< १ इतिहास 25 >

1 दाऊद र सेनाका अगुवाहरूले आसाप, हेमान र यदूतूनका छोराहरूमध्‍ये कसैलाई वीणा, सारङ्गी र झ्‍यालीहरूका साथमा अगमवाणी गर्नको निम्ति छाने । यो सेवा गर्ने मानिसहरूको सूची यहाँ छः
Further, David and the chiefs of the servants of the holy place made selection of certain of the sons of Asaph and of Heman and of Jeduthun for the work of prophets, to make melody with corded instruments and brass; and the number of the men for the work they had to do was:
2 आसापका छोराहरूबाटः जक्‍कूर, योसेफ, नतन्‍याह र असरेला, आसापका अधीनमा भएका आसापका छोराहरू जसले राजाको सुपरिवेक्षणमा अगमवाणी बोले ।
Of the sons of Asaph: Zaccur and Joseph and Nethaniah and Asharelah, sons of Asaph; under the direction of Asaph, acting as a prophet under the orders of the king;
3 यदूतूनका छोराहरूबाटः गदल्‍याह, सेरी, यशयाह, शिमी, हशब्‍याह र मत्तित्‍याह, आफ्‍ना पिता यदूतूनका निर्देशनमा जम्मा छ जना, जसले परमप्रभुलाई धन्‍यवाद र स्‍तुति गर्नको निम्ति वीणा बजाउँथे ।
Of Jeduthun: the six sons of Jeduthun, Gedaliah and Zeri and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah and Mattithiah; under the direction of their father Jeduthun who, acting as a prophet, with corded instruments gave praise and glory to the Lord.
4 हेमानका छोराहरूबाटः बुक्‍कियाह, मत्तन्‍याह, उज्‍जीएल, शूबाएल, यरीमोत, हनन्‍याह, हनानी, एलीआता, गिद्दलती, रोममती-एजेर, योश्‍बाकाशा, मल्‍लोती, होतीर र महजीओत ।
Of Heman, the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti and Romamti-ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth;
5 यी सबै राजाका अगमवक्ता हेमानका छोराहरू थिए । परमेश्‍वरले हेमानको सिङ्लाई उच्‍च पार्नको निम्ति चौध छोराहरू र तिन छोरीहरू दिनुभयो ।
All these were sons of Heman, the king's seer in the words of God. And to make great his power God gave Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.
6 तिनीहरू सबै आफ्ना पिताकोहरूको निर्देशनमा थिए । तिनीहरू परमप्रभुको मन्‍दिरका सङ्गीतकारहरू थिए, जसले परमेश्‍वरको मन्‍दिरको सेवा गर्दा झ्‍याली, सारङ्गी र वीणा बजाउँथे । आसाप, यदूतून र हेमानचाहिं राजाको सुपरिवेक्षणमा थिए ।
All these, under the direction of their father, made music in the house of the Lord, with brass and corded instruments, for the worship of the house of God; Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman being under the orders of the king.
7 सङ्गीतमा निपूण र तालिम पाएका तिनीहरू र तिनीहरूका दाजुभाइको संख्‍या २८८ जना थियो ।
And the number of them, with their brothers who were trained and expert in making melody to the Lord, was two hundred and eighty-eight.
8 जवान र बूढा, गुरु र सिकारु दुवैले तिनीहरूका कामको निम्‍ति चिट्ठा हाल्‍थे ।
And selection was made of them for their special work, all having equal chances, small as well as great, the teacher as the learner.
9 आसापका छोराहरूको बारेः पहिलो चिट्ठा योसेफको परिवारलाई पर्‍यो । दोस्रो चिट्ठा गदल्‍याहको परिवारलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
Now of the group of Asaph, the first name to come out was Joseph; the second Gedaliah; he and his brothers and sons were twelve?
10 तेस्रो चिट्ठा जक्‍कूर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The third Zaccur, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
11 चौथो यिस्री र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The fourth Izri, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
12 पाँचौं नतन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The fifth Nethaniah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
13 छैटौं बुक्‍कियाह र तिनका छोराहरू र लाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The sixth Bukkiah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
14 सातौं यसरेला र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The seventh Jesharelah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
15 आठौं यशयाह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The eighth Jeshaiah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
16 नवौं मत्तन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The ninth Mattaniah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
17 दशौं शिमीका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा बाह्र जना,
The tenth Shimei, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
18 एघारौं अज्रेल र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The eleventh Azarel, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
19 बाह्रौं हशब्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The twelfth Hashabiah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
20 तेह्रौं शूबाएल र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The thirteenth Shubael, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
21 चौधौं मत्तित्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The fourteenth Mattithiah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
22 पन्‍ध्रौं यरीमोत र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The fifteenth Jeremoth, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
23 सोह्रौं हनन्‍याह र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The sixteenth Hananiah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
24 सत्रौं योश्‍बाकाशा र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The seventeenth Joshbekashah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
25 अठारौं हनानी र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The eighteenth Hanani, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
26 उन्‍नाईसौं मल्‍लोती र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The nineteenth Mallothi, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
27 बिसौं एलीआता र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The twentieth Eliathah, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
28 एक्‍काईसौं होतीर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The twenty-first Hothir, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
29 बाईसौं गिद्दलती र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The twenty-second Giddalti, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
30 तेईसौं महजीओत र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना,
The twenty-third Mahazioth, with his sons and his brothers, twelve;
31 चौबीसौं रोममती-एजेर र तिनका छोराहरू र आफन्तहरूलाई पर्‍यो, जम्मा १२ जना ।
The twenty-fourth Romamti-ezer, with his sons and his brothers, twelve.

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