< 1 Samoela 1 >

1 Ary nisy lehilahy Efraimita anankiray tany Ramataima-zofima any amin’ ny tany havoan’ i Efraima, Elkana no anarany zanak’ i Jerohama, zanak’ i Eliho, zanak’ i Toho, zanak’ i Zofa.
There was a man of Armathaim Sipha, of mount Ephraim, and his name [was] Helkana, a son of Jeremeel the son of Elias the son of Thoke, in Nasib Ephraim.
2 Ary namporafy izy, Hana no anaran’ ny vadiny anankiray, ary Penina no anaran’ ny anankiray; ary Penina nanan-janaka, fa Hana kosa tsy mba nanana.
And he [had] two wives; the name of the one [was] Anna, and the name of the second Phennana. And Phennana had children, but Anna had no child.
3 Ary ralehilahy niakatra isan-taona niala tamin’ ny tanànany hivavaka sy hamono zavatra hatao fanatitra ho an’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, tao Silo. Ary tao izy mirahalahy, zanak’ i Ely, dia Hofinia sy Finehasa, mpisoron’ i Jehovah.
And the man went up from year to year from his city, from Armathaim, to worship and sacrifice to the Lord God of Sabaoth at Selom: and [there were] Heli and his two sons Ophni and Phinees, the priests of the Lord.
4 Ary tamin’ ny andro namonoan’ i Elkana zavatra hatao fanatitra dia samy nomeny anjara iray avy Penina vadiny sy ny zananilahy ary ny zananivavy rehetra.
And the day came, and Helkana sacrificed, and gave portions to his wife Phennana and her children.
5 Fa Hana kosa nomeny anjaran-droa, satria izy no tiany, nefa nataon’ i Jehovah momba.
And to Anna he gave a prime portion, because she had no child, only Helkana loved Anna more than the other; but the Lord [had] closed her womb.
6 Ary ny rafiny dia nanorisory azy mba hampalahelo azy mafy noho ny nanaovan’ i Jehovah azy momba.
For the Lord gave her no child in her affliction, and according to the despondency of her affliction; and she was dispirited on this account, that the Lord shut up her womb so as not to give her a child.
7 Ary izany no fanaon’ i Elkana isan-taona, raha niakatra ho any an-tranon’ i Jehovah Hana, ary izany koa no nanorisoren’ ny rafiny azy, koa nitomany izy sady tsy nety nihinan-kanina.
So she did year by year, in going up to the house of the Lord; and she was dispirited, and wept, and did not eat.
8 Fa Elkana vadiny nanao taminy hoe: Ry Hana, nahoana no mitomany ianao? ary nahoana no tsy mety mihinan-kanina ianao? ary nahoana no malahelo fo ianao? Tsy tsara lavitra aminao mihoatra noho ny zanaka folo mirahalahy va aho?
And Helkana her husband said to her, Anna: and she said to him, Here [am] I, my lord: and he said to her, What ails you that you weep? and why do you not eat? and why does your heart strike you? [am] I not better to you than ten children?
9 Ary rehefa nihinana sy nisotro tao Silo izy, dia nitsangana Hana. Ary Ely mpisorona nipetraka tamin’ ny sezany teo anilan’ ny tolam-baravaran’ ny tempolin’ i Jehovah.
And Anna rose up after they had eaten in Selom, and stood before the Lord: and Heli the priest [was] on a seat by the threshold of the temple of the Lord.
10 Ary Hana dia nalahelo fanahy indrindra, ka nivavaka tamin’ i Jehovah izy sady nitomany dia nitomany.
And she [was] very much grieved in spirit, and prayed to the Lord, and wept abundantly.
11 Ary nivoady izy ka nanao hoe: Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, raha mba hitsinjo tokoa ny alahelon’ ny ankizivavinao Hianao ka hahatsiaro ahy ary tsy hanadino ny ankizivavinao, fa hanome ahy zazalahy, dia homeko ho an’ i Jehovah kosa izy amin’ ny andro rehetra hiainany, ka tsy hokasihin-kareza ny lohany.
And she vowed a vow to the Lord, saying, O Lord God of Sabaoth, if you welt indeed look upon the humiliation of your handmaid, and remember me, and give to your handmaid a boy, then will I indeed dedicate him to you till the day of his death; and he shall drink no wine nor strong drink, and no razor shall come upon his head.
12 Ary raha mbola naharitra nivavaka teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah izy, dia nodinihin’ i Ely ny vavany.
And it came to pass, while she was long praying before the Lord, that Heli the priest marked her mouth.
13 Fa niteny anakampo Hana, ka ny molony ihany no nihetsiketsika, fa ny feony tsy re akory; ka dia nataon’ i Ely fa mamo izy.
And she was speaking in her heart, and her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: and Heli accounted her a drunken woman.
14 Dia hoy Ely taminy: Mandrapahoviana no ho mamo ianao? Esory aminao ny divainao.
And the servant of Heli said to her, How long will you be drunken? take away your wine from you, and go out from the presence of the Lord.
15 Dia namaly Hana ka nanao hoe: Tsia, tompoko; vehivavy malahelo fanahy aho, fa tsy nisotro divay na toaka tsy akory, fa mamoaka ny ato am-poko eto anatrehan’ i Jehovah aho.
And Anna answered and said, Nay, my lord, [I live] in a hard day, and I have not drunk wine or strong drink, and I pour out my soul before the Lord.
16 Aza mba atao ho vehivavy tena ratsy fanahy ny ankizivavinao; fa ny haben’ ny fahoriako sy ny alaheloko no nitenenako mandraka ankehitriny.
Count not your handmaid for a pestilent woman, for by reason of the abundance of my importunity I have continued [my prayer] until now.
17 Dia namaly Ely ka nanao hoe: Mandehana soa aman-tsara; ary homen’ Andriamanitry ny Isiraely anao anie izay nangatahinao taminy.
And Heli answered and said to her, Go in peace: the God of Israel give you all your petition, which you have asked of him.
18 Ary hoy izy: Aoka hahita fitia eo imasonao ny ankizivavinao. Dia lasa nandeha ravehivavy, ary nihinana izy ka tsy nalahelo tarehy intsony.
And she said, Your handmaid has found favor in your eyes: and the woman went her way, and entered into her lodging, and ate and drank with her husband, and her countenance was no more sad.
19 Ary nifoha maraina koa izy ireo ka nivavaka teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, dia lasa nody ka tonga tao an-tranony tany Rama; ary Elkana nahalala an’ i Hana vadiny, ary Jehovah nahatsiaro azy.
And they rise early in the morning, and worship the Lord, and they go their way: and Helkana went into his house at Armathaim, and knew his wife Anna; and the Lord remembered her, and she conceived.
20 Ary tamin’ ny fahatanterahan’ ny andro dia nanan’ anaka Hana ka nitera-dahy, ary ny anarany nataony hoe Samoela, fa hoy izy: Tamin’ i Jehovah no nangatahako azy.
And it came to pass when the time was come, that she brought forth a son, and called his name Samuel, and said, Because I asked him of the Lord God of Sabaoth.
21 Ary ralehilahy Elkana sy ny ankohonany rehetra niakatra hamono zavatra mba hanaterany ny fanatitra fanao isan-taona ho an’ i Jehovah sy ny fanalam-boadiny.
And the man Helkana and all his house went up to offer in Selom the yearly sacrifice, and his vows, and all the tithes of his land.
22 Fa Hana kosa tsy mba niakatra; fa hoy izy tamin’ ny vadiny: Aoka aloha mandra-panoty ny zaza, fa amin’ izay aho vao hitondra azy hiseho eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, ka hitoetra ao mandrakizay izy.
But Anna did not go up with him, for she said to her husband, [I will not go up] until the child goes up, when I have weaned him, and he shall be presented before the Lord, and he shall abide there continually.
23 Ary hoy Elkana vadiny taminy: Ataovy ary izay tianao; mitoera ihany mandra-panotinao azy; ary hefain’ i Jehovah anie ny teniny. Dia nitoetra ravehivavy ka nampinono ny zanany mandra-panotiny azy.
And Helkana her husband said to her, Do that which is good in your eyes, abide still until you shall have weaned him; but may the Lord establish that which comes out of your mouth: and the woman tarried, and suckled her son until she had weaned him.
24 Ary nony efa maoty ny zaza, vao nentiny niakatra niaraka taminy izy mbamin’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy telo sy koba iray efaha ary divay iray tavoara, ka nentiny ho ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah tao Silo izy; ary mbola kely ny zaza.
And she went up with him to Selom with a calf of three years old, and loaves, and an ephah of fine flour, and a bottle of wine: and she entered into the house of the Lord in Selom, and the child with them.
25 Dia novonoiny ny vantotr’ ombilahy iray, ary nentiny ho ao amin’ i Ely ny zaza.
And they brought him before the Lord; and his father killed his offering which he offered from year to year to the Lord; and he brought near the child, and killed the calf; and Anna the mother of the child brought him to Heli.
26 Ary hoy Hana: Tompoko ô, raha velona koa ny ainao, tompoko, izaho ilay vehivavy nitsangana teto anilanao ka nivavaka tamin’ i Jehovah.
And she said, I pray you, my lord, as your soul lives, I [am] the woman that stood in your presence with you while praying to the Lord.
27 Ny hahazoako ity zazalahy ity no nivavahako; dia nomen’ i Jehovah ahy izay nangatahiko taminy.
For this child I prayed; and the Lord has given me my request that I asked of him.
28 Koa atolotro ho an’ i Jehovah kosa izy: eny, amin’ ny andro rehetra hiainany dia voatolotra ho an’ i Jehovah izy. Dia nivavaka tamin’ i Jehovah izy.
And I lend him to the Lord all his days that he lives, a loan to the Lord: and she said,

< 1 Samoela 1 >