< 2 Samoela 12 >

1 Ary Jehovah naniraka an’ i Natana hankao amin’ i Davida. Ary dia tonga tao aminy izy ka nanao taminy hoe: Nisy olona roa lahy tao an-tanàna anankiray, ny iray manan-karena, ary ny iray malahelo.
And the Lord sent Nathan the prophet to David; and he went in to him, and said to him, There were two men in one city, one rich and the other poor.
2 Ilay manan-karena nanana ondry aman’ osy sy omby betsaka;
And the rich [man] had very many flocks and herds.
3 fa ilay malahelo kosa tsy nanana na inona na inona afa-tsy zanak’ ondry vavy kely iray monja izay novidiny; ary nokolokoloiny tsara io ka nitombo teo aminy sy ny zanany; fa tamin’ ny hanin-kelin-dralehilahy no nihinanany, ary tamin’ ny kapoakany no nisotroany, sady notrotroiny teo an-tratrany izy ka nataony toy ny zananivavy.
But the poor [man had] only one little ewe lamb, which he had purchased, and preserved, and reared; an it grew up with himself and his children in common; it ate of his bread and drank of his cup, and slept in his bosom, and was to him as a daughter.
4 Ary nisy vahiny tonga tao amin’ ilay manan-karena, nefa ny ondriny aman’ osiny sy ny ombiny notsitsiny ka tsy nangalany hatao nahandro ho an’ ilay vahiny tonga tao aminy; fa ny zanak’ ondry vavin’ ilay malahelo kosa no nalainy, ka dia nataony nahandro ho an’ ilay olona tonga tao aminy.
And a traveller came to the rich man, and he spared to take of his flocks and of his herds, to dress for the traveller that came to him; and he took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that came to him.
5 Dia nirehitra mafy ny fahatezeran’ i Davida tamin’ izany olona izany, ka hoy izy tamin’ i Natana: Raha velona koa Jehovah, tsy maintsy hatao maty izay olona nanao izany;
And David was greatly moved with anger against the man; and David said to Nathan, [As] the Lord lives, the man that did this thing shall surely die.
6 ary ilay zanak’ ondry vavy tsy maintsy honerany efatra heny noho ny nanaovany izany zavatra izany sy noho ny tsy namindrany fo.
And he shall restore the lamb sevenfold, because he has not spared.
7 Dia hoy Natana tamin’ i Davida: Hianao no izy. Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Izaho nanosotra anao ho mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely ka namonjy anao ho afaka tamin’ ny tànan’ i Saoly;
And Nathan said to David, You are the man that has done this. Thus says the Lord God of Israel, I anointed you to be king over Israel, and I rescued you out the hand of Saul;
8 ary nomeko anao ny tranon’ ny tomponao sy ny vadin’ ny tomponao ho andefimandrinao, ary nomeko anao koa ny firenen’ Isiraely sy Joda; ary raha mbola tsy ampy ho anao izany, dia ho nomeko bebe kokoa ianao;
and I gave you the house of your lord, and the wives of your lord into your bosom, and I gave to you the house of Israel and Juda; and if that had been little, I would have given you yet more.
9 koa nahoana ianao no nanamavo ny tenin’ i Jehovah ka nanao izay ratsy eo imasony? Oria Hetita nasianao ny sabatra, ary ny vadiny nalainao ho vadinao. Eny, efa novonoinao tamin’ ny sabatry ny taranak’ i Amona izy.
Why have you set at nothing the word of the Lord, to do that which is evil in his eyes? you have slain Urias the Chettite with the sword, and you have taken his wife to be your wife, and you have slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon.
10 Koa noho izany dia tsy hiala amin’ ny taranakao mandrakizay kosa ny sabatra, satria nanamavo Ahy ianao ka naka ny vadin’ i Oria Hetita ho vadinao.
Now therefore the sword shall not depart from your house for ever, because you has set me at nothing, and you have taken the wife of Urias the Chettite, to be your wife.
11 Izao koa no lazain’ i Jehovah: Indro, Izaho efa hahatonga loza aminao avy ao amin’ ny ankohonanao ihany; ary hesoriko eo imasonao ny vadinao ka homeko ny namanao; ary izy handry amin’ ny vadinao amin’ izao antoandrobenanahary izao.
Thus says the Lord, Behold, I will raise up against you evil out of your house, and I will take your wives before your eyes, and will give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun.
12 Fa ianao nanao izany tao amin’ ny mangingina, ary Izaho kosa haneho izany zavatra izany eo anatrehan’ ny Isiraely rehetra sy amin’ izao antoandrobenanahary izao.
For you did it secretly, but I will do this thing in the sight of all Israel, and before the sun.
13 Dia hoy Davida tamin’ i Natana: Efa nanota tamin’ i Jehovah aho. Ary hoy kosa atana tamin’ i Davida: Jehovah efa nanaisotra ny helokao, ka tsy ho faty ianao.
And David said to Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said to David, And the Lord has put away your sin; you shall not die.
14 Nefa noho ny nampitenenanao ratsy ny fahavalon’ i Jehovah amin’ izany zavatra izany dia ho faty tokoa ny zaza izay haterakao.
Only because you have given great occasion of provocation to the enemies of the Lord by this thing, your son also that is born to you shall surely die.
15 Ary Natana nody tany an-tranony. Ary Jehovah namely ny zaza izay nateraky ny vadin’ i Oria tamin’ i Davida, ka dia narary be ny zaza.
And Nathan departed to his house. And the Lord struck the child, which the wife of Urias the Chettite bore to David, and it was ill.
16 Ary nifona tamin’ Andriamanitra ho an’ ny zaza Davida, dia nifady hanina sady niditra ka nandry tamin’ ny tany mandritra ny alina.
And David enquired of God concerning the child, and David fasted, and went in and lay all night upon the ground.
17 Ary ny loholona tao an-tranony nitsangana nankao aminy hampiarina azy amin’ ny tany; nefa tsy nety izy sady tsy nety niara-nihinan-kanina taminy.
And the elders of his house arose [and went] to him to raise him up from the ground, but he would not [rise], nor did he eat bread with them.
18 Ary nony nandray hafitoana, dia maty ny zaza; ary ny mpanompon’ i Davida natahotra hilaza ny nahafatesan’ ny zaza aminy, fa hoy ireo: Indro, fony mbola velona aza ny zaza, raha niteny taminy isika, dia tsy nohenoiny ny feontsika, koa hataontsika ahoana no filaza aminy ny fahafatesan’ ny zaza? fandrao hanimba tena izy.
And it came to pass on the seventh day that the child died: and the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead; for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive we spoke to him, and he listened not to our voice; and you should we tell him that the child is dead?—so would he do [himself] harm.
19 Ary nony hitan’ i Davida fa nitakoritsika ny mpanompony, dia fantany fa maty ny zaza; ka hoy izy tamin’ ny mpanompony: Maty va ny zaza? Ary hoy ireo: Maty.
And David understood that his servants were whispering, and David perceived that the child was dead: and David said to his servants, Is the child dead? and they said, He is dead.
20 Dia niarina tsy nandry tamin’ ny tany intsony Davida ary nandro sy nihosotra diloilo ary nanova ny fitafiany, dia nankao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jehovah ka niankohoka; ary dia nody tany an-tranony izy ka niantso mba hisy handroso hanina eo anoloany, dia nihinana izy.
Then David rose up from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his raiment, and went into the house of God, and worshipped him; and went into his own house, and called for bread to eat, and they set bread before him and he ate.
21 Ary hoy ny mpanompony taminy: Ahoana izao zavatra nataonao izao? Fa fony mbola velona ny zaza, dia nifady hanina sy nitomany ianao, fa rehefa maty ny zaza, dia niarina sy nihinan-kanina kosa.
And his servants said to him, What [is] this thing that you have done concerning the child? while it was yet living you did fast, and weep, and watch: and when the child was dead you did rise up, and did eat bread, and drink.
22 Ary hoy izy: Fony mbola velona ny zaza, dia nifady hanina sy nitomany tokoa aho: fa hoy izaho: Iza moa no mahalala na mba hamindra fo amiko Jehovah ka hahavelona ny zaza, na tsia?
And David said, While the child yet lived, I fasted and wept; for I said, Who knows if the Lord will pity me, and the child live?
23 Kanjo maty izy izao, ka nahoana aho no hifady hanina intsony? Mahay mampiverina azy va aho? Izaho no hankany aminy, fa izy tsy hiverina etỳ amiko intsony.
But now it is dead, why should I fast thus? shall I be able to bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
24 Ary Davida nampionona an’ i Batseba vadiny, dia niditra tao aminy ka nandry taminy; ary niteraka zazalahy izy, ka ny anarany nataony hoe Solomona. Ary Jehovah tia azy,
And David comforted Bersabee his wife, and he went in to her, and lay with her; and she conceived and bore a son, and he called his named Solomon, and the Lord loved him.
25 dia naniraka an’ i Natana mpaminany ka nanao ny anaran’ ny zaza hoe Jedidia noho ny amin’ i Jehovah.
And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and called his name Jeddedi, for the Lord's sake.
26 Ary Joaba namely an’ i Raban’ ny taranak’ i Amona ka nahafaka ny tanànan’ ny mpanjaka.
And Joab fought against Rabbath of the children of Ammon, and took the royal city.
27 Ary Joaba naniraka olona tany amin’ i Davida nanao hoe: Namely an’ i Raba aho ka nahafaka ny tanàna misy rano.
And Joab sent messengers to David, and said, I have fought against Rabbath, and taken the city of waters.
28 Koa vorio ny olona sisa izao, ka mitobia hamely ny tanàna, ary aoka ho afakao izy; fandrao izaho no hahafaka ny tanàna, ka dia hotononina araka ny anarako izy.
And now gather the rest of the people, and encamp against the city, an take it beforehand; lest I take the city first, and my name be called upon it.
29 Ary Davida namory ny vahoaka rehetra, dia nankany Raba ka namely azy ary nahafaka azy.
And David gathered all the people, and went to Rabbath, and fought against it, and took it.
30 Dia nesoriny ny satro-boninahitr’ ilay mpanjaka teny an-dohany talenta volamena iray no lanjany, sady nisy vato soa, ary dia nisatrohan’ i Davida. Ary navoakany tao an-tanàna ny babo azo, ka be dia be ireny.
And he took the crown of Molchom their king from off his head, and the weight of it was a talent of gold, with precious stones, and it was upon the head of David; and he carried forth very much spoil of the city.
31 Ary dia navoakany koa ny olona teo ka nataony teo amin’ ny tsofa sy ny fangao-by lehibe ary ny famaky vy, ary nataony tao anatin’ ny fandoroam-biriky; toy izany no nataony tamin’ ny tanànan’ ny taranak’ i Amona rehetra. Ary Davida sy ny vahoaka rehetra dia niverina nankany Jerosalema.
And he brought forth the people that were in it, and put them under the saw, and under iron harrows, and axes of iron, and made them pass through the brick-kiln: and thus he did to all the cities of the children of Ammon. And David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

< 2 Samoela 12 >