< 2 Samoela 22 >

1 Ary Davida nanao izao fihirana izao ho an’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny andro namonjen’ i Jehovah azy tamin’ ny tanan’ ny fahavalony rehetra, indrindra fa tamin’ ny tànan’ i Saoly,
And David spoke to the Lord the words of this song, in the day in which the Lord rescued him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul.
2 ka hoy izy: Jehovah no harambatoko sy batery fiarovana ho ahy ary Mpamonjy ahy,
And the song was thus: O Lord, my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer,
3 Andriamanitra vatolampiko, Izy no ialofako, Ampingako sy tandroko famonjena Izy ary fiarovana avo ho ahy sy fandosirako; Ry Mpamonjy ahy, mahafaka ahy amin’ ny fampahoriana Hianao.
my God; he shall be to me my guard, I will trust in him: [he is] my protector, and the horn of my salvation, my helper, and my sure refuge; you shall save me from the unjust man.
4 Miantso an’ i Jehovah Izay mendrika hoderaina aho, Ka dia vonjena ho afaka amin’ ny fahavaloko.
I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised, and I shall be saved from my enemies.
5 Fa nihodidina tamiko ny onjan’ ny fahafatesana. Ary ny riaky ny faharatsiana nampahatahotra ahy.
For the troubles of death compassed me, the floods of iniquity amazed me:
6 Ny famatoran’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita nihodidina tamiko, nisakana ahy ny fandriky ny fahafatesana. (Sheol h7585)
the pangs of death surrounded me, the agonies of death prevented me. (Sheol h7585)
7 Fony azom-pahoriana aho, dia niantso an’ i Jehovah, eny, Andriamanitro no nitarainako; nihaino ny feoko tao an-tempoliny Izy, ary ny fitarainako dia efa tonga eo an-tsofiny.
When I am afflicted I will call upon the Lord, and will cry to my God, and he shall hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry shall come into his ears.
8 Dia nihozongozona sy nihorohoro ny tany, ary ny fiorenan’ ny lanitra nihorohoro, eny, nihozongozona ireo, satria tezitra Jehovah.
And the earth was troubled and quaked, and the foundations of heaven were confounded and torn asunder, because the Lord was angry with them.
9 Nisy setroka nisavoana teo am-bavorony, ary afo avy teo am-bavany no nandevona ka nisy vainafo nidedadeda teo aminy.
There went up a smoke in his wrath, and fire out of his mouth devours: coals were kindled at it.
10 Dia naondriny ny lanitra, ka nidina Izy; Ary aizim-pito no teo ambanin’ ny tongony.
And he bowed the heavens, and came down, and [there was] darkness under his feet.
11 Dia nitaingina kerobima Izy ka nanidina, eny, niseho teo amin’ ny ela-drivotra Izy.
And he rode upon the cherubs and did fly, and was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 Efa nanao ny maizina ho tranony manodidina Azy Izy, dia fivorian-drano sy rahona matevina
And he made darkness his hiding-place; his tabernacle round about him was the darkness of waters, he condensed it with the clouds of the air.
13 Ary avy teo amin’ ny famirapiratana teo anatrehany nisy vainafo nidedadeda.
At the brightness before him coals of fire were kindled.
14 Dia nampikotroka tany an-danitra Jehovah, ny Avo Indrindra niloa-peo.
The Lord thundered out of heaven, and the Most High uttered his voice.
15 Dia nandefa zana-tsipìka Izy ka nampiely ny fahavaloko, ary nampandeha helatra ka nampifanaritaka azy.
And he sent forth arrows, and scattered them, and he flashed lightning, and dismayed them.
16 Dia hita ny fitoeran-dranomasina, ary niseho ny fanambanin’ ny tany, noho ny teny mafy nataon’ i Jehovah, noho ny fifofofofon’ ny fofonain’ ny vavorony.
And the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his anger.
17 Naninjitra ny tànany avy tany ambony Izy ka nandray ahy; nanintona ahy niala tamin’ ny rano be Izy.
He sent from above and took me; he drew me out of many waters.
18 Namonjy ahy tamin’ ny fahavaloko mahery Izy sy tamin’ izay nankahala ahy, satria tsy leoko ireny.
He delivered me from my strong enemies, from them that hated me, for they were stronger than I.
19 Nisakana ahy tamin’ ny andro nahitako loza ireny, nefa Jehovah no niseho ho Mpanohana ahy.
The days of my affliction prevented me; but the Lord was my stay.
20 Dia nitondra ahy ho any amin’ ny malalaka Izy; namonjy ahy Izy, satria tiany aho.
And he brought me into a wide place, and rescued me, because he delighted in me.
21 Nanisy soa ahy araka ny fahamarinako Jehovah; Araka ny fahadiovan’ ny tanako no namaliany ahy.
And the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness; even according to the purity of my hands did he recompense me.
22 Fa nitandrina ny lalan’ i Jehovah aho ka tsy mba nanao ratsy hialana tamin’ Andriamanitro;
Because, I kept the ways of the Lord, and did not wickedly depart from my God.
23 Ny fitsipiny rehetra dia teo anatrehako, ary ny lalàny tsy mba nialako;
For all his judgments and his ordinances [were] before me: I departed not from them.
24 Tsy nanan-tsiny taminy aho sady niaro tena tsy ho azon’ ny fahotako;
And I shall be blameless before him, and will keep myself from my iniquity.
25 Koa namaly ahy araka ny fahamarinako Jehovah, dia araka ny fahadiovako teo imasony.
And the Lord will recompense me according to my righteousness, and according to the purity of my hands in his eye-sight.
26 Ny olona tsara no isehoanao fa tsara; Ny tena olo-marina no isehoanao fa marina;
With the holy you will be holy, and with the perfect man you will be perfect,
27 Ny madio no isehoanao fa madio; Ary ny mpiolakolaka kosa no isehoanao fa lalin-tsaina.
and with the excellent you will be excellent, and with the froward you will be froward.
28 Fa ny olona ory dia vonjenao; Fa ny masonao manandrina ny mpiavonavona, ka aetrinao ireny.
And you will save the poor people, and will bring down the eyes of the haughty.
29 Fa Hianao no jiroko, Jehovah ô; Jehovah mampahazava ny fahamaizinako.
For you, Lord, [are] my lamp, and the Lord shall shine forth to me in my darkness.
30 Fa Hianao no ahazoako mitsarapaka hamely ny miaramila iray toko; Ary Andriamanitro no ahazoako mitsambikina mihoatra ny manda.
For by you shall I run [as] a girded man, and by my God shall I leap over a wall.
31 Raha ny amin’ Andriamanitra, dia marina ny lalany; Ny tenin’ i Jehovah dia voazaha toetra amin’ ny memy; Jehovah no ampingan’ izay rehetra mialoka aminy.
As for the Mighty One, his way [is] blameless: the word of the Lord [is] strong [and] tried in the fire: he is a protector to all that put their trust in him.
32 Fa iza no Andriamanitra afa-tsy Jehovah? Ary iza no vatolampy afa-tsy Andriamanitsika?
Who [is] strong, but the Lord? and who will be a Creator except our God?
33 Izany Andriamanitra izany no fiarovana mafy ho ahy; Mitondra ny marina amin’ ny lalany Izy.
[It is] the Mighty One who strengthens me with might, and has prepared my way without fault.
34 Ary manao ny tongony ho tahaka ny an’ ny dieravavy Izy; Mampitoetra ahy eo amin’ ny fitoerako avo Izy.
He makes my feet like hart's feet, and sets me upon the high places.
35 Mampianatra ny tanako hiady Izy, ka mahahenjana tsipìka varahina ny sandriko.
He teaches my hands to war, and has broken a brazen bow by my arm.
36 Omenao ahy ny ampingan’ ny famonjenao; Ary ny fahamoram-panahinao no mahalehibe ahy.
And you have given me the shield of my salvation, and your propitious dealing has increased me,
37 Halalahinao ny lalana hodiaviko, ka tsy mangovitra ny hato-tongotro.
so as to make room under me for my going, and my legs did not totter.
38 Manenjika ny fahavaloko aho ka mandripaka azy; Ary tsy mba miverina aho mandra-pahalany ritrany.
I will pursue my enemies, and will utterly destroy them; and I will not turn again till I have consumed them.
39 Mandringana sy mandripaka azy aho, ka tsy maharina izy; Lavo eo ambanin’ ny tongotro izy.
And I will crush them, and they shall not rise; and they shall fall under my feet.
40 Hianao mampisikina ahy hery hiady; Aripakao ho ambaniko izay mitsangana hamely ahy.
And you shall strengthen me with power for the war; you shall cause them that rise up against me to bow down under me.
41 Ary ataonao miamboho ahy ny fahavaloko; Ka aringako izay mankahala ahy.
And you have caused mine enemies to flee before me, even them that hated me, and you have slain them.
42 Miherikerika izy, fa tsy misy mpamonjy, eny, maniry an’ i Jehovah izy, fa tsy mamaly azy Izy.
They shall cry, and there shall be no helper; to the Lord, but he hearkens not to them.
43 Torotoroiko madinika tahaka ny vovo-tany izy; Hoseko tahaka ny fotaka eny an-dalana izy ka apariako.
And I ground them as the dust of the earth, I beat them small as the mire of the streets.
44 Mamonjy ahy amin’ ny fifanoheran’ ny oloko Hianao sy miaro ahy ho lohan’ ny firenen-tsamy hafa; ny firenena tsy fantatro aza dia manompo ahy.
And you shall deliver me from the striving of the peoples, you shall keep me [to be] the head of the Gentiles: a people which I knew not served me.
45 Ny hafa firenena mikoy ahy; Raha vao mahare ny lazako fotsiny ihany aza izy, dia manoa ahy.
The strange children feigned [obedience] to me; they listened to me as soon as they heard.
46 Ny hafa firenena dia mihaketraka ka miala amin-kovitra avy ao amin’ ny fiarovany mafy.
The strange children shall be cast away, and shall be overthrown out of their hiding places.
47 Velona Jehovah; isaorana anie ny Vatolampiko; Asandratra anie Andriamanitry ny vatolampy famonjena ahy,
The Lord lives, and blessed [be] my guardian, and my God, my strong keeper, shall be exalted.
48 Dia Andriamanitra, Izay manao famaliana ho ahy ka mampanaiky ny firenena ahy,
The Lord who avenges me [is] strong, chastening the nations under me,
49 Dia Ilay mitondra ahy ho afaka amin’ ny fahavaloko; eny, manandratra ahy ho ambonin’ izay mitsangana hanohitra ahy Hianao ary mamonjy ahy amin’ ny olon-dozabe;
and bringing me out from my enemies: and you shall set me on high from among those that rise up against me: you shall deliver me from the violent man.
50 Koa Izany no hiderako Anao eny amin’ ny firenen-tsamy hafa, Jehovah ô, sy hankalazako ny anaranao.
Therefore will I confess to you, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and sing to your name.
51 Manao famonjen-dehibe ho an’ ny mpanjaka voatendriny Izy ary mamindra fo amin’ ny voahosony, dia amin’ i Davida sy ny taranany mandrakizay.
He magnifies the salvation of his king, and works mercy for his anointed, even for David and for his seed for ever.

< 2 Samoela 22 >