< 1 KwabaseKhorinte 11 >
1 Banini ngabalandeli bami, njengoba lami okaKristu.
Imitate me, as I myself imitate Christ.
2 Ngiyalibabaza-ke, bazalwane, ukuthi liyangikhumbula ezintweni zonke, lokuthi libambelele ezimisweni njengoba ngalinika.
I praise you, indeed, because you never forget me, and are keeping my injunctions in mind, exactly as I laid them on you.
3 Kodwa ngithanda ukuthi lazi, ukuthi inhloko yawo wonke amadoda nguKristu; lenhloko yowesifazana yindoda; lenhloko kaKristu nguNkulunkulu.
But I am anxious that you should understand that the Christ is the head of every man, that man is the head of woman, and that God is the head of the Christ.
4 Yonke indoda ekhulekayo loba eprofethayo, ikhanda limboziwe, ilithela ihlazo ikhanda layo.
Any man who keeps his head covered, when praying or preaching in public, dishonours him who is his head;
5 Kodwa wonke owesifazana okhuleka kumbe aprofethe ikhanda lingambombozwanga, ulithela ihlazo elakhe ikhanda; ngoba lokhu kufanana-ke lophuciweyo.
while any woman, who prays or preaches in public bare-headed, dishonours him who is her head; for that is to make herself like one of the shameless women who shave their heads.
6 Ngoba uba owesifazana engagubuzeli, futhi kagele; kodwa uba kukubi kowesifazana ukugela kumbe ukuphucwa, kagutshuzelwe.
Indeed, if a woman does not keep her head covered, she may as well cut her hair short. But, since to cut her hair short, or shave it off, marks her as one of the shameless women, she should keep her head covered.
7 Ngoba indoda kayifanele ukumbomboza ikhanda, ngoba ingumfanekiso lodumo lukaNkulunkulu; kodwa owesifazana uludumo lwendoda.
A man ought not to have his head covered, for he has been from the beginning the likeness of God and the reflection of his glory, but woman is the reflection of man’s glory.
8 Ngoba indoda kayivelanga kowesifazana, kodwa owesifazana endodeni;
For it was not man who was taken from woman, but woman who was taken from man.
9 ngoba futhi indoda kayidalelwanga owesifazana, kodwa owesifazana indoda;
Besides, man was not created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man.
10 ngenxa yalokhu owesifazana kufanele abe lamandla phezu kwekhanda ngenxa yezingilosi.
And, therefore, a woman ought to wear on her head a symbol of her subjection, because of the presence of the angels.
11 Kodwa indoda kayingaphandle kowesifazana, lowesifazana kangaphandle kwendoda, eNkosini.
Still, when in union with the Lord, woman is not independent of man, or man of woman;
12 Ngoba njengoba owesifazana evela endodeni, ngokunjalo lendoda ivela ngowesifazana, kodwa konke kuvela kuNkulunkulu.
for just as woman came from man, so man comes by means of woman; and all things come from God.
13 Ziboneleni lina; kufanele yini ukuthi owesifazana akhuleke kuNkulunkulu engambombozanga?
Judge for yourselves. Is it fitting that a woman should pray to God in public with her head uncovered?
14 Imvelo uqobo lwayo kayilifundisi yini, ukuthi uba indoda ilenwele ezinde, kulihlazo kuyo?
Does not nature herself teach us that, while for a man to wear his hair long is degrading to him,
15 Kodwa uba owesifazana elenwele ezinde, kuludumo kuye. Ngoba inwele uziphiwe ukuthi zibe yisimbombozo.
a woman’s long hair is her glory? Her hair has been given her to serve as a covering.
16 Kodwa uba umuntu ebonakala elenkani, thina kasilawo umkhuba onjalo, ngitsho lamabandla kaNkulunkulu.
If, however, anyone still thinks it right to contest the point – well, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.
17 Kodwa ngokulaya lokhu kangilibabazi, ngoba libuthana ngokungekuhle kodwa ngokubi.
In giving directions on the next subject, I cannot praise you; because your meetings do more harm than good.
18 Okokuqala ngoba nxa libuthana ebandleni, ngizwa ukuthi kukhona ukwehlukana phakathi kwenu; njalo nganxanye ngiyakukholwa.
To begin with, I am told that when you meet together as a church there are divisions among you. In part I believe this,
19 Ngoba kufanele ukuba lobubhazuka futhi phakathi kwenu, ukuze labo abaqinisileyo babonakale phakathi kwenu.
indeed, there must be parties among you, so that the people of real worth become known.
20 Ngakho nxa libuthana ndawonye, lokhu kakusikho ukudla isidlo seNkosi;
When you meet together, as I understand, it is not possible to eat the Lord’s Supper;
21 ngoba ngulowo lalowo uthatha kuqala esakhe isidlo ekudleni, lomunye ulambile, lomunye udakiwe.
for, as you eat, each of you tries to secure his own supper first, with the result that one has too little to eat, and another has too much to drink!
22 Kanti kalilazo izindlu zokudlela lezokunathela? Kumbe lidelela ibandla likaNkulunkulu, liyangise yini abangelakho? Ngingathini kini? Ngingalibabaza kulokhu yini? Kangilibabazi.
Have you no houses in which you can eat and drink? Or are you trying to show your contempt for the church of God, and to humiliate the poor? What can I say to you? Should I praise you? In this matter I cannot praise you.
23 Ngoba mina ngakwemukela eNkosini, lokho lami engalinika khona, ukuthi iNkosi uJesu ngobusuku eyanikelwa ngabo yathatha isinkwa,
For I myself received from the Lord the account which I have in turn given to you – how the Lord Jesus, on the very night of his betrayal, took some bread,
24 isibongile yasihlephuna, yathi: Thathani, lidle, lokhu kungumzimba wami owahletshunelwa lina; lokhu kwenzeni ukungikhumbula.
and, after saying the thanksgiving, broke it and said ‘This is my own body given on your behalf. Do this in memory of me.’
25 Ngokunjalo lenkezo, sebedlile, yathi: Inkezo le iyisivumelwano esitsha egazini lami; lokhu kwenzeni, loba nini liyinatha, ukungikhumbula.
And in the same way with the cup, after supper, saying ‘This cup is the new covenant made by my blood. Do this, whenever you drink it, in memory of me.’
26 Ngoba loba nini nxa lisidla lesisinkwa, linatha linkezo, litshumayela ukufa kweNkosi ize ifike.
For whenever you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death – until he comes.
27 Ngakho loba ngubani odla lesisinkwa kumbe anathe inkezo yeNkosi ngokungafanelanga, uzakuba lecala lomzimba legazi leNkosi.
Therefore, whoever eats the bread, or drinks the Lord’s cup, in an irreverent spirit, will have to answer for an offence against the Lord’s body and blood.
28 Kodwa umuntu kumele azihlole, ngokunjalo-ke adle okwesinkwa anathe okwenkezo;
Let everyone look into their own heart, and only then eat of the bread and drink from the cup.
29 ngoba odlayo anathe ngokungafanelanga, uzidlela azinathele isigwebo, engawehlukanisi umzimba weNkosi.
For the person who eats and drinks brings a judgment on themselves by their eating and drinking, when they do not discern the body.
30 Ngenxa yalokhu banengi kini ababuthakathaka labagulayo, lenengi lilele.
That is why so many among you are weak and ill, and why some are sleeping.
31 Kodwa uba besizihlolile thina, besingayikwahlulelwa;
But, if we judged ourselves rightly, we should not be judged.
32 kodwa nxa sisahlulelwa, sikhuzwa yiNkosi, ukuze singalahlwa kanye lomhlaba.
Yet, in being judged by the Lord, we are undergoing discipline, so that we may not have judgment passed on us with the rest of the world.
33 Ngakho, bazalwane bami, nxa libuthana ukuthi lidle, kalibomelelana.
Therefore, my friends, when you meet together to eat the Supper, wait for one another.
34 Njalo uba omunye elambile, kabokudla ekhaya; ukuze lingabuthaneli ukugwetshwa. Okuseleyo-ke, ngizakulungisa mhla ngifikayo.
If anyone is hungry, they should eat at home, so that your meetings may not bring a judgment on you. The other details I will settle when I come.