< ヨブ 記 23 >

1 ヨブこたへて曰く
Job replied,
2 我は今日にても尚つぶやきて服せず わが禍災はわが嘆息よりも重し
“Just the same, my complaints today remain bitter. In spite of my groaning he is still punishing me.
3 ねがはくは神をたづねて何處にか遇まつるを知り其御座に參いたらんことを
If only I knew where I could find him so I could go to where he sits in judgment.
4 我この愁訴をその御前に陳べ口を極めて辨論はん
There I would lay out my case before him and present all my arguments in full.
5 我その我に答へたまふ言を知り また其われに言たまふ所を了らん
I would discover how he would answer me and learn what he has to say to me.
6 かれ大なる能をもて我と爭ひたまはんや 然らじ反つて我を眷みたまふべし
Would he fight against me using his mighty power? No, he would pay attention to what I have to say.
7 彼處にては正義人かれと辨爭ふことを得 斯せば我を鞫く者の手を永く免かるべし
There a good person could reason with him, and I would be acquitted forever by my judge.
8 しかるに我東に往くも彼いまさず 西に往くも亦見たてまつらず
If I go to the east, he's not there; if I go the west, I don't find him.
9 北に工作きたまへども遇まつらず 南に隱れ居たまへば望むべからず
If he's working in the north, I don't perceive him; if he's moving south, I don't see him.
10 わが平生の道は彼知たまふ 彼われを試みたまはば我は金のごとくして出きたらん
Yet he always knows where I'm going. When he has proved me, I will come out shining like gold.
11 わが足は彼の歩履に堅く隨がへり 我はかれの道を守りて離れざりき
I have kept in step with him; I have followed his way without turning aside.
12 我はかれの唇の命令に違はず 我が法よりも彼の口の言語を重ぜり
I have not neglected his commands, for I value what he has told me to do more than the food I eat every day.
13 かれは一に居る者にまします 誰か能かれをして意を變しめん 彼はその心に慾する所をかならず爲たまふ
But God is unchangeable—who can turn him from his purposes? He does whatever he wants to do.
14 然ば我に向ひて定めし事を必らず成就たまはん 是のごとき事を多く彼は爲たまふなり
So he will finish whatever he has planned for me—and he has many plans for me.
15 是故に我かれの前に慄ふ 我考ふれば彼を懼る
That's why I'm terrified at meeting him; when I think of him I tremble with fear.
16 神わが心を弱くならしめ 全能者われをして懼れしめたまふ
God has made me faint-hearted; the Almighty has scared me to death.
17 かく我は暗の來らぬ先わが面を黑暗の覆ふ前に打絶れざりき
Yet I'm still here despite the dark—even though I can't see through the utter darkness.

< ヨブ 記 23 >