< 使徒の働き 15 >
1 第二項 エルザレムの教議會 斯て或人々、ユデアより下りて兄弟等に向ひ、汝等モイゼの慣例に從ひて割禮を受くるに非ずば救霊を得ず、と教へければ、
But men from Jihud came down and taught the brethren, If you be not circumcised after the custom of the law, you cannot be saved.
2 パウロとバルナバと、彼等に對して一方ならぬ諍論を為ししが、信徒はパウロ、バルナバ、及び反對側の數人をエルザレムに上せ、此問題に就き使徒等及び長老等に伺はん事に定めたり。
And there were great agitation and disputation for Paulos and Bar Naba with them; and it was that Paulos and Bar Naba, and others with them, went up to the apostles and presbyters who were in Urishlem on account of this question.
3 然れば彼等教會に見送られて、フェニケア及びサマリアを経、異邦人感化の事情を具に語りて、兄弟一同に大いなる喜を起させたり。
And conducting, the church dismissed them; and they went through all Punika, and also among the Shomroyee, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles; and they caused great joy unto all the brethren.
4 一行エルザレムに至りて、教會と使徒等と長老等とに迎へられ、神の己等と共に為し給ひし事の次第を告げしが、
AND when they came to Urishlem, they were received by the church, and by the apostles, and by the presbyters. And they recounted to them how much Aloha had done with them;
5 ファリザイ派の中なる數人の信者起ちて、異邦人は割禮を受けざるべからず、又命じてモイゼの律法を守らしむべし、と云ひければ、
but (that) certain had arisen who had believed from the doctrine of the Pharishee, and said, It behoved you to circumcise them, and require them to keep the law of Musha.
But the apostles and presbyters assembled to consider this doctrine.
7 激しき諍論の後、ペトロ立ちて彼等に謂ひけるは、兄弟たる人々よ、久しき以前に、神我等の中より選みて、我口を以て異邦人に福音の言を聞かせ、之を信ぜしめ給ひし事は、汝等の知る所なり。
And when there had been much investigation, Shemun arose, and said to them, Men, brethren, you know that from the first days from my mouth did Aloha choose that the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
8 且人の心を知り給ふ神は、汝等に賜ひし如く、彼等にも聖霊を賜ひて證明し給ひ、
And Aloha, who knoweth what is in the hearts, testified of them, and gave them the Spirit of Holiness, as to us.
9 信仰によりて彼等の心を潔め、我等と彼等とを聊も隔て給ひしことなし。
And nothing distinguished between us and them, because he had purified by faith their hearts.
10 然るを何為れぞ、汝等神を試みて、我等の先祖も我等も負ふ能はざりし軛を、今弟子等の頚に負はせんとはする。
And now why tempt you Aloha, that you would lay a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which nor our fathers nor we could bear?
11 我等の救はるるは主イエズス、キリストの恩寵によれりとは、我等の信ずる所にして、彼等も亦然るなり、と。
But by the grace of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, we believe that we shall be saved, as they.
12 會衆皆沈黙して、パウロとバルナバとが、異邦人の中に己等を以て神の行ひ給ひし凡ての徴と奇蹟とを語るを聴きたりしが、
And all the assembly were silent. And they listened to Paulos and Bar Naba, who related how Aloha had done by their hands signs and mighty works among the Gentiles.
13 彼等が沈黙を保ちたる後、ヤコボ答へて云ひけるは、兄弟たる人々よ、我に聞け、
AND after they were silent, Jakub arose, and said, Men, brethren, hear me:
14 シモン既に神始めて異邦人を顧み、其中より己が名を尊ぶ民を取り給ひし次第を述べしが、
Shemun hath related to you how Aloha hath begun to elect from the Gentiles a people to his name.
And with this accord the words of the prophets; as when it is written,
16 「此後我返りて、倒れたるダヴィドの幕屋を再興し、其崩れたる所を繕ひ、且之を建てん、
After these I will return, And raise the dwelling of David which hath fallen; And I will build that which hath fallen from it, And will raise it up:
17 是は他の人々及び、為に我名を呼ばれたる萬國の異邦人が主を求め得ん為なり、之を為し給ふ所の主之を曰ふ」、とあるが如し。
That the residue of men may seek the Lord, And all the Gentiles, on whom my name is called,
18 主は世の始めより己が業を知り給ふ、 (aiōn )
Saith the Lord, who doeth all these. Known from eternity are the works of Aloha. (aiōn )
19 之によりて我思ふに、異邦人より神に歸依する人々を煩はすべからず、
On this account I say, that we should not molest those who from the Gentiles have been converted unto Aloha;
20 唯書を贈りて、偶像に捧げられし物と、私通と、絞殺されし獣の肉と血とを戒むべし、
but that we send to them, that they shall separate from the uncleanness of (idol) sacrifice, and from fornication, and from the strangled, and from blood.
21 蓋モイゼの書は、安息日毎に會堂に於て読まれ、之を述ぶる人昔より何れの市町にも在ればなり、と。
For Musha from former generations in all cities hath had preachers in the synagogues who on all shabaths read him.
22 是に於て使徒等、長老等、及び教會一同に、其中より人を選みて、パウロ、バルナバと共にアンチオキアに遣はすを可しとせり、其人々はバルサバとも呼ばるるユダ、及びシラにして、兄弟中の重立ちたる者なりき。
Then the apostles and presbyters, with all the church, elected men from them, and sent to Antiokia with Paulos and Bar Naba Jihuda, who was called Bar Shaba, and Shilo, men who were chief among the brethren.
23 彼等の手に托せられし書翰の文に曰く、「使徒等及び兄弟たる長老等、アンチオキアとシリアとシリシアとに在る異邦人たりし兄弟等に挨拶す。
AND they wrote an epistle by their hands, thus: The apostles and presbyters and brethren, to those who are in Antiokia and in Syria and in Cilicia, the brethren who are of the Gentiles; peace.
24 我等の聞く所に據れば、或人々、我等が命じたる事もなきに、我等の中より出行きて汝等の魂を覆し、言を以て汝等を擾したる由なれば、
It hath been heard by us, that men from us have gone forth and disturbed you with words, and have subverted your souls by saying, that you should be circumcised and observe the law, whom we have not commanded.
On account of this we have deliberated, all being assembled, and have chosen men and sent them to you, with Paulos and Bar Naba, our beloved;
26 我主イエズス、キリストの御名の為に生命を惜まざりし人、我等が至愛なるバルナバ及びパウロと共に、汝等に遣はさん事を宜しとせり。
men who have delivered their lives for the sake of the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
27 然ればユダとシラとを遣はしたるが、彼等口づから是等の事を汝等に告げん。
And we have sent with them Jihuda and Shilo, that by word they may tell you the same things.
28 蓋聖霊と我等とは、左の必要なる事の外、汝等に何等の荷をも負はしめざるを宜しとせり。
For it hath been the will of the Spirit of Holiness, and also of us, not to lay upon you greater burden beyond these things which are constraining;
29 即ち汝等が偶像に捧げられし物と、血と絞殺されしものと、私通とを絶つべき事是なり。是等の事を慎まば、其にて宜しかるべし、汝等健康なれ、」と。
that you abstain from that which hath been sacrificed (to idols), and from blood, and from that which is strangled, and from fornication; and while you keep yourselves from these, you will be well. Be confirmed in our Lord.
30 然て彼等暇乞してアンチオキアに下り、信徒を集めて書翰を渡ししが、
Now they who were sent came to Antiokia, and they assembled all the people and gave the epistle.
And when they had read, they rejoiced and were comforted.
32 ユダとシラとは其身も預言者なれば、多くの談話を以て兄弟を勧め且堅めたりしが、
And by the word the brethren were the more strengthened, and Jihuda and Shilo established them because they were prophets also.
33 暫く此處に留りて後、己を遣はしし者の許に歸らんとて、兄弟等に無事を祝されて暇を乞ひ得たり。
And when they had been there a time, the brethren dismissed them with peace unto the apostles.
34 然れどシラは此處に留るを宜しとせしかば、ユダ一人エルザレムに歸り、
35 パウロとバルナバとはアンチオキアに留り、他の數人と共に主の御言を教へ、福音を宣べつつありき。
BUT Paulos and Bar Naba remained in Antiokia, and taught and preached, with many others, the word of Aloha.
36 第三項 聖パウロ第二回の傳道旅行 然て數日の後、パウロはバルナバに向ひ、将我等後戻して、曩に主の御言を宣傳へし凡ての市町を巡廻し、其安否を問はん、と云ひしが、
And after (certain) days Paulos said to Bar Naba, Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we have preached the word of Aloha, and see what they do.
37 バルナバはマルコとも呼ばるるヨハネを携へんと思へるに、
But Bar Naba willed to take Juhanon, he who is surnamed Markos.
38 パウロは、彼は曾てパンフィリアにて己等を離れ、共に働かざりし者なれば、之を承容るべからず、と考へ居たりしかば、
But Paulos willed not to take him with them, because he had forsaken them when they were in Pamphylia, and had not come with them.
39 遂に衝突して相別るるに至れり。さればバルナバはマルコを携へてクプロ[島]へ出帆せしが、
On account of this contention they separated one from the other; and Bar Naba took Markos, and they went by sea and came to Cypros.
40 パウロはシラを選みて、兄弟等より神の恩寵に委ねられて出立し、
But Paulos chose for him Shilo, and went forth commended by the brethren to the grace of Aloha.
41 シリアとシリシアとを巡りて諸教會を固め、使徒等及び長老等の規定を守るべき事を教へ居たり。
And he went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. And he came to Derbe the city, and to Lystra.