< Liber Numeri 1 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen in deserto Sinai in tabernaculo foederis, prima die mensis secundi, anno altero egressionis eorum ex Aegypto, dicens:
Yahweh spoke to Moses in the tent of meeting in the wilderness of Sinai. This happened on the first day of the second month during the second year after the people of Israel had come out from the land of Egypt. Yahweh said,
2 Tollite summam universae congregationis filiorum Israel per cognationes et domos suas, et nomina singulorum, quidquid sexus est masculini
“Conduct a census of all the men of Israel in each clan, in their fathers' families. Count them by name. Count every male, each man
3 a vigesimo anno et supra, omnium virorum fortium ex Israel, et numerabitis eos per turmas suas, tu et Aaron.
who is twenty years old or older. Count all who can fight as soldiers for Israel. You and Aaron must record the number of men in their armed groups.
4 Eruntque vobiscum principes tribuum ac domorum in cognationibus suis,
A man from each tribe, a clan head, must serve with you as his tribe's leader. Each leader must lead the men who will fight for his tribe.
5 quorum ista sunt nomina: De Ruben, Elisur filius Sedeur.
These are the names of the leaders who must fight with you: From the tribe of Reuben, Elizur son of Shedeur;
6 de Simeon, Salamiel filius Surisaddai.
from the tribe of Simeon, Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai;
7 de Iuda, Nahasson, filius Aminadab.
from the tribe of Judah, Nahshon son of Amminadab;
8 de Issachar, Nathanael filius Suar.
from the tribe of Issachar, Nethanel son of Zuar;
9 de Zabulon, Eliab filius Helon.
from the tribe of Zebulun, Eliab son of Helon;
10 Filiorum autem Ioseph, de Ephraim, Elisama filius Ammiud. de Manasse, Gamaliel filius Phadasseur.
from the tribe of Ephraim son of Joseph, Elishama son of Ammihud; from the tribe of Manasseh, Gamaliel son of Pedahzur;
11 De Beniamin, Abidan filius Gedeonis.
from the tribe of Benjamin, Abidan son of Gideoni;
12 de Dan, Ahiezer filius Ammisaddai.
from the tribe of Dan, Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai;
13 de Aser, Phegiel filius Ochran.
from the tribe of Asher, Pagiel son of Okran;
14 de Gad, Eliasaph filius Duel.
from the tribe of Gad, Eliasaph son of Deuel;
15 de Nephthali, Ahira filius Enan.
and from the tribe of Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan.”
16 Hi nobilissimi principes multitudinis per tribus et cognationes suas, et capita exercitus Israel:
These were the men appointed from the people. They led their ancestors' tribes. They were the leaders of the clans in Israel.
17 quos tulerunt Moyses et Aaron cum omni vulgi multitudine:
Moses and Aaron took these men, who were recorded by name,
18 et congregaverunt primo die mensis secundi, recensentes eos per cognationes, et domos, ac familias, et capita, et nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra,
and along with these men they assembled all the men of Israel on the first day of the second month. Then each man twenty years old and older identified his ancestry. He had to name the clans and families descended from his ancestors.
19 sicut praeceperat Dominus Moysi. Numeratique sunt in deserto Sinai.
Then Moses recorded their numbers in the wilderness of Sinai, as Yahweh had commanded him to do.
20 De Ruben primogenito Israelis per generationes et familias ac domos suas, et nomina capitum singulorum, omne quod sexus est masculini a vigesimo anno et supra, procedentium ad bellum,
From the descendants of Reuben, Israel's firstborn, were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
21 quadraginta sex millia quingenti.
They counted 46,500 men from the tribe of Reuben.
22 De filiis Simeon per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina et capita singulorum, omne quod sexus est masculini a vigesimo anno et supra, procedentium ad bellum,
From the descendants of Simeon were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
23 quinquaginta novem millia trecenti.
They counted 59,300 men from the tribe of Simeon.
24 De filiis Gad per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a viginti annis et supra, omnes qui ad bella procederent,
From the descendants of Gad were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
25 quadragintaquinque millia sexcenti quinquaginta.
They counted 45,650 men from the tribe of Gad.
26 De filiis Iuda per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum, per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Judah were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
27 recensiti sunt septuaginta quattuor millia sexcenti.
They counted 74,600 men from the tribe of Judah.
28 De filiis Issachar, per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum, per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui ad bella procederent,
From the descendants of Issachar were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
29 recensiti sunt quinquaginta quattuor millia quadringenti.
They counted 54,400 men from the tribe of Issachar.
30 De filiis Zabulon per generationes et familias, ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Zebulun were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
31 quinquaginta septem millia quadringenti.
They counted 57,400 men from the tribe of Zebulun.
32 De filiis Ioseph, filiorum Ephraim per generationes, et familias, ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Ephraim son of Joseph were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
33 quadraginta millia quingenti.
They counted 40,500 men from the tribe of Ephraim.
34 Porro filiorum Manasse per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a viginti annis et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Manasseh son of Joseph were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
35 triginta duo millia ducenti.
They counted 32,200 men from the tribe of Manasseh.
36 De filiis Beniamin per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Benjamin were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
37 triginta quinque millia quadringenti.
They counted 35,400 men from the tribe of Benjamin.
38 De filiis Dan per generationes, et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Dan were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
39 sexaginta duo millia septingenti.
They counted 62,700 from the tribe of Dan.
40 De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Asher were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
41 quadraginta millia et mille quingenti.
They counted 41,500 men from the tribe of Asher.
42 De filiis Nephthali per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt nominibus singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
From the descendants of Naphtali were counted all the names of each and every man twenty years old or older able to go to war, from the records of their ancestor's clans and families.
43 quinquaginta tria millia quadringenti.
They counted 53,400 from the tribe of Naphtali.
44 Hi sunt, quos numeraverunt Moyses et Aaron, et duodecim principes Israel, singulos per domos cognationum suarum.
Moses and Aaron counted all these men, together with the twelve men who were leading the twelve tribes of Israel.
45 Fueruntque omnis numerus filiorum Israel per domos et familias suas a vigesimo anno et supra, qui poterant ad bella procedere,
So all the men of Israel from twenty years old and older, all who could fight in war, were counted in each of their families.
46 sexcenta tria millia virorum quingenti quinquaginta.
They counted 603,550 men.
47 Levitae autem in tribu familiarum suarum non sunt numerati cum eis.
But the men who were descended from Levi were not counted,
48 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
because Yahweh had said to Moses,
49 Tribum Levi noli numerare, neque pones summam eorum cum filiis Israel:
“You must not count the tribe of Levi or include them in the total of the people of Israel.
50 sed constitue eos super tabernaculum testimonii et cuncta vasa eius, et quidquid ad ceremonias pertinet. Ipsi portabunt tabernaculum et omnia utensilia eius: et erunt in ministerio, ac per gyrum tabernaculi metabuntur.
Instead, assign the Levites to care for the tabernacle of the covenant decrees, and to care for all the furnishings in the tabernacle and for everything in it. The Levites must carry the tabernacle, and they must carry the tabernacle's furnishings. They must care for the tabernacle and make their camp around it.
51 Cum proficiscendum fuerit, deponent Levitae tabernaculum: cum castrametanda, erigent. quisquis externorum accesserit, occidetur.
When the tabernacle is to move to another place, the Levites must take it down. When the tabernacle is to be set up, the Levites must set it up. Any stranger who comes near the tabernacle must be killed.
52 Metabuntur autem castra filii Israel unusquisque per turmas et cuneos atque exercitum suum.
When the people of Israel set up their tents, each man must do so near the banner that belongs to his armed group.
53 Porro Levitae per gyrum tabernaculi figent tentoria, ne fiat indignatio super multitudinem filiorum Israel, et excubabunt in custodiis tabernaculi testimonii.
However, the Levites must set up their tents around the tabernacle of the covenant decrees so that my anger does not come upon the people of Israel. The Levites must care for the tabernacle of the covenant decrees.”
54 Fecerunt ergo filii Israel iuxta omnia quae praeceperat Dominus Moysi.
The people of Israel did all these things. They did everything that Yahweh commanded through Moses.

< Liber Numeri 1 >