< 列王記Ⅱ 19 >
1 ヒゼキヤ王これを聞てその衣を裂き麻布を身にまとひてヱホバの家に入り
And it comes to pass, at King Hezekiah’s hearing, that he tears his garments, and covers himself with sackcloth, and enters the house of YHWH,
2 宮内卿エリアキムと書記官セブナと祭司の中の長老等とに麻布を衣せてこれをアモツの子預言者イザヤに遣せり
and sends Eliakim, who [is] over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and the elderly of the priests, covering themselves with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz,
3 彼等イザヤに言けるはヒゼキヤかく言ふ今日は艱難の日懲罰の日打棄らるる日なり嬰孩すでに產門にいたりて之を產いだす力なき也
and they say to him, “Thus said Hezekiah: This day [is] a day of distress, and rebuke, and despising; for sons have come to the birth, and there is not power to bring forth.
4 ラブシヤケその主君なるアッスリヤの王に差遣れて來り活る神を謗る汝の神ヱホバあるひは彼の言を聞たまはん而して汝の神ヱホバその聞る言語を責罰たまふこともあらん然ば汝この遺る者の爲に祈祷をたてまつれと
It may be your God YHWH hears all the words of the chief of the butlers with which the king of Asshur his lord has sent him to reproach the living God, and has decided concerning the words that your God YHWH has heard, and you have lifted up prayer for the remnant that is found.”
5 ヒゼキヤ王の僕等すなはちイザヤの許にいたりければ
And the servants of King Hezekiah come to Isaiah,
6 イザヤかれらに言けるは汝等の主君にかく言べしヱホバかく言たまふアッスリヤの王の臣僕等が我を謗るところの言を汝聞て懼るるなかれ
and Isaiah says to them, “Thus you say to your lord, Thus said YHWH: Do not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Asshur have reviled Me.
7 我かれの氣をうつして風聲を聞て己の國にかへるにいたらしめん我また彼をして自己の國に於て劍に斃れしむべしと
Behold, I am giving a spirit in him, and he has heard a report, and has turned back to his land, and I have caused him to fall by the sword in his land.”
8 偖またラブシヤケは歸りゆきてアッスリヤの王がリブナに戰爭をなしをるとこるに至れり其は彼そのラキシを離れしを聞たればなり
And the chief of the butlers turns back and finds the king of Asshur fighting against Libnah, for he has heard that he has journeyed from Lachish.
9 茲にアッスリヤの王はエテオピアの王テルハカ汝に攻きたると言ふを聞てまた使者をヒゼキヤにつかはして言しむ
And he hears concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, saying, “Behold, he has come out to fight with you”; and he turns and sends messengers to Hezekiah, saying,
10 汝等ユダの王ヒゼキヤに告て言べし汝エルサレムはアッスリヤの王の手に陷らじと言て汝が賴むところの神に欺かるるなかれ
“Thus you speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Do not let your God in whom you are trusting lift you up, saying, Jerusalem is not given into the hand of the king of Asshur.
11 汝はアッスリヤの王等が萬の國々になしたるところの事を知る即ちこれを滅しつくせしなり然ば汝いかで救らんや
Behold, you have heard that which the kings of Asshur have done to all the lands—to devote them; and are you delivered?
12 吾父等はゴザン、ハラン、レゼフおよびテラサルのエデンの人々等を滅ぼせしがその國々の神これを救ひたりしや
Did the gods of the nations deliver them whom my fathers destroyed—Gozan, and Haran, and Rezeph, and the sons of Eden, who [are] in Thelassar?
13 ハマテの王アルバデの王セバルワイムの邑およびヘナとアワの王等は何處にあるや
Where [is] the king of Hamath, and the king of Arpad, and the king of the city of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah?”
14 ヒゼキヤ使者の手より書を受てこれを讀みヱホバの家にのぼりゆきてヱホバの前にこれを展開げ
And Hezekiah takes the letters out of the hand of the messengers and reads them, and goes up to the house of YHWH, and Hezekiah spreads it before YHWH.
15 而してヒゼキヤ、ヱホバの前に祈りて言けるはケルビムの間にいますイスラエルの神ヱホバよ世の國々の中において只汝のみ神にいます也汝は天地を造りたまひし者にいます
And Hezekiah prays before YHWH and says, “O YHWH, God of Israel, inhabiting the cherubim, You [are] God Himself—You alone—to all the kingdoms of the earth: You have made the heavens and the earth.
16 ヱホバよ耳を傾けて聞たまへヱホバよ目を開きて見たまへセナケリブが活る神を謗りにおくれる言語を聞たまへ
Incline, O YHWH, Your ear, and hear; open, O YHWH, Your eyes, and see; and hear the words of Sennacherib with which he has sent him to reproach the living God.
17 ヱホバよ誠にアッスリヤの王等は諸の民とその國々を滅し
Truly, O YHWH, kings of Asshur have laid waste the nations and their land,
18 又その神々を火になげいれたり其等は神にあらず人の手の作れる者にして木石たればこれを滅せしなり
and have put their gods into fire, for they [are] no gods, but work of the hands of man, wood and stone, and destroy them.
19 今われらの神ヱホバよ願くは我らをかれの手より拯ひいだしたまへ然ば世の國々皆汝ヱホバのみ神にいますことを知にいたらん
And now, O our God YHWH, please save us out of his hand, and all kingdoms of the earth know that You [are] YHWH God—You alone.”
20 茲にアモツの子イザヤ、ヒゼキヤに言つかはしけるはイスラエルの神ヱホバかく言たまふ汝がセナケリブの事につきて我に祈るところの事は我これを聽り
And Isaiah son of Amoz sends to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus said YHWH, God of Israel: That which you have prayed to Me concerning Sennacherib king of Asshur I have heard;
21 ヱホバが彼の事につきて言ふところの言語は是のごとし云く處女なる女子シオンは汝を藐視じ汝を嘲る女子エルサレムは汝にむかひて頭を搖る
this [is] the word that YHWH spoke concerning him: Trampled on you—laughed at you Has the virgin daughter of Zion; Shaken the head behind you Has the daughter of Jerusalem!
22 汝誰を謗りかつ罵詈しや汝誰にむかひて聲をあげしや汝はイスラエルの聖者にむかひて汝の目を高く擧たるなり
Whom have you reproached and reviled? And against whom lifted up a voice? Indeed, you lift up your eyes on high—Against the Holy One of Israel!
23 汝使者をもて主を謗て言ふ我夥多き兵車をひきゐて山々の嶺にのぼりレバノンの奧にいたり長高き香柏と美しき松樹を斫たふす我その境の休息所にいたりその園の林にいたる
By the hand of your messengers You have reproached the Lord, and say, In the multitude of my chariots I have come up to a high place of mountains—The sides of Lebanon, And I cut down the height of its cedars, The choice of its firs, And I enter the lodging of its extremity, The forest of its Carmel.
24 我は外國の地をほりて水を飮む我は足の跖をもてエジプトの河々をことごとくふみ涸すなり
I have dug, and drunk strange waters, And I dry up with the sole of my steps All floods of a bulwark.
25 汝聞ずや昔われ之を作し古時よりわれ之を定めたり今われ之をおこなふ即ち堅き邑々は汝のために坵墟となるなり
Have you not heard from afar [that] I made it, From days of old that I formed it? Now I have brought it in, And it becomes a desolation, Ruinous heaps [are] fortified cities,
26 是をもてそれらの中にすむ民は力弱かり懼れかつ驚くなり彼等は野の草のごとく靑菜のごとく屋蓋の草のごとく枯る苗のごとし
And their inhabitants [are] feeble-handed, They were broken down, and are dried up, They have been the herb of the field, And the greenness of the tender grass, Grass of the roofs, And blasted grain—before it has risen up!
27 汝の止ると汝の出ると汝の入と汝の我にむかひて怒くるふとは我の知ところなり
And your sitting down, and your going out, And your coming in, I have known, And your anger toward Me;
28 汝の怒くるふ事と汝の傲慢ところの事上りてわが耳にいりたれば我圏を汝の鼻につけ轡を汝の唇にほどこして汝を元來し道へひきかへすべし
Because of your anger toward Me, And your noise—it came up into My ears, I have put My hook in your nose, And My bridle in your lips, And have caused you to turn back In the way in which you came.
29 是は汝にあたふる徴なり即ち一年は穭を食ひ第二年には又その穭を食ふあらん第三年には汝ら稼ことをし穡ことをし又葡萄園をつくりてその果を食ふべし
And this [is] the sign to you, Food of the year [is] the spontaneous growth, And in the second year the self-produced, And in the third year you sow, and reap, And plant vineyards, and eat their fruits.
30 ユダの家の逃れて遺れる者は復根を下に張り實を上に結ばん
And it has continued—The escaped of the house of Judah That has been left—to take root beneath, And has made fruit upward.
31 即ち殘餘者エルサレムより出で逃避たる者シオン山より出きたらんヱホバの熱心これを爲べし
For a remnant goes out from Jerusalem, And an escape from Mount Zion; The zeal of YHWH [of Hosts] does this.
32 故にヱホバ、アッスリヤの王の事をかく言たまふ彼は此邑に入じ亦これに矢を發つことあらず楯を之にむかひて竪ることあらず亦壘をきづきてこれを攻ることあらじ
Therefore, thus said YHWH, Concerning the king of Asshur: He does not come into this city, Nor does he shoot an arrow there, Nor does he come before it with shield, Nor does he pour out a mound against it.
33 彼はその來し路より歸らん此邑にいることあらじヱホバこれを言ふ
In the way that he comes in—In it he turns back, And to this city he does not come in, A declaration of YHWH—
34 我わが身のため又わが僕ダビデのためにこの邑を守りてこれを救ふべし
And I have covered over this city, To save it for My own sake, And for the sake of My servant David.”
35 その夜ヱホバの使者いでてアッスリヤ人の陣營の者十八萬五千人を撃ころせり朝早く起いでて見るに皆死て屍となりをる
And it comes to pass, in that night, that a messenger of YHWH goes out, and strikes one hundred eighty-five thousand in the camp of Asshur, and they rise early in the morning, and behold, all of them [are] dead corpses.
36 アッスリヤの王セナケリブすなはち起いで歸りゆきてニネベに居しが
And Sennacherib king of Asshur journeys, and goes, and turns back, and dwells in Nineveh;
37 その神ニスロクの家にありて禮拝をなしをる時にその子アデランメレクとシヤレゼル劍をもてこれを殺せり而して彼等はアララテの池に逃ゆけり是においてその子エサルハドンこれに代りて王となれり
and it comes to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of his god Nisroch, and [his sons] Adramelech and Sharezar have struck him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and his son Esar-Haddon reigns in his stead.