< 詩篇 66 >

1 全地よ神にむかひて歓びよばはれ
“For the leader of the music. A psalm.” Shout joyfully unto God. all ye lands!
2 その名の榮光をうたへその頌美をさかえしめよ
Sing ye the honor of his name; Make his praise glorious!
3 かみに告まつれ 汝のもろもろの功用はおそるべきかな大なる力によりてなんぢの仇はなんぢに畏れしたがひ
Say unto God, How terrible are thy doings! Through the greatness of thy power thine enemies are suppliants to thee!
4 全地はなんぢを拝みてうたひ名をほめうたはんと (セラ)
Let all the earth worship thee; Let it sing praise to thee, let it sing praise to thy name! (Pause)
5 來りて神のみわざをみよ 人の子輩にむかひて作たまふことはおそるべきかな
Come, behold the works of God! How terrible his doings among the sons of men!
6 神はうみをかへて乾ける地となしたまへり ひとびと歩行にて河をわたりき その處にてわれらは神をよろこべり
He turned the sea into dry land; They went through the deep on foot; Then we rejoiced in him.
7 神はその大能をもてとこしへに統治め その目は諸國をみたまふ そむく者みづからを崇むべからず (セラ)
By his power he ruleth for ever; His eyes are fixed upon the nations; Let not the rebellious exalt themselves! (Pause)
8 もろもろの民よ われらの神をほめまつれ神をほめたたふる聲をきこえしめよ
O bless our God, ye nations. And make the voice of his praise to be heard!
9 神はわれらの霊魂をながらへしめ われらの足のうごかさるることをゆるしたまはず
It is he who preserveth our lives, And suffereth not our feet to stumble.
10 神よなんぢはわれらを試みて白銀をねるごとくにわれらを錬たまひたればなり
Thou hast, indeed, proved us, O God! Thou hast tried us as silver is tried.
11 汝われらを網にひきいれ われらの腰におもき荷をおき
Thou broughtest us into a snare, And didst lay a heavy burden upon our backs;
12 人々をわれらの首のうへに騎こえしめたまひき われらは火のなか水のなかをすぎゆけり されど汝その中よりわれらをひきいたし豊盛なる處にいたらしめたまへり
Thou didst cause men to ride upon our heads, And we have gone through fire and water: But thou hast brought us to a place of abundance.
13 われ燔祭をもてなんぢの家にゆかん 迫りくるしみたるときにわが口唇のいひいでわが口ののべし誓をなんぢに償はん
I will go into thy house with burnt-offerings! I will pay thee my vows, —
14 われ燔祭をもてなんぢの家にゆかん 迫りくるしみたるときにわが口唇のいひいでわが口ののべし誓をなんぢに償はん
The vows which my lips uttered. Which my mouth promised in my trouble.
15 われ肥たるものを燔祭とし牡羊を馨香として汝にささげ牡牛と牡山羊とをそなへまつらん (セラ)
Burnt sacrifices of fatlings will I offer to thee with the fat of rams; Bullocks, with he-goats, will I sacrifice to thee. (Pause)
16 神をおそるる人よ みな來りてきけ われ神のわがたましひのために作たまへることをのべん
Come and hear, all ye who fear God, And I will relate what he hath done for me!
17 われわが口をもて神によばはり また舌をもてあがむ
I called upon him with my mouth, And praise is now upon my tongue.
18 然るにわが心にしれる不義あらば主はわれにききたまふまじ
If I had meditated wickedness in my heart, The Lord would not have heard me:
19 されどまことに神はききたまへり聖意をわがいのりの聲にとめたまへり
But surely God hath heard me; He hath had regard to the voice of my supplication.
20 神はほむべきかな わが祈をしりぞけず その憐憫をわれよりとりのぞきたまはざりき
Blessed be God, who did not reject my prayer, Nor withhold his mercy from me!

< 詩篇 66 >