< Leviticus 11 >

1 Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen et Aaron, dicens:
And the Lord spak to Moises and Aaron, and seide,
2 Dicite filiis Israël: Hæc sunt animalia quæ comedere debetis de cunctis animantibus terræ:
Seie ye to the sones of Israel, Kepe ye alle thingis whiche Y wroot to you, that Y be youre God. These ben the beestis, whiche ye schulen ete, of alle lyuynge beestis of erthe;
3 omne quod habet divisam ungulam, et ruminat in pecoribus, comedetis.
ye schulen ete `al thing among beestis that hath a clee departid, and chewith code;
4 Quidquid autem ruminat quidem, et habet ungulam, sed non dividit eam, sicut camelus et cetera, non comedetis illud, et inter immunda reputabitis.
sotheli what euer thing chewith code, and hath a clee, but departith not it, as a camel and othere beestis doon, ye schulen not ete it, and ye schulen arette among vnclene thingis.
5 Chœrogryllus qui ruminat, ungulamque non dividit, immundus est.
A cirogrille, which chewith code, and departith not the clee, is vnclene; and an hare,
6 Lepus quoque: nam et ipse ruminat, sed ungulam non dividit.
for also he chewith code, but departith not the clee;
7 Et sus: qui cum ungulam dividat, non ruminat.
and a swiyn, that chewith not code, thouy he departith the clee.
8 Horum carnibus non vescemini, nec cadavera contingetis, quia immunda sunt vobis.
Ye schulen not ete the fleischis of these, nether ye schulen touche the deed bodies, for tho ben vnclene to you.
9 Hæc sunt quæ gignuntur in aquis, et vesci licitum est: omne quod habet pinnulas et squamas, tam in mari quam in fluminibus et stagnis, comedetis.
Also these thingis ben that ben gendrid in watris, and is leueful to ete;
10 Quidquid autem pinnulas et squamas non habet, eorum quæ in aquis moventur et vivunt, abominabile vobis,
ye schulen ete al thing that hath fynnes and scalis, as wel in the see, as in floodis and stondynge watris; sotheli what euer thing of tho that ben moued and lyuen in watris, hath not fynnes and scalis, schal be abhominable, and wlatsum to you;
11 execrandumque erit: carnes eorum non comedetis, et morticina vitabitis.
ye schulen not ete the fleischis of tho, and ye schulen eschewe the bodies deed bi hem silf.
12 Cuncta quæ non habent pinnulas et squamas in aquis, polluta erunt.
Alle thingis in watris that han not fynnes and scalis, schulen be pollutid,
13 Hæc sunt quæ de avibus comedere non debetis, et vitanda sunt vobis: aquilam, et gryphem, et haliæetum,
These thingis ben of foulis whiche ye schulen not ete, and schulen be eschewid of you; an egle, and a grippe, aliete, and a kyte, and a vultur by his kynde;
14 et milvum ac vulturem juxta genus suum,
and al of `rauyns kynde bi his licnesse;
15 et omne corvini generis in similitudinem suam,
a strucioun,
16 struthionem, et noctuam, et larum, et accipitrem juxta genus suum:
and nyyt crowe, a lare, and an hauke bi his kinde;
17 bubonem, et mergulum, et ibin,
an owle, and dippere, and ibis;
18 et cygnum, et onocrotalum, et porphyrionem,
a swan and cormoraunt, and a pellican;
19 herodionem, et charadrion juxta genus suum, upupam quoque, et vespertilionem.
a fawcun, a iay bi his kynde; a leepwynke, and a reremows.
20 Omne de volucribus quod graditur super quatuor pedes, abominabile erit vobis.
Al thing of foulis that goith on foure feet, schal be abhomynable to you;
21 Quidquid autem ambulat quidem super quatuor pedes, sed habet longiora retro crura, per quæ salit super terram,
sotheli what euer thing goith on foure feet, but hath lengere hipis bihynde, bi whiche it skippith on the erthe, ye schulen ete;
22 comedere debetis, ut est bruchus in genere suo, et attacus atque ophiomachus, ac locusta, singula juxta genus suum.
as is a bruke in his kynde, and acatus, and opymacus, and a locuste, alle bi her kynde.
23 Quidquid autem ex volucribus quatuor tantum habet pedes, execrabile erit vobis:
Forsothe what euer thing of briddis hath foure feet oneli, it schal be abhomynable to you;
24 et quicumque morticina eorum tetigerit, polluetur, et erit immundus usque ad vesperum:
and who euer touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid, and `schal be vnclene `til to euentid;
25 et si necesse fuerit ut portet quippiam horum mortuum, lavabit vestimenta sua, et immundus erit usque ad occasum solis.
and if it is nede, that he bere ony deed thing of these, he schal waische his clothis, and he schal be vnclene til to the goyng doun of the sunne.
26 Omne animal quod habet quidem ungulam, sed non dividit eam, nec ruminat, immundum erit: et qui tetigerit illud, contaminabitur.
Sotheli ech beeste that hath a clee, but departith not it, nether chewith code, schal be vnclene; and what euer thing touchith it, schal be defoulid.
27 Quod ambulat super manus ex cunctis animantibus, quæ incedunt quadrupedia, immundum erit: qui tetigerit morticina eorum, polluetur usque ad vesperum.
That that goith on hondis, of alle beestis that gon on foure feet, schal be vnclene; he, that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be defoulid `til to euentid;
28 Et qui portaverit hujuscemodi cadavera, lavabit vestimenta sua, et immundus erit usque ad vesperum: quia omnia hæc immunda sunt vobis.
and he, that berith siche deed bodies, schal waische hise clothis, and he schal be vnclene `til to euentid; for alle these thingis ben vnclene to you.
29 Hæc quoque inter polluta reputabuntur de his quæ moventur in terra, mustela et mus et crocodilus, singula juxta genus suum,
Also these thingis schulen be arettid among defoulid thingis, of these that ben moued on erthe; a wesele, and mows, and a cocodrille, `alle bi her kynde;
30 mygale, et chamæleon, et stellio, et lacerta, et talpa.
mygal, camelion, and stellio, and lacerta, and a maldewerp.
31 Omnia hæc immunda sunt. Qui tetigerit morticina eorum, immundus erit usque ad vesperum:
Alle these ben vnclene; he that touchith her bodies deed bi hem silf, schal be vnclene `til to euentid;
32 et super quod ceciderit quidquam de morticinis eorum, polluetur, tam vas ligneum et vestimentum, quam pelles et cilicia: et in quocumque fit opus, tingentur aqua, et polluta erunt usque ad vesperum, et sic postea mundabuntur.
and that thing schal be defoulid, on which ony thing of her bodies deed bi hem silf fallith, as wel a vessel of tree, and a cloth, as skynnes `and heiris; and in what euer thing werk is maad, it schal be dippid in watir, and tho thingis schulen be defoulid `til to euentid, and so aftirward tho schulen be clensid.
33 Vas autem fictile, in quod horum quidquam intro cecidit, polluetur, et idcirco frangendum est.
Sotheli a vessel of erthe, in which ony thing of these fallith with ynne, schal be defoulid, and therfor it schal be brokun.
34 Omnis cibus, quem comedetis, si fusa fuerit super eum aqua, immundus erit: et omne liquens quod bibitur de universo vase, immundum erit.
Ech mete, which ye schulen ete, schal be vnclene, if water is sched thereon; and ech fletynge thing, which is drunkun of ech vessel, `where ynne vnclene thingis bifelden, schal be vnclene;
35 Et quidquid de morticinis hujuscemodi ceciderit super illud, immundum erit: sive clibani, sive chytropodes, destruentur, et immundi erunt.
and what euer thing of siche deed bodies bi hem silf felde theronne, it schal be vnclene, whether furneisis, ethir vessels of thre feet, tho schulen be destried, and schulen be vnclene.
36 Fontes vero et cisternæ, et omnis aquarum congregatio munda erit. Qui morticinum eorum tetigerit, polluetur.
Sotheli wellis and cisternes, and al the congregacioun of watris, schal be clene. He that touchith her bodi deed bi it silf, schal be defoulid.
37 Si ceciderit super sementem, non polluet eam.
If it fallith on seed, it schal not defoule the seed;
38 Si autem quispiam aqua sementem perfuderit, et postea morticinis tacta fuerit, illico polluetur.
sotheli if ony man schedith seed with watir, and aftirward the watir is touchid with deed bodies bi hem silf, it schal be defoulid anoon.
39 Si mortuum fuerit animal, quod licet vobis comedere, qui cadaver ejus tetigerit, immundus erit usque ad vesperum:
If a beeste is deed, which it is leueful to you to ete, he that touchith the deed bodi therof schal be vnclene `til to euentid; and he that etith therof ony thing,
40 et qui comederit ex eo quippiam, sive portaverit, lavabit vestimenta sua, et immundus erit usque ad vesperum.
ethir berith, schal waische his clothis, and schal be vnclene `til to euentid.
41 Omne quod reptat super terram, abominabile erit, nec assumetur in cibum.
Al thing that crepith on erthe, schal be abhomynable, nether schal be takun in to mete.
42 Quidquid super pectus quadrupes graditur, et multos habet pedes, sive per humum trahitur, non comedetis, quia abominabile est.
`What euer thing goith on the brest and foure feet, and hath many feet, ethir drawun bi the erthe, ye schulen not ete, for it is abhomynable.
43 Nolite contaminare animas vestras, nec tangatis quidquam eorum, ne immundi sitis.
Nyle ye defoule youre soulis, nether touche ye ony thing of tho, lest ye ben vnclene;
44 Ego enim sum Dominus Deus vester: sancti estote, quia ego sanctus sum. Ne polluatis animas vestras in omni reptili quod movetur super terram.
for Y am youre Lord God; be ye hooli, for Y am hooli. Defoule ye not youre soulis in ech crepynge `beeste which is moued on erthe; for Y am the Lord,
45 Ego enim sum Dominus, qui eduxi vos de terra Ægypti, ut essem vobis in Deum. Sancti eritis, quia ego sanctus sum.
that ladde you out of the lond of Egipt, that Y schulde be to you in to God; ye schulen be hooli, for Y am hooli.
46 Ista est lex animantium ac volucrum, et omnis animæ viventis, quæ movetur in aqua, et reptat in terra,
This is the lawe of lyuynge beestes, and of foulis, and of ech lyuynge soule which is moued in watir, and crepith in erthe;
47 ut differentias noveritis mundi et immundi, et sciatis quid comedere et quid respuere debeatis.
that ye knowe differences of clene thing and vnclene, and that ye wite what ye schulen ete, and what ye owen forsake.

< Leviticus 11 >