< आमोस 2 >

1 परमप्रभु यस्तो भन्‍नुहुन्छः “मोआबका तिन वा चारवटा पापका निम्‍ति समेत, दण्ड दिनबाट म पछि हट्‍नेछैनँ, किनभने त्यसले एदोमका राजालाई जलाएर चून बनायो ।
Thus said YHWH: “For three transgressions of Moab, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of his burning the bones of the king of Edom to lime,
2 मोआबमा म आगो पठाउनेछु, र त्यसले किर्योतका किल्लाहरूलाई भस्म पार्नेछ । चिच्‍याहट र तुरहीको आवाजमा, ठुलो गर्जनसहित मोआबचाहिं मर्नेछ ।
And I have sent a fire against Moab, And it has consumed the palaces of Kerioth, And Moab is dying with noise, With shouting, with voice of a horn.
3 त्यसको न्यायकर्तालाई म नष्‍ट गर्नेछु र त्यसका सबै राजकुमारलाई म मार्नेछु,” परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्छ ।
And I have cut off judge from her midst, And I slay all its heads with him,” said YHWH.
4 परमप्रभु यस्तो भन्‍नुहुन्छः “यहूदाका तिन वा चारवटा पापका निम्‍ति समेत, दण्ड दिनबाट म पछि हट्‍नेछैनँ, किनभने तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुको व्यवस्थालाई तिरस्‍कार गरे, र उहाँका विधिहरू पालना गरेनन् । तिनीहरूका झुटले तिनीहरूलाई भ्रममा पार्‍यो, जसका पछि तिनीहरूका पुर्खाहरू पनि हिंडेका थिए ।
Thus said YHWH: “For three transgressions of Judah, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of their loathing the Law of YHWH, And His statutes they have not kept, And their lies cause them to err, After which their fathers walked,
5 यहूदामा म आगो पठाउनेछु, र त्यसले यरूशलेमका किल्लाहरूलाई भस्म पार्नेछ ।”
And I have sent a fire against Judah, And it has consumed palaces of Jerusalem.”
6 परमप्रभु यस्तो भन्‍नुहुन्छः “इस्राएलका तिन वा चारवटा पापका निम्‍ति समेत, दण्ड दिनबाट म पछि हट्‍नेछैनँ, किनभने तिनीहरूले निर्दोषहरूलाई चाँदीमा, अनि दरिद्रहरूलाई एक जोर जुत्तामा बेचे ।
Thus said YHWH: “For three transgressions of Israel, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of their selling the righteous for silver, And the needy for a pair of sandals.
7 मानिसहरूले भुइँमा भएको धुलोलाई कुल्चेझैँ, तिनीहरूले गरिबहरूका शिरहरू कुल्चन्‍छन् । तिनीहरूले थिचोमिचोमा परेकालाई पर धकेल्‍छन् । एक जना मानिस र उसका बाबु एउटै केटीसँग सुत्‍छन्, र यसरी मेरो पवित्र नाउँलाई अशुद्ध पार्छन् ।
Who are panting for the dust of the earth on the head of the poor, And the way of the humble they turn aside, And a man and his father go to the girl, So as to defile My holy Name.
8 तिनीहरूले बन्धकको रूपमा लिएका लुगाहरूमाथि नै हरेक वेदीको छेउमा पल्टिन्‍छन्, र जरिमानामा लिएको दाखमद्य नै तिनीहरूले आफ्‍नो परमेश्‍वरका मन्दिरमा पिउँछन् ।
And they stretch themselves on pledged garments near every altar, And the wine of fined ones they drink [in] the house of their gods.
9 तापनि तिनीहरूका सामु मैले एमोरीलाई नाश गरें, जसका उचाइ देवदारुहरूका उचाइझैं थियो । त्यो फलाँटको रूख जत्तिकै बलियो थियो । तापनि मैले त्यसको माथिको फल, अनि त्यसको मुनिका जराहरूलाई नाश गरें ।
And I have destroyed the Amorite from before them, Whose height [is] as the height of cedars, And he [is] strong as the oaks, And I destroy his fruit from above, And his roots from beneath.
10 साथै मैले तिमीहरूलाई मिश्रदेशबाट निकालेर माथि ल्याएँ, र एमोरीहरूको देश कब्जा गर्नलाई, चालिस वर्षसम्म तिमीहरूलाई मरुभूमिमा डोर्‍याएँ ।
And I have brought you up from the land of Egypt, And cause you to go in a wilderness forty years, To possess the land of the Amorite.
11 तिमीहरूका छोराछोरीका बिचबाट अगमवक्ताहरू, र तिमीहरूका जवान मानिसहरूबाट नाजिरीहरू मैले खडा गरें । ए इस्राएलका मानिस हो, के यो सत्य होइन? — यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो ।
And I raise of your sons for prophets, And of your choice ones for Nazarites, Is this not true, O sons of Israel?” A declaration of YHWH.
12 तर तिमीहरूले नाजिरीहरूलाई दाखमद्य पिउन प्रेरित गर्‍यौ, अनि अगमवक्ताहरूलाई अगमवाणी नबोल्‍ने आज्ञा दियौ ।
“And you cause the Nazarites to drink wine, And on the prophets you have laid a charge, Saying, Do not prophesy!
13 हेर, अन्‍न भरिएको गाडाले कसैलाई कुल्चेझैं, म तिमीहरूलाई कुल्चनेछु ।
Behold, I am pressing you under, As the full cart presses a sheaf for itself.
14 तेज दौडने उम्केर जान सक्‍नेछैन, र बलियोले आफ्‍नो बलमाथि बल पाउनेछैन, न त शक्तिशालीले आफैंलाई बचाउन सक्‍नेछ ।
And refuge has perished from the swift, And the strong does not strengthens his power, And the mighty does not deliver his soul.
15 धनुधारी खडा हुनेछैन । तीव्र गतिमा दौडने उम्कने छैन । घोडचडीले आफैंलाई बचाउन सक्‍नेछैन ।
And the handler of the bow does not stand, And the swift does not deliver [himself] with his feet, And the rider of the horse does not deliver his soul.
16 त्यस दिनमा सबैभन्दा साहसी योद्धाहरू पनि नाङ्गै भाग्‍नेछन् — यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो ।”
And the courageous of heart among the mighty, Flees naked in that day,” A declaration of YHWH!

< आमोस 2 >