< Exodus 37 >

1 Fecit autem Beseleel et arcam de lignis setim, habentem duos semis cubitos in longitudine, et cubitum ac semissem in latitudine, altitudo quoque unius cubiti fuit et dimidii: vestivitque eam auro purissimo intus ac foris.
Forsothe Beseleel made also an arke of the trees of Sechym, hauynge twey cubitis and an half in lengthe, and a cubit and an half in breede; forsothe the hiynesse was of o cubit and an half; and he clothide the arke with purest gold, with ynne and without forth.
2 Et fecit illi coronam auream per gyrum,
And he made to it a goldun coroun `bi cumpas,
3 conflans quatuor annulos aureos per quatuor angulos ejus: duos annulos in latere uno, et duos in altero.
and yetide foure goldun ryngis, bi foure corneris therof, twey ryngis in o side, and twei ryngis in the tother side.
4 Vectes quoque fecit de lignis setim, quos vestivit auro,
And he made barris of the trees of Sechym, whiche barris he clothide with gold,
5 et quos misit in annulos, qui erant in lateribus arcæ ad portandum eam.
and whiche barris he putte into the ryngis that weren in the sidis of the arke, to bere it.
6 Fecit et propitiatorium, id est, oraculum, de auro mundissimo, duorum cubitorum et dimidii in longitudine, et cubiti ac semis in latitudine.
He made also a propiciatorie, that is, Goddis answeryng place, of pureste gold, of twei cubitis and an half in lengthe, and of o cubit and an half in breede.
7 Duos etiam cherubim ex auro ductili, quos posuit ex utraque parte propitiatorii:
Also he made twei cherubyns of gold, betun out with hamer, whiche he settide on euer eithir side of the propiciatorie,
8 cherub unum in summitate unius partis, et cherub alterum in summitate partis alterius: duos cherubim in singulis summitatibus propitiatorii,
o cherub in the hiynesse of o part, and the tother cherub in the hiynesse of the tothir part; twei cherubyns, oon in ech hiynesse of the propiciatorie, stretchynge out the wengis,
9 extendentes alas, et tegentes propitiatorium, seque mutuo et illud respicientes.
and hilynge the propiciatorie, and biholdynge hem silf togidere and that.
10 Fecit et mensam de lignis setim in longitudine duorum cubitorum, et in latitudine unius cubiti, quæ habebat in altitudine cubitum ac semissem.
He made also a boord of `the trees of Sechym, in the lengthe of twey cubitis, and in the breede of o cubit, whiche boord hadde `a cubit and an half in heiythe.
11 Circumdeditque eam auro mundissimo, et fecit illi labium aureum per gyrum,
And he cumpaside the boord with clenneste gold, and made to it a goldun brynke bi cumpas;
12 ipsique labio coronam auream interrasilem quatuor digitorum, et super eamdem, alteram coronam auream.
and he made to that brynke a goldun coroun, rasid bitwixe of foure fyngris; and on the same coroun he made anothir goldun coroun.
13 Fudit et quatuor circulos aureos, quos posuit in quatuor angulis per singulos pedes mensæ
Also he yetide foure goldun serclis whiche he settide in foure corneris,
14 contra coronam: misitque in eos vectes, ut possit mensa portari.
bi alle the feet of the boord ayens the coroun, and he puttide barris in to the serclis, that the `boord may be borun.
15 Ipsos quoque vectes fecit de lignis setim, et circumdedit eos auro.
And he made tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and cumpasside tho with gold.
16 Et vasa ad diversos usus mensæ, acetabula, phialas, et cyathos, et thuribula, ex auro puro, in quibus offerenda sunt libamina.
And he made vesselis to dyuerse vsis of the boord, vessels of vynegre, violis, and litle cuppis, and censeris of pure gold, in whiche the fletynge sacrifices schulen be offrid.
17 Fecit et candelabrum ductile de auro mundissimo, de cujus vecte calami, scyphi, sphærulæque, ac lilia procedebant:
And he made a candilstike, betun out with hamer, of clenneste gold, of whos barre yerdis, cuppis, and litle rundelis and lilies camen forth;
18 sex in utroque latere, tres calami ex parte una, et tres ex altera:
sixe in euer eithir side, thre yerdis on o side, and thre on the tother side; thre cuppis in the maner of a note bi ech yerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies;
19 tres scyphi in nucis modum per calamos singulos, sphærulæque simul et lilia: et tres scyphi instar nucis in calamo altero, sphærulæque simul et lilia. Æquum erat opus sex calamorum, qui procedebant de stipite candelabri.
and thre cuppis at the licnesse of a note in the tother yerde, and litle rundels to gidere, and lilies; forsothe the werk of sixe schaftis, that camen forth of the `stok of the candilstike, was euene.
20 In ipso autem vecte erant quatuor scyphi in nucis modum, sphærulæque per singulos simul et lilia:
Sotheli in that barre weren foure cuppis, in the maner of a note, and litle rundels and lilies weren bi alle cuppis;
21 et sphærulæ sub duobus calamis per loca tria, qui simul sex fiunt calami procedentes de vecte uno.
and litle rundels vndur twei schaftis, bi thre placis, whiche to gidre be maad sixe schaftis comynge forth of o barre;
22 Et sphærulæ igitur, et calami ex ipso erant, universa ductilia ex auro purissimo.
therfor and the litle rundels, and schaftis therof, weren alle betun out with hamer, of pureste gold.
23 Fecit et lucernas septem cum emunctoriis suis, et vasa ubi ea, quæ emuncta sunt, extinguantur, de auro mundissimo.
He made also seuene lanternes, with her `snytyng tongis, and the vessels where `tho thingis, that ben snytid out, ben quenchid, of clennest gold.
24 Talentum auri appendebat candelabrum cum omnibus vasis suis.
The candilstike with alle his vessels weiyede a talent of gold.
25 Fecit et altare thymiamatis de lignis setim, per quadrum singulos habens cubitos, et in altitudine duos: e cujus angulis procedebant cornua.
He made also the auter of encense, of trees of Sechym, hauynge a cubit bi square, and twei cubitis in heiythe, of whos corneris camen forth hornes.
26 Vestivitque illud auro purissimo cum craticula ac parietibus et cornibus.
And he clothide it with clenneste gold, and the gridele, and wallis, and hornes;
27 Fecitque ei coronam aureolam per gyrum, et duos annulos aureos sub corona per singula latera, ut mittantur in eos vectes, et possit altare portari.
and he made to it a litil goldun coroun bi cumpas, and twei goldun ryngis vndur the coroun, bi ech syde, that barris be put in to tho, and the auter mow be borun.
28 Ipsos autem vectes fecit de lignis setim, et operuit laminis aureis.
Forsothe he made tho barris of the trees of Sechym, and hilide with goldun platis.
29 Composuit et oleum ad sanctificationis unguentum, et thymiama de aromatibus mundissimis opere pigmentarii.
He made also oile to the oynement of halewyng, and encense of swete smellynge spiceries, moost clene, bi the werk of `a makere of oynement.

< Exodus 37 >