< यशैया 38 >

1 ती दिनहरूमा हिजकिया बिरामी भएर मृत्यको मुखैमा पुगे । त्यसैले आमोजका छोरा यशैया अगमवक्ता तिनीकहाँ आए र तिनलाई भने, “परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'आफ्नो घरको व्यवस्थापन गर् । किनभने तँ मर्नेछस्, बाँच्‍नेछैनस्' ।”
In those days has Hezekiah been sick to death, and Isaiah son of Amoz, the prophet, comes to him and says to him, “Thus said YHWH: Give a charge to your house, for you [are] dying, and do not live.”
2 तब हिजकियाले आफ्नो मुख भित्तातिर फर्काए र परमप्रभुमा प्रार्थना चढाए ।
And Hezekiah turns around his face to the wall, and prays to YHWH,
3 तिनले भने, “कृपया, हे परमप्रभु, म तपाईंको सामु कसरी सारा हृदयले विश्‍वासयोग्‍य भएर हिंडेको छु र मैले तपाईंको नजरमा जे असल छ सो कसरी गरेको छु सो सम्‍झनुहोस् ।” अनि हिजकिया धुरुधुरु रोए ।
and says, “Ah, now, O YHWH, please remember how I have habitually walked before You in truth, and with a perfect heart, and I have done that which [is] good in your eyes”; and Hezekiah weeps [with] a great weeping.
4 तब यशैयाकहाँ परमप्रभुको वचन यसो भनेर आयो,
And a word of YHWH is to Isaiah, saying,
5 “जा, मेरा मानिसहरूका अगुवा हिजकियालाई यसो भन्, 'परमप्रभु, तेरो पुर्खा दाऊदका परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः मैले तेरो प्रार्थना सुनेको छु, र मैले तेरो आँसु देखेको छु । हेर्, तेरो जीवनमा पन्ध्र वर्ष आयु मैले थप्‍न लागेको छु ।
“Go, and you have said to Hezekiah, Thus said YHWH, God of your father David: I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tear, behold, I am adding fifteen years to your days,
6 तब म तँलाई र यस सहरलाई अश्शूरका राजाको हातबाट छुटकारा दिनेछु र म यो सहरको रक्षा गर्नेछु ।
and out of the hand of the king of Asshur I deliver you and this city, and have covered over this city.
7 मैले जे प्रतिज्ञा गरेको छु सो मैले गर्नेछु भन्‍ने कुराको परमप्रभुबाटको चिन्ह तँलाई यो हुनेछ ।
And this [is] to you the sign from YHWH, that YHWH does this thing that He has spoken.
8 हेर, म आहाजको सिंढीको छायालाई दश कदम पछाडि जान लगाउनेछु ।” त्यसैले सिंढीको छाया दस कदम पढाडि गयो, जुन अगि बढेको थियो ।
Behold, I am bringing back the shadow of the degrees that it has gone down on the degrees of Ahaz, by the sun, backward ten degrees”; and the sun turns back ten degrees in the degrees that it had gone down.
9 यहूदाका राजा हिजकिया बिरामी भएर निको भएपछि तिनले लेखेको प्रार्थना यही थियो,
A writing of Hezekiah king of Judah concerning his being sick when he revives from his sickness:
10 “मैले भनें मेरो आधा जीवनमा नै म चिहानको ढोकाभित्र जानेछु । मेरो बाँकी वर्षहरूका निम्ति मलाई त्यहाँ पठाइन्छ । (Sheol h7585)
“I said in the cutting off of my days, I go to the gates of Sheol, I have numbered the remnant of my years. (Sheol h7585)
11 मैले भनें परमप्रभुलाई म देख्‍नेछैन, जीवितहरूको देशमा म परमप्रभुलाई कदापि देख्‍नेछैन । मानवजाति वा संसारको बासिन्दालाई म फेरि देख्‍नेछैन ।
I said, I do not see YAH—YAH! In the land of the living, I do not behold man anymore, With the inhabitants of the world.
12 मेरो जीवन मबाट गोठालोको पालझैं बोकेर लगिएको छ र हटाइएको छ । मेरो जीवनलाई मैले एउटा जुलाहाले जस्तो बेह्रेको छु । तपाईंले मलाई तानबाट काट्दै हुनुहुन्‍छ । तपाईंले मेरो जीवनलाई दिन र रातको बीचमा अन्‍त गर्दै हुनुहुन्‍छ ।
My sojourning has departed, And been removed from me as a shepherd’s tent, I have drawn together, as a weaver, my life, By weakness it cuts me off, From day to night You end me.
13 मैले बिहानसम्म नै पुकारा गरें । उहाँले मेरा सबै हड्‍डीहरूलाई सिंहले झैं तोड्नुहुन्छ । तपाईंले मेरो जीवनलाई दिन रातको बीचमा अन्‍त गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ।
I have set [Him] as a lion until morning, So He breaks all my bones, From day to night You end me.
14 गौंथलीझैं म चिरबिर गर्छु । ढुकुरझैं कुर्लिन्‍छु । माथितिर हेरेर मेरा आँखा थकित भएका छन् । हे परमप्रभु, म दुःखमा परेको छु । मलाई सहायता गर्नुहोस् ।
As a crane—a swallow—so I chatter, I mourn as a dove, My eyes have been drawn up on high, O YHWH, oppression [is] on me, be my guarantor.
15 मैले के भन्‍न सक्‍छु र? उहाँ मसँग बोल्‍ने अनि त्‍यसलाई पुरा गर्ने दुवै गर्नुभएको छ । मेरा सबै वर्षहरूमा म बिस्तारै हिंड्नेछु किनभने म शोकले व्याकुल भएको छु ।
What do I say? Seeing He spoke to me, And He Himself has worked, I go softly all my years for the bitterness of my soul.
16 हे परमप्रभु, तपाईंले पठाउनुभएका दुःखकष्‍ट मेरो निम्ति असल छन् । मेरो जीवन मलाई फिर्ता दिइयोस् । तपाईंले मरो जीवन र स्वस्थ्यलाई पुनर्स्थापना गर्नुभएको छ ।
Lord, [men] live by these, And by all in them [is] the life of my spirit, And You save me, make me to also live,
17 मेरै भलाइको निम्ति मैले यस्तो शोकको अनुभव गरें । तपाईंले मलाई विनाशको खाडलबाट छुटकारा दिनुभएको छ । किनकि तपाईंले मेरा सबै पापहरूलाई आफ्‍नो पछाडि फाल्‍नुभएको छ ।
Behold, He changed bitterness to peace for me, And You have delighted in my soul without corruption, For You have cast all my sins behind Your back.
18 किनकि चिहानले तपाईंलाई धन्यवाद दिंदैन । मृत्युले तपाईंको प्रशंसा गर्दैन । चिहानतिर जानेहरूले तपाईंको विश्‍वस्‍तताको आशा गर्दैनन् । (Sheol h7585)
For Sheol does not confess You, Death does not praise You, Those going down to the pit do not hope for Your truth. (Sheol h7585)
19 जस्तो म आज गर्दैर्छु, जीवित व्यक्‍तिले, केवल जीवित व्यक्‍तिले मात्र तपाईंलाई धन्यवाद दिन्छ । पिताले तपाईंको विश्‍वस्‍तता छोराछोरीलाई भन्‍छन् ।
The living, the living, he confesses You,
20 परमप्रभुले मलाई बचाउन लाग्‍नुभएको छ र हामीले परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरमा हाम्रो सारा दिनहरूभरि भजन गाउँदै उत्सव मानउनेछौं।”
Like myself today; A father makes known to [his] sons of Your faithfulness, O YHWH—to save me: And we sing my songs all [the] days of our lives In the house of YHWH.”
21 यति बेला यशैयाले भनेका थिए, “अञ्‍जिरको लेप लिनु र त्‍यसलाई त्‍यो घाउमा लगाउनु र उहाँ निको हुनुहुनेछ ।”
And Isaiah says, “Let them take a bunch of figs, and plaster over the ulcer, and he lives.”
22 हिजकियाले पनि भनेका थिए, “म परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरमा जानुपर्छ भन्‍ने कुराको लागि के चिन्‍ह हुनेछ?”
And Hezekiah says, “What [is] the sign that I go up to the house of YHWH?”

< यशैया 38 >