< マルコの福音書 7 >
1 パリサイ人と或 學者らと、エルサレムより來りてイエスの許に集る。
And are gathered together to Him the Pharisees and some of the scribes having come from Jerusalem.
2 而して、その弟子たちの中に、潔からぬ手、即ち洗はぬ手にて食事する者のあるを見たり。
And they had seen some of the disciples of Him (that *no*) with defiled hands, That is unwashed, (are eating *N(k)O*) (the *no*) bread (they found fault; *K*)
3 パリサイ人および凡てのユダヤ人は、古への人の言傳を固く執りて、懇ろに手を洗はねば食はず。
For the Pharisees and all the Jews only unless with a fist they shall wash the hands, not eat holding the tradition of the elders;
4 また市場より歸りては、まず禊がざれば食はず。このほか酒杯・鉢・銅の器を濯ぐなど、多くの傳を承けて固く執りたり。
and [on coming] from [the] market (now *o*) (when may come *ko*) only unless (they shall wash *NK(o)*) not they eat; and other things many there are which they received to keep washings of cups and vessels and utensils and couches for dining.
5 パリサイ人および學者らイエスに問ふ『なにゆゑ汝の弟子たちは、古への人の言傳に遵ひて歩まず、潔からぬ手にて食事するか』
(And *N(k)O*) questioned Him the Pharisees and the scribes; Because of why not walk the disciples of You according to the tradition of the elders, but (with unsanctified *N(K)O*) hands eat the bread?
6 イエス言ひ給ふ『イザヤは汝ら僞善者につきて能く預言せり。「この民は口唇にて我を敬ふ、されどその心は我に遠ざかる。
And (answering *k*) He said to them (that: *ko*) Rightly prophesied Isaiah concerning you hypocrites, as it has been written (that *no*) This people with the lips Me honors, but the heart of them far away is kept from Me.
7 ただ徒らに我を拜む、人の訓誡を教とし教へて」と録したり。
In vain now they worship Me teaching [as] doctrines [the] precepts of men.’
8 なんぢらは神の誡命を離れて、人の言傳を固く執る』
Having neglected (for *k*) the commandment of God you hold to the tradition of men (washings of vessels and of cups and more like things many things you do. *KO*)
9 また言ひたまふ『汝 等はおのれの言傳を守らんとて、能くも神の誡命を棄つ。
And He was saying to them; Neatly do you set aside the commandment of God that the tradition of you (you may maintain. *N(k)O*)
10 即ちモーセは「なんぢの父、なんぢの母を敬へ」といひ「父また母を詈る者は、必ず殺さるべし」といへり。
Moses for said; do honor the Father of you and the mother of you,’ and The [one] speaking evil of father or mother in death should end.’
11 然るに汝らは「人もし父また母にむかひ、我が汝に對して負ふ所のものは、コルバン即ち供物なりと言はば可し」と言ひて、
You yourselves however say [that]: if may say a man to the father or to the mother; [It is] Corban, that is a gift, whatever if from me you shall be profited,
12 そののち人をして、父また母に事ふること無からしむ。
(and *ko*) no longer no longer you do allow him no [thing] to do for the father (of him *k*) or for the mother (of him *k*)
13 かく汝らの傳へたる言傳によりて、神の言を空しうし、又おほく此の類の事をなしをるなり』
making void the word of God for the tradition of you which you have handed down; And like [things] such many you do.
14 更に群衆を呼び寄せて言ひ給ふ『なんぢら皆われに聽きて悟れ。
And having called to [Him] (again *N(K)O*) the crowd He was saying to them; (do listen to *N(k)O*) Me all and (do understand. *N(k)O*)
15 外より人に入りて、人を汚し得るものなし、されど人より出づるものは、これ人を汚すなり』
No [thing] there is outside of the man entering into him which is able to defile him but the [things] (out of the man *NO*) proceeding (from of him *k*) (that *ko*) are those which are defiling the man.
(if anyone has ears to hear he should hear. *KO*)
17 イエス群衆を離れて家に入り給ひしに、弟子たち其の譬を問ふ。
And when He went into [the] house from the crowd, were asking Him the disciples of Him (concerning *k*) (the parable. *N(k)O*)
18 彼らに言ひ給ふ『なんぢらも然か悟なきか、外より人に入る物の、人を汚しえぬを悟らぬか、
And He says to them; Thus also you yourselves without understanding are? Surely you understand that everything outside entering into the man not is able him to defile?
19 これ心には入らず、腹に入りて厠におつるなり』かく凡ての食物を潔しとし給へり。
because not it enters of him into the heart but into the belly and into the sewer goes out, (purifying *N(k)O*) all the food.
20 また言ひたまふ『人より出づるものは、これ人を汚すなり。
He was saying now that That out of the man going forth, that [is what] defiles the man.
21 それ内より、人の心より、惡しき念いづ、即ち淫行・竊盜・殺人、
Within for from the heart of men thoughts evil go forth sexual immorality thefts murders,
22 姦淫・慳貪・邪曲・詭計・好色・嫉妬・誹謗・傲慢・愚痴。
adulteries covetous desires, wickednesses, deceit, sensuality, an eye evil, slander, pride, foolishness;
23 すべて此 等の惡しき事は、内より出でて人を汚すなり』
All these evils from within go forth and it defiles the man.
24 イエス起ちて此處を去り、ツロの地方に往き、家に入りて人に知られじとし給ひたれど、隱るること能はざりき。
(and *ko*) From there (also *no*) having risen up He went away into the (region *N(K)O*) of Tyre (and Sidon. *KO*) And having entered into (*k*) a house no [one] He was wishing to know [it] and not He was able to be hidden.
25 ここに穢れし靈に憑かれたる稚なき娘をもてる女、ただちにイエスの事をきき、來りて御足の許に平伏す。
(But immediately *NO*) having heard (for *k*) a woman about Him of whom had the little daughter of her spirit unclean, having come she fell at the feet of Him;
26 この女はギリシヤ人にて、スロ・フェニキヤの生なり。その娘より惡鬼を逐ひ出し給はんことを請ふ。
Now the woman was Gentile Syrophoenician by race, and was asking Him that the demon (He may cast forth *N(k)O*) out of the daughter of her.
27 イエス言ひ給ふ『まづ子供に飽かしむべし、子供のパンをとりて小狗に投げ與ふるは善からず』
(*k*) (And *N(k)O*) (Jesus *k*) (He was saying *N(k)O*) to her; do permit first to be satisfied the children; not for it is good to take the bread of the children and to the dogs to cast [it].
28 女こたへて言ふ『然り、主よ、食卓の下の小狗も子供の食屑を食ふなり』
But she answered and she says to Him; (yes *KO*) Lord, even (for *k*) the dogs under the table (eat *N(k)O*) of the crumbs of the children.
29 イエス言ひ給ふ『なんぢ此の言によりて[安んじ]往け、惡鬼は既に娘より出でたり』
And He said to her; Because of this word do go, has gone forth out of the daughter of you the demon.
30 をんな家に歸りて見るに、子は寢臺の上に臥し、惡鬼は既に出でたり。
And having gone away to the home of her she found the (child *N(K)O*) (laid *N(k)O*) on (the bed *N(k)O*) and the demon having left.
31 イエスまたツロの地方を去りて、シドンを過ぎ、デカポリスの地方を經て、ガリラヤの海に來り給ふ。
And again having departed from the region of Tyre He came (through *N(K)O*) Sidon (to *N(k)O*) the Sea of Galilee through [the] midst of the region of [the] Decapolis.
32 人々、耳聾にして物 言ふこと難き者を連れ來りて、之に手をおき給はんことを願ふ。
And they bring to Him a deaf man (and *no*) who spoke with difficulty and they implore Him that He may lay on him the hand.
33 イエス群衆の中より、彼をひとり連れ出し、その兩耳に指をさし入れ、また唾して其の舌に觸り、
And having taken away him from the crowd aside privately He put the fingers of Him to the ears of him, and having spit He touched the tongue of him,
34 天を仰ぎて嘆じ、その人に對ひて『エパタ』と言ひ給ふ、ひらけよとの意なり。
and having looked up to heaven He sighed deeply and He says to him; Ephphatha! that is do be opened
35 かくてその耳ひらけ、舌の縺ただちに解け、正しく物いへり。
And (immediately *NK*) (were opened *N(k)O*) his ears, and was loosed the band of the tongue of him, and he was speaking plainly.
36 イエス誰にも告ぐなと人々を戒めたまふ。されど戒むるほど反つて愈々 言ひ弘めたり。
And He instructed them that to no one (they may speak; *N(k)O*) As much as however (He himself *k*) them was instructing, (they themselves *no*) more excessive were proclaiming [it].
37 また甚だしく打驚きて言ふ『かれの爲しし事は皆よし、聾者をも聞えしめ、唖者をも物いはしむ』
And above measure above measure they were astonished saying; Well all things He has done both the deaf He makes to hear and (the *NK*) mute to speak.