< Banzembo 10 >

1 Yawe, mpo na nini otelemi mosika? Mpo na nini obombami na tango ya pasi?
Why do you stand far off, LORD? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
2 Na lolendo na ye, moto mabe oyo akangami na mabongisi na ye anyokolaka mobola.
In arrogance, the wicked hunt down the weak. They are caught in the schemes that they devise.
3 Pamba te moto mabe amikumisaka na tina na posa makasi ya motema na ye, apambolaka moto oyo azali na lokoso mpe afingaka Yawe.
For the wicked boasts of his heart’s cravings. He blesses the greedy and condemns the LORD.
4 Na lolendo na ye, moto mabe alobaka: « Nzambe azalaka te. » Kati na makanisi na ye nyonso, ezali na esika te mpo na Nzambe.
The wicked, in the pride of his face, has no room in his thoughts for God.
5 Misala na ye ekendeke liboso tango nyonso, asalaka keba te na mikano na Yo, Yawe; atiolaka banguna na ye nyonso.
His ways are prosperous at all times. He is arrogant, and your laws are far from his sight. As for all his adversaries, he sneers at them.
6 Amilobelaka: « Eloko moko te ekotikala kolengisa ngai. » Alapaka ndayi boye: « Moko te akotikala kosala ngai mabe. »
He says in his heart, “I shall not be shaken. For generations I shall have no trouble.”
7 Monoko na ye etonda na bilakeli mabe, lokuta mpe mangungu; abongisaka kaka pasi mpe mabe.
His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and oppression. Under his tongue is mischief and iniquity.
8 Abombamaka pene ya bamboka. Wuta na bisika oyo abombamaka, abomaka moto oyo asali mabe te. Miso na ye ezelaka na kobombama bato ya koboma.
He lies in wait near the villages. From ambushes, he murders the innocent. His eyes are secretly set against the helpless.
9 Abombamaka lokola nkosi kati na evandelo na yango, abombamaka mpo na kokanga moto oyo azangi nguya; akangaka moto oyo azangi nguya na kotindika ye pembeni ya motambo.
He lurks in secret as a lion in his ambush. He lies in wait to catch the helpless. He catches the helpless when he draws him in his net.
10 Agumbaka ye mpe avandisaka ye na mabele, mpe akweyaka na se ya bokonzi na ye.
The helpless are crushed. They collapse. They fall under his strength.
11 Amilobelaka: « Nzambe akotikala koyeba te, abombaka elongi na Ye mpe akotikala komona te. »
He says in his heart, “God has forgotten. He hides his face. He will never see it.”
12 Oh Yawe, telema. Nzambe, sembola loboko na Yo, kanisa babola.
Arise, LORD! God, lift up your hand! Don’t forget the helpless.
13 Mpo na nini moto mabe afinga Nzambe? Mpo na nini amilobela: « Nzambe akopesa ngai etumbu te? »
Why does the wicked person condemn God, and say in his heart, “God won’t call me into account”?
14 Pamba te, Yo Nzambe, omoni pasi ya banyokolami; otalaka pasi na bango mpe ozwaka yango kati na loboko na Yo. Banyokolami bamipesaka epai na Yo oyo osungaka bana bitike.
But you do see trouble and grief. You consider it to take it into your hand. You help the victim and the fatherless.
15 Bebisa nguya ya moto mabe, pesa moto ya misala mabe etumbu mpo na mabe na ye, mpo ete emonana lisusu te.
Break the arm of the wicked. As for the evil man, seek out his wickedness until you find none.
16 Yawe azali Mokonzi mpo na seko, bapagano bakozala lisusu te kati na mokili na Ye.
The LORD is King forever and ever! The nations will perish out of his land.
17 Yawe, oyokaka posa ya banyokolami, olendisaka bango, mpe oyokaka koganga na bango,
LORD, you have heard the desire of the humble. You will prepare their heart. You will cause your ear to hear,
18 mpo na kolongisa mwana etike mpe monyokolami; boye, bato ya mokili bakobangisa lisusu te.
to judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may terrify no more.

< Banzembo 10 >