< KwabaseRoma 12 >
1 Ngakho, bazalwane, ngiyalincenga ukuthi, ngezihawu zikaNkulunkulu, linikele imizimba yenu ibe ngumhlatshelo ophilileyo, ongcwele, owemukelekayo kuNkulunkulu, kube yinkonzo yenu yokuqedisisa.
I entreat you, then, friends, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, for this is your rational worship.
2 Njalo lingalingisi lumhlaba, kodwa liguqulwe ngokwenziwa zibentsha ingqondo zenu, ukuze lihlolisise okuyintando kaNkulunkulu elungileyo leyemukelekayo lepheleleyo. (aiōn )
Do not conform to the fashion of this world; but be transformed by the complete change that has come over your minds, so that you may discern what God’s will is – all that is good, acceptable, and perfect. (aiōn )
3 Ngoba ngomusa engiwuphiweyo, ngithi kuye wonke ophakathi kwenu ukuthi angacabangi ukuthi mkhulu kulalokho afanele ukukucabanga, kodwa acabange ngokuqonda, njengalokhu uNkulunkulu abele ngulowo lalowo isilinganiso sokholo.
In fulfilment of the charge with which I have been entrusted, I tell every one of you not to think more highly of themselves than they ought to think, but to think until they learn to think soberly – in accordance with the measure of faith that God has allotted to each.
4 Ngoba njengoba silezitho ezinengi emzimbeni munye, kodwa izitho zonke kazilamsebenzi ofananayo;
For, just as in the human body there is a union of many parts, and each part has its own function,
5 kunjalo thina esibanengi singumzimba munye kuKristu, njalo ngabanye siyizitho omunye komunye.
so we, by our union in Christ, many though we are, form but one body, and individually we are related one to another as its parts.
6 Njalo silezipho ezehlukeneyo ngokomusa esiwuphiweyo; zingaba yikuprofetha, asiprofethe ngokwesilinganiso sokholo;
Since our gifts differ in accordance with the particular charge entrusted to us, if our gift is to preach, let our preaching correspond to our faith;
7 kumbe yikukhonza, asisebenze enkonzweni; kumbe ofundisayo, ekufundiseni;
if it is to minister to others, let us devote ourselves to our ministry; the teacher to their teaching,
8 kumbe olayayo, ekulayeni; ophanayo, kanike ngobuqotho; obusayo, ngokukhuthala; olesihawu, ngentokozo.
the counselor to their counsel. Let the person who gives in charity do so with a generous heart; let the person who is in authority exercise due diligence; let the person who shows kindness do so in a cheerful spirit.
9 Uthandokalube qotho. Yenyanyani okubi, libambelele kokulungileyo.
Let your love be sincere. Hate the wrong; cling to the right.
10 Thandanani kakhulu ngothando lobuzalwane; ekuhloniphaneni phathani abanye ngcono kulani;
In the love of the community of the Lord’s followers, be affectionate to one another; in showing respect, set an example of deference to one another;
11 lingabi ngamavila ekukhuthaleni; livuthe emoyeni; likhonza iNkosi;
never flagging in zeal; fervent in spirit; serving the Master;
12 lithokoza ethembeni; libekezela ekuhluphekeni; liphikelela emkhulekweni;
rejoicing in your hope; steadfast under persecution; persevering in prayer;
13 yabelani kunswelo zabangcwele; likhuthalele ukuphana kuzihambi.
relieving the wants of Christ’s people; devoted to hospitality.
14 Babusiseni abalizingelayo; busisani, lingaqalekisi.
Bless your persecutors – bless and never curse.
15 Thokozani labathokozayo, likhale labakhalayo.
Rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and weep with those who are weeping.
16 Kalibe lenhliziyonye komunye lomunye. Lingakhumbuli ngezinto eziphakemeyo, kodwa lihlangane labathobekileyo. Lingazitshayi abahlakaniphileyo.
Let the same spirit of sympathy animate you all, not a spirit of pride; enjoy the company of ordinary people. Do not think too highly of yourselves.
17 Lingaphindiseli muntu okubi ngokubi. Linakane okudumisekayo phambi kwabantu bonke.
Never return injury for injury. Aim at doing what everyone will recognise as honourable.
18 Uba kungenzeka, ngokukini, hlalani ngokuthula labantu bonke.
If it is possible, as far as rests with you, live peaceably with everyone.
19 Bathandiweyo, lingaziphindiseli, kodwa nikani ulaka indawo; ngoba kulotshiwe ukuthi: Ngeyami impindiselo, mina ngizabuyisela, kutsho iNkosi.
Never avenge yourselves, dear friends, but make way for the wrath of God; for scripture declares – “‘It is for me to avenge, I will requite,’ says the Lord.”
20 Ngakho nxa isitha sakho silambile, siphe ukudla; nxa somile, sinathise; ngoba ngokwenza lokho, usibekela amalahle avuthayo phezu kwekhanda laso.
Rather – “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him to drink. By doing this you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Unganqotshwa ngokubi, kodwa nqoba okubi ngokuhle.
Never be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.