन् र तिनीहरूलाई मृत्युमा पुर्याउनेछन् ।
One brother shall betray another to death, and the father the son: and children shall appear against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
13 मेरो नाउँको खातिर तिमीहरू सबैद्वारा घृणित हुनेछौ । तर जो अन्त्यसम्म रहनेछ, त्यो मानिस बचाइनेछ ।
And ye shall be hated by all men for my sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved.
14 जब तिमीहरूले विनाशकारी घृणित थोक खडा नहुनुपर्ने ठाउँमा खडा भइरहेको देख्छौ (पाठकले बुझोस्), यहूदियामा हुनेहरू पहाडहरूतिर भागून् ।
Now when ye shall see the desolating abomination, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up where it ought not to be, (let him that readeth, attend) then let those in Judea flee to the mountains:
15 घरको छतमा हुनेहरू तल नओर्लून् वा उसले घरभित्रबाट केही पनि ननिकालोस्,
and let not him that is at the top of the house come down into the house, nor go in to fetch any thing out of his house:
16 र खेतमा हुनेहरू आफ्नो खास्टो लिन नआऊन् ।
nor let him that is in the field return back for his clothes.
17 तर हाय, ती दिनमा बालक भएकाहरू र दूध खुवाउने आमाहरू!
But wo to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days.
18 यो हिउँदमा नपरोस् भनी प्रार्थना गर ।
But pray that your flight may not be in the winter;
19 किनकि त्यस बेला ठुलो महासङ्कष्ट हुनेछ । यस्तो त परमेश्वरले संसार सृष्टि गर्नुभएको दिनको सुरुदेखि अहिलेसम्म भएको छैन, न त फेरि कहिल्यै हुनेछ ।
for in those days shall be such affliction as never was from the beginning of the world, unto this day, nor ever shall be.
20 परमप्रभुले ती दिनलाई नघटाउनुभएको भए, कुनै पनि प्राणी बाँच्ने थिएन, तर चुनिएकाहरूका खातिर, जसलाई उहाँले छान्नुभएको छ, उहाँले दिनहरूको सङ्ख्या घटाई दिनुभयो ।
And if the Lord did not shorten those days, none could escape: but for the sake of the elect, whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened those days.
21 यदि कसैले तिमीहरूलाई, हेर ख्रीष्ट यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ! वा हेर उहाँ त्यहाँ हुनुहुन्छ भन्यो भने विश्वास नगर ।
And then if any shall say to you, Behold, here is the Christ, or, Behold, He is there, believe it not:
22 किनकि झुटा ख्रीष्ट र अगमवक्ताहरू देखा पर्नेछन् र सम्भव भए चुनिएकाहरूलाई पनि तिनीहरूले धोखा दिन चिन्ह र आश्चर्यकर्महरू गर्नेछन् ।
for there shall rise up false Christs, and false prophets, who shall work signs and wonders, to seduce, if possible, even the elect.
23 सचेत रहो! मैले तिमीहरूलाई समय आउनुअगि नै यी सबै कुरा बताइदिएको छु ।
But do ye beware: behold, I have told you all before.
24 तर ती दिनको महासङ्कष्टपछि सूर्य अँध्यारो हुनेछ; चन्द्रमाले आफ्नो प्रकाश दिनेछैन;
But in those days, after that affliction, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give it's light; and the stars of heaven shall fall,
25 ताराहरू आकाशबाट खस्नेछन्, र स्वर्गमा भएका शक्तिहरू हल्लिनेछन् ।
and the powers in the heavens shall be shaken;
26 त्यसपछि तिनीहरूले मानिसका पुत्रलाई बादलमा महान् शक्ति र महिमामा आउँदै गरेको देख्नेछन् ।
and then shall they see the Son of man coming in clouds, with great power and glory.
27 तब उसले आफ्ना स्वर्गदूहरूलाई पठाउनेछन् र उसले चारै दिशाबाट, पृथ्वीको अन्तिम छेउदेखि आकाशको अन्तिम छेउबाट आफ्ना चुनिएकाहरूलाई जम्मा गर्नेछ ।
And He will then send forth his messengers, and will gather his elect together from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.
28 अञ्जीरको रुखबाट पाठ सिक । जब हाँगाहरूमा मुना पलाउँछ र पातहरू लाग्छन्, तिमीहरू ग्रीष्म नजिकै छ भनी जान्दछौ ।
Now learn a parable from the fig-tree: when it's branch is tender and bringeth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh;
29 त्यसै गरी, जब तिमीहरूले यी सबै कुराह घटिरहेको देख्छौ, उहाँ नजिकै हुनुहुन्छ, ढोकाकै नजिक हुनुहुन्छ भनी तिमीहरूले जान ।
so ye also, when ye see these things come to pass, know that He is near, even at the doors.
30 साँच्चै, म तिमीहरूलाई भन्दछु, यी सबै कुरा नभएसम्म यो पुस्ता बितेर जानेछैन ।
Verily I tell you, that this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.
31 स्वर्ग र पृथ्वी बितेर जानेछ, तर मेरो वचन कहिल्यै बितेर जानेछैन ।
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words cannot pass away.
32 तर त्यस दिन र घडीको विषयमा पितालाई बाहेक कसैलाई पनि थाहा छैन, न स्वर्गदूतहरूलाई, न त पुत्रलाई ।
But of THAT day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
33 सचेत रहो! होसियार होओ, किनभने यो कुन समयमा हुन्छ भनी तिमीहरू जान्दैनौ । (टिपोटः केही प्राचीन प्रामाणिक लेखहरूले यसलाई यसरी उल्लेख गर्छन्: होसियार रहो, जागा रहो र प्रार्थना गर किनकि ...)
Take heed therefore, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is:
34 यो यात्रामा गएका एक जना मानिसजस्तो होः उसले आफ्नो घर छोड्छ र उसका नोकरहरू हरेकलाई आ-आफ्नो कामसहित उसको घरको जिम्मा दिन्छ । अनि उसले पहरेदारलाई जागा रहन आज्ञा दिन्छ ।
as a man travelling abroad, who left his house, and gave charge to his servants, to each his work, and bid the porter be watchful.
35 त्यसकारण, जागा रहो! किनकि घरको मालिक साँझ वा मध्यरात वा भाले बास्दा वा बिहान कुन समयमा आउँछन् भनी तिमीहरू जान्दैनौ ।
Watch ye therefore; for ye know not when the master of the house cometh: (in the evening, or at midnight, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning: )
36 यदि उनी अचानक आइपुगे भने, उनले तिनीहरूलाई सुतिरहेको नभेट्टाऊन् ।
least coming on a sudden he should find you sleeping.
37 जे म तिमीहरूलाई भन्छु, त्यो म सबैलाई भन्छु, जागा रहो!”
And what I say to you, I say to all, Watch.