< Waiata 33 >

1 Kia hari ki a Ihowa, e te hunga tika: he mea ataahua te whakamoemiti ma te hunga kore he.
Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous: for it becommeth vpright men to be thankefull.
2 Whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa i runga i te hapa; himene ki a ia i runga i te hatere kotahi tekau nei nga aho.
Prayse the Lord with harpe: sing vnto him with viole and instrument of ten strings.
3 Waiatatia ki a ia he waiata hou: kia tika te whakatangi, kia nui te reo.
Sing vnto him a newe song: sing cheerefully with a loude voyce.
4 No te mea he tika te kupu a Ihowa, a kei runga i te pono ana mahi katoa.
For the word of the Lord is righteous, and all his workes are faithfull.
5 E paingia ana e ia te tika me te whakawa: ki tonu te whenua i te atawhai a Ihowa.
He loueth righteousnesse and iudgement: the earth is full of the goodnesse of the Lord.
6 Na te kupu a Ihowa nga rangi i hanga; ko nga mano katoa hoki o reira na te ha o tona mangai.
By the worde of the Lord were the heauens made, and all the hoste of them by the breath of his mouth.
7 He mea huihui e ia nga wai o te moana, ano he puranga; he mea whawhao e ia te rire ki nga pakoro.
He gathereth the waters of the sea together as vpon an heape, and layeth vp the depths in his treasures.
8 Kia wehi te whenua katoa ki a Ihowa; kia ohooho nga tangata katoa o te ao ki a ia.
Let all the earth feare the Lord: let al them that dwell in the world, feare him.
9 I ki hoki ia, a kua oti: i whakahau, a tu tonu iho.
For he spake, and it was done: he commanded, and it stood.
10 E whakataka ana e Ihowa te whakaaro o nga tauiwi: e whakakahoretia ana e ia nga meatanga a nga iwi.
The Lord breaketh the counsell of the heathen, and bringeth to nought the deuices of the people.
11 Ko te whakaaro o Ihowa, tu tonu ake ake; ko nga meatanga a tona ngakau kei tena whakatupuranga, kei tena whakatupuranga.
The counsell of the Lord shall stand for euer, and the thoughts of his heart throughout all ages.
12 Ka hari te iwi no ratou nei Atua a Ihowa, te iwi kua whiriwhiria e ia hei taonga tupu mona.
Blessed is that nation, whose God is the Lord: euen the people that he hath chosen for his inheritance.
13 E titiro iho ana a Ihowa i te rangi: e kite ana ia i nga tama katoa a te tangata.
The Lord looketh downe from heauen, and beholdeth all the children of men.
14 Kei tona wahi nohoanga ia e matakitaki iho ana ki nga tangata katoa o te whenua.
From the habitation of his dwelling he beholdeth all them that dwell in the earth.
15 Nana i hanga nga ngakau o ratou katoa, e mohiotia ana e ia a ratou mahi katoa.
He facioneth their hearts euery one, and vnderstandeth all their workes.
16 E kore tetahi kingi e ora i te nui o te ope, e kore e ora te marohirohi i te nui o te kaha.
The King is not saued by the multitude of an hoste, neither is the mightie man deliuered by great strength.
17 He mea teka te hoiho hei whakaora; ehara ano tona kaha nui i te mea e mawhiti ai.
A horse is a vaine helpe, and shall not deliuer any by his great strength.
18 Nana, kei runga i te hunga e wehi ana i a ia te kanohi o Ihowa, kei te hunga e tumanako ana ki tana mahi tohu;
Beholde, the eye of the Lord is vpon them that feare him, and vpon them, that trust in his mercie,
19 Hei whakaora i o ratou wairua kei mate, hei mea i a ratou kia ora i te wa o te hemokai.
To deliuer their soules from death, and to preserue them in famine.
20 Kua tatari nei o tatou wairua ki a Ihowa; ko ia to tatou kaiawhina, to tatou whakangungu rakau.
Our soule waiteth for the Lord: for he is our helpe and our shielde.
21 Hari tonu to tatou ngakau ki a ia; no tatou hoki i whakawhirinaki ki tona ingoa tapu.
Surely our heart shall reioyce in him, because we trusted in his holy Name.
22 E Ihowa, hei runga i a matou tau mahi tohu; kia rite hoki ki ta matou tumanako ki a koe.
Let thy mercie, O Lord, be vpon vs, as we trust in thee.

< Waiata 33 >