< Uluka 18 >

1 Ma buki we tize ta nyimo, abanga a birangara ko uya uganiya. Katti wa kuri inna dumo.
He was speaking then (and *ko*) a parable to them about it needing always to pray (they *no*) and not to lose heart
2 Innu gusa, “Anyumo nire nipin ure unu urusa tize ma zo meni biyau ba Aere ba dāā ma hiri anu in tice ani ce ba.
saying; A judge certain there was in a certain city God not fearing and man not respecting.
3 Ure ukoro ma rani a nyimo ani pin ma ziki innu eze ahira a meme, unnu gusa, “Ben kim in kem in suri a tari ti nu ukara um.
A widow then there was in the city that and she was coming to him saying; do avenge me of the adversary of mine.
4 A tiye joko ma zunusu ma benki meba, kamarka tiye cin magu nice nimeme, inda zom biyau ba Asere ba nannu hira anabu gu imum ba.
And not (he was desiring [to do] *N(k)O*) for a time. afterward however he said within himself; If even God not I fear (nor *N(k)O*) man respect,
5 Barki ukoro ugeme ma hum nipum.
because yet it occasioning me trouble widow this I will avenge her, so that not to end coming she may exhaust me.
6 Asere magu, “kunna imum ige sa unu rusa itize ma buki.
Said then the Lord; do hear what the judge unrighteous says;
7 A ana Asere mada ayen kadundere a hira anu zonka sa wa zin na so innu wui nan niye ba?
And God certainly not (may do *N(k)O*) the avenging of the elect of Him the [ones] crying out (to *k*) (to Him *N(k)O*) day and night, and (be patient *N(k)O*) in regard to them?
8 Ma buka shi agi madi e in kadundere debe. anime ani, inka vana Asere ma aye, madi kem u inko iriba a ma nyanga?
I say to you that He will carry out the avenging of them with speed. Nevertheless the Son of Man having come surely not will He find faith on the earth?
9 Monno ma kuri mabuki tize tanyimo a ayesa wa inki iriban agi wa zi lau wa izi aye.
He spoke now also to some having trusted in themselves that they are righteous and (despising *NK(o)*) the others parable this.
10 Anu are wa ha udenge ASere abiringara, anu bezi urusa nan nu kabsa ukirfi.
Men two went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
11 Unu bezi ursa ma tonno in biringara anice nimeme, akari, anu imum ibur, anu tozoin na ney nani gu unu imum ibur, anutozo in na ney nani gu unu ukabsa ikirfi igeme.
The Pharisee having stood toward himself these things was praying; O God, I thank You that not I am (like *NK(o)*) the rest of the men — swindlers, unrighteous, adulterers — or even like this tax collector.
12 In kee in gam ure imum are kare ka tiya tiye sunare, in nyiza udukym anyimo ukirau vatimum sa ma kem.
I fast twice in the week, I tithe all things as much as I gain.
13 Senke unu kabsa ikirfi me, maa turi put, ma yeze aje a sere senke ma vavi nihenu ni meme, unnu gusa, Asere kunna ugogoni um una maa dini”.
(and *ko*) (but *no*) the tax collector afar off having stood not was willing not even the eyes to lift up to heaven but was striking (into *k*) the breast (of him *NK(o)*) saying: O God, do be merciful to me to the sinner!
14 Ma gu imme, unun ugeme makuri a kura ameme lau, ma teki uroni me, barki vat unu uge sa ma yeze nice nimeme adi yeze me.
I say to you; went down this one justified to the house of him (rather than *k*) (compared with *n(o)*) (that [one]. *N(k)O*) For everyone who is exalting himself will be humbled, the [one] however humbling himself will be exalted.
15 Anu me wa kuri wa e inna hana cincin, barki wa dari we, senke anu tarsa wa iri waa gwarika me.
They were bringing then to Him also the infants that them He may touch; having seen however the disciples (were rebuking *N(k)O*) them.
16 Senke Yeso ma titi me, innu guna, cekini mu hana mu cincin wa e a hira am, kati ikarti weba akura Asere awe ani.
But Jesus (called *N(k)O*) them (speaking; *N(k)O*) do permit the little children to come to Me and not do forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.
17 Kadundere ma bukashi, unu yesa ma nyari me ukaba a kura Asere gu vana cingilin, madaa ribe a nyimo ba.
Amen I say to you; who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) not shall receive the kingdom of God as a child, certainly not shall enter into it.
18 Ure unu ugomo ma iki me, u nyettike, indi wu aneni in kem urai wa Asere? (aiōnios g166)
And asked a certain Him ruler saying; Teacher good, what having done life eternal will I inherit? (aiōnios g166)
19 Yeso magu imme, nyani utisam unu uriri? unu uriri mazoni senke Asere cas.
Said then to him Jesus; Why Me you call good? No [one is] good only except one God.
20 Urusa udungurka me, kati utoti unni ney u uye ba, kati u huu uye, kati uwuzi nikari, kati u wu moco, wuza aka coo uwe me imum iriri.
The commandments You know: Not shall you commit adultery, not shall you murder, not shall you steal, not shall you bear false witness, do honor the father of you and the mother (of you. *k*)
21 Ugomo ma gu, “Vat timumum me ma wuzi dati innu ti nyani tum.
And he said; These all (I kept *N(k)O*) from [the] youth (of mine. *ko*)
22 Sa Yeso maa kunna magu imme, imum ineisa wa dira. udi zizi vat imum sa uzin u nya anu dira, u kabi ya zesere, u e u tarsim.
Having heard then (these things *k*) Jesus said to him; Yet one thing to you is lacking: All as much as you have do sell and do distribute to [the] poor, and you will have treasure in (the *no*) (heavens; *N(k)O*) and come, do follow Me.
23 Senke sa ugomo ma kunna timumun me, ma kunna iriba kang, barki ikirfi imeme.
And having heard these things very sorrowful (he became; *N(k)O*) he was for rich extremely.
24 unnu ira umeme maa kunna iriba, magu, a ikunna. Unnu ikirfi maribe akura Asere.
Having seen then him Jesus sorrowful became saying; How difficult [for] those riches having [when] into the kingdom of God (they enter. *N(k)O*)
25 me inna banga ba U Pakumi uribe anyimo anije ni alira, unnu guna una kirfi ma ribe Akura Asere.
Easier for it is a camel through (an eye of a needle *N(k)O*) to go than a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter.
26 kunna wagu, “Ani aveni madi suburka?”
Said then those having heard; Then who is able to be saved?
27 makabirka, imum sa idaa hem anu ba idi hem a hira Asere.
But He said; The [things] impossible with men possible with God are.
28 magu, “Ba, ta ceki tirunga tiru vat ti tarsa we?”
Said then Peter; Behold we ourselves (having abandoned *N(k)O*) (*no*) ([our] own [things] *N(k)O*) (and *k*) followed You.
29 magu in weh, kadundere maguna si, daki uye sa ma ceki akura ameme, uney, a henu nan aka coo, nan na hana, barki akuru Asere,
And He said to them; Amen I say to you that no [one] there is who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God,
30 madaa kaba ige sa iteki uneh nannu uney u eze, urai wa Asere. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
who (certainly *N(k)O*) nothing (may receive back *NK(o)*) manifold more in time this — and in the age which is coming life eternal. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 ma ori anu tarsa a hira ameme, magu in we ira, ti haza urshalima, vat unyettike wa na kadura me abanga vana unubu idi Ngwinca.
Having taken aside then the Twelve He said to them; Behold we go up to (Jerusalem, *N(k)O*) and will be accomplished all things which written through the prophets about the Son of Man;
32 nya me atari alumai, Wadi Wuzi me nieru, wa nya me mu ih wa wu me tobi.
He will be betrayed for to the Gentiles and will be mocked and will be insulted and will be spit upon,
33 wa maari utira ume, we hu me, rono utaru ma hiri.
And having flogged [Him] they will kill Him, and on the day third He will rise again.
34 rusi timumum ba, a hunze Wen, daa wa rusi ba imum sa abuki ba.
And they themselves no [thing] of these things understood, and was declaration this hidden from them, and neither they were knowing the [things] being spoken.
35 Yeso ma eh mamu nan uyeriko, ure urubo ma ciki upuru una unnu nyara.
It came to pass then in the drawing near by Him to Jericho a blind [man] certain was sitting beside the road (begging. *N(k)O*)
36 ma kunna nigoh nanu wa aaki, ma iki,
Having heard now a crowd passing along he was asking what (maybe *o*) would be this.
37 izi?” Wa gu imme, Yeso u Nazeret ma aka.
They told then to him that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.
38 Me ma Yeze nigwiran, magu, “Yeso, vana u Dauda, kuma ngogoni um”.
And he called out saying; Jesus Son of David, do have mercy on me.
39 Sa wa haaki aje wa gwangirka urobo me, wa gu 'imme ma ingara tik. Senke ma ru aje innu hunu kang, Vana U Dauda! Kunna ugogoni um”.
And those going before were rebuking him that (he may be silent. *N(k)O*) He himself however much more was crying out; Son of David, do have mercy on me.
40 Yesu ma tonno dang ma dungurka a eh innu nu me a hira a meme.
Having stopped then Jesus commanded him to be brought to Him. When was approaching then he He asked him;
41 U nyara u wu we?” Magu, “Una kura, in nyara in hiri a hira?”
(saying *ko*) What to you desire you I may do? And he said; Lord, that I may receive sight.
42 Ma gu imme, kaba uhira, u inko iriba uwe me wa nya we ni huma.
And Jesus said to him; do receive sight: The faith of you has healed you.
43 Me maa huma, matarsi me, unnu nonzo Asere. Anu vat sa wa iri, wa nonzo Asere.
And immediately he received sight and was following Him glorifying God. And all the people having seen [it] gave praise to God.

< Uluka 18 >