< 歴代誌Ⅱ 19 >
1 ユダの王ヨシヤパテは恙なくヱルサレムに歸りてその家に至れり
And Jehoshaphat king of Judah turns back to his house in peace, to Jerusalem,
2 時に先見者ハナニの子ヱヒウ、ヨシヤパテ王を出むかへて之に言けるは汝惡き者を助けヱホバを惡む者を愛して可らんや之がためにヱホバの前より震怒なんぢの上に臨む
and Jehu son of Hanani the seer goes out to his presence and says to King Jehoshaphat, “Do you love to give help to the wicked and to those hating YHWH? And for this, wrath [is] against you from before YHWH,
3 然ながら善事もまた汝の身に見ゆ即ち汝はアシラ像を國中より除きかつ心を傾けて神を求むるなりと
but good things have been found with you, for you have put away the Asheroth out of the land, and have prepared your heart to seek God.”
4 ヨシヤパテはヱルサレムに住をりしが復出てベエルシバよりエフライムの山地まで民の間を行めぐりその先祖の神ヱホバにこれを導き歸せり
And Jehoshaphat dwells in Jerusalem, and he turns back and goes out among the people from Beer-Sheba to the hill-country of Ephraim, and brings them back to YHWH, God of their fathers.
5 彼またユダの一切の堅固なる邑に裁判人を立つ國中の邑々みな然り
And he establishes judges in the land, in all the fortified cities of Judah, for every city,
6 而して裁判人に言けるは汝等その爲ところを愼め汝らは人のために裁判するに非ずヱホバのために裁判するなり裁判する時にはヱホバ汝らと偕にいます
and says to the ones judging, “See what you are doing—for you do not judge for man, but for YHWH, who [is] with you in the matter of judgment;
7 然ば汝らヱホバを畏れ愼みて事をなせ我らの神ヱホバは惡き事なく人を偏視ことなく賄賂を取こと無ればなり
and now, let fear of YHWH be on you, observe and do, for there is not perverseness with our God YHWH, and favoring by appearance, and taking of a bribe.”
8 ヨシヤパテまたレビ人祭司およびイスラエルの族長を選びてヱルサレムに置きヱホバの事および訴訟を審判しむ彼らはヱルサレムにかへれり
And also in Jerusalem, Jehoshaphat has appointed of the Levites, and of the priests, and of the heads of the fathers of Israel, for the judgment of YHWH, and for strife; and they return to Jerusalem,
9 ヨシヤパテこれに命じて云く汝らヱホバを畏れ眞實と誠心をもて斯おこなふべし
and he lays a charge on them, saying, “Thus do you do in the fear of YHWH, in faithfulness, and with a perfect heart,
10 凡てその邑々に住む汝らの兄弟血を相流せる事または律法と誡命法度と條例などの事につきて汝らに訴へ出ること有ばこれを諭してヱホバに罪を犯さざらしめよ恐らくは震怒なんぢと汝らの兄弟にのぞまん汝ら斯おこなはば愆なかるべし
and any strife that comes to you of your brothers who are dwelling in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and command, statutes, and judgments, then you have warned them and they do not become guilty before YHWH, and wrath has not been on you and on your brothers; thus do you do, and you are not guilty.
11 視よ祭司の長アマリヤ汝らの上にありてヱホバの事を凡て司どりユダの家の宰イシマエルの子ゼバデヤ王の事を凡て司どる亦レビ人汝らの前にありて官吏とならん汝ら心を強くして事をなせヱホバ善人を祐けたまふべし
And behold, Amariah the head priest [is] over you for every matter of YHWH, and Zebadiah son of Ishmael, the leader of the house of Judah, [is] for every matter of the king, and the Levites [are] officers before you; be strong and do, and YHWH is with the good.”