< マルコの福音書 3 >

1 また會堂に入り給ひしに、片手なえたる人あり。
Again he went into a synagogue where there was a man with his hand withered.
2 人々イエスを訴へんと思ひて、安息 日にかの人を醫すや否やと窺ふ。
And they kept watching Jesus to see whether he would cure him on the Sabbath; so as to have some charge to bring against him.
3 イエス手なえたる人に『中に立て』といひ、
"Stand up," Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, "and come forward."
4 また人々に言ひたまふ『安息 日に善をなすと惡をなすと、生命を救ふと殺すと、孰かよき』彼ら默然たり。
Then he asked them. "Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath Day, or to do harm? to save a life, or to destroy it?"
5 イエスその心の頑固なるを憂ひて、怒り見囘して、手なえたる人に『手を伸べよ』と言ひ給ふ。かれ手を伸べたれば癒ゆ。
They were silent. Then looking around upon them with anger, and deeply grieved by the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand!" He stretched it out, and the hand was at once completely restored.
6 パリサイ人いでて、直ちにヘロデ黨の人とともに、如何にしてイエスを亡さんと議る。
As soon as they came out, the Pharisees plotted against him with the Herodians, in order to destroy him.
7 イエスその弟子とともに海邊に退き給ひしに、ガリラヤより來れる夥多しき民衆も從ふ。又ユダヤ、
Then Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great crowd of people from Galilee followed.
8 エルサレム、イドマヤ、ヨルダンの向の地、およびツロ、シドンの邊より夥多しき民衆その爲し給へる事を聞きて、御許に來る。
From Judea, too, and Jerusalem, and Idumea, and from beyond Jordan, and from the district of Tyre and Sidon, they came to him a vast multitude, because they heard what he was doing.
9 イエス群衆のおしなやますを逃れんとて、小舟を備へ置くことを弟子に命じ給ふ。
So he directed his disciples to keep a little boat in readiness for him, because of the crowd, to prevent their crushing him.
10 これ多くの人を醫し給ひたれば、凡て病に苦しむもの、御體に觸らんとて押迫る故なり。
For he had healed so many that all the people who had ailments pressed upon him so as to touch him.
11 また穢れし靈イエスを見る毎に、御前に平伏し、叫びて『なんぢは神の子なり』と言ひたれば、
And whenever the unclean spirits beheld him, they threw themselves down at his feet, screaming out, "You are the Son of God."
12 我を顯すなとて、嚴しく戒め給ふ。
But over and over, he strictly forbade them to make him known.
13 イエス山に登り、御意に適ふ者を召し給ひしに、彼ら御許に來る。
Then he went up the hillside and called to him those whom he chose, and they came to him.
14 ここに十二 人を擧げたまふ。是かれらを御側におき、また教を宣べさせ、
Twelve of them whom he also called "Apostles," he appointed to be with him, and also that he might send them out to preach,
15 惡鬼を逐ひ出す權威を用ひさする爲に、遣さんとてなり。
and to have authority to cast out demons.
16 此の十二 人を擧げて、シモンにペテロといふ名をつけ、
There was Simon, whom he surnamed Peter,
17 ゼベダイの子ヤコブ、その兄弟ヨハネ、此の二人にボアネルゲ、即ち雷霆の子といふ名をつけ給ふ。
and James(them he surnamed Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder),
18 又アンデレ、ピリポ、バルトロマイ、マタイ、トマス、アルパヨの子ヤコブ、タダイ、熱心 黨のシモン、
and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and Jamesthe son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Zealot,
19 及びイスカリオテのユダ、このユダはイエスを賣りしなり。かくてイエス家に入り給ひしに、
and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.
20 群衆また集り來りたれば、食事する暇もなかりき。
Then he went into a house, but again such a multitude assembled that they could not get their food.
21 その親族の者これを聞き、イエスを取押へんとて出で來る、イエスを狂へりと謂ひてなり。
When his relatives heard of it, they came to take possession of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind."
22 又エルサレムより下れる學者たちも『彼はベルゼブルに憑かれたり』と言ひ、かつ『惡鬼の首によりて惡鬼を逐ひ出すなり』と言ふ。
The Scribes also who had come down from Jerusalem, said, "He is Beelzebub," and, "He casts out demons by the power of the Prince of the demons."
23 イエス彼らを呼びよせ、譬にて言ひ給ふ『サタンはいかでサタンを逐ひ出し得んや。
So when he had called them to him he spoke to them in parables. "How," said he, "can Satan cast out Satan?
24 もし國 分れ爭はば、其の國 立つこと能はず。
If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand;
25 もし家 分れ爭はば、其の家 立つこと能はざるべし。
if a household be divided against itself, that household cannot stand;
26 もしサタン己に逆ひて分れ爭はば、立つこと能はず、反つて亡び果てん。
and if Satan has revolted against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand. Nay, he meets his end!
27 誰にても先づ強き者を縛らずば、強き者の家に入りて其の家財を奪ふこと能はじ、縛りて後その家を奪ふべし。
"Indeed, no one can enter the strong man’s house and carry off his property without first binding the strong man; then he can plunder his house.
28 まことに汝らに告ぐ、人の子らの凡ての罪と、けがす瀆とは赦されん。
In solemn truth I tell you that the sons of men shall be forgiven all their sins and all the blasphemies they may utter,
29 されど聖 靈をけがす者は、永遠に赦されず、永遠の罪に定めらるべし』 (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit is never forgiven. Nay, he is in the grasp of an eternal sin." (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
30 これは彼らイエスを『穢れし靈に憑かれたり』と云へるが故なり。
Because they kept saying, "He has an unclean spirit."
31 ここにイエスの母と兄弟と來りて外に立ち、人を遣してイエスを呼ばしむ。
Then his mother and his brothers came up, and standing outside, they sent a messenger to him to call him.
32 群衆イエスを環りて坐したりしが、或 者いふ『視よ、なんぢの母と兄弟 姉妹と外にありて汝を尋ぬ』
Now a crowd was sitting round him and they told him, "See! your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, wanting to see you."
33 イエス答へて言ひ給ふ『わが母、わが兄弟とは誰ぞ』
"Who are my mother and my brothers?" he replied.
34 かくて周圍に坐する人々を見囘して言ひたまふ『視よ、これは我が母、わが兄弟なり。
Then, with a glance at those who were in the circle sitting around him, he added.
35 誰にても神の御意を行ふものは、是わが兄弟、わが姉妹、わが母なり』
"Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God, that one is my brother and sister and mother."

< マルコの福音書 3 >